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During WWII, over 3,000 soldiers called
Terrace Home.
Terrace had a civilian population of only 300 at the time.
Feb 26, 1942 the site of Terrace for this camp was chosen.

Prince Edward Island Highlanders occupied this Tent City
in what is now Riverside Park area, near the Curling Rink
East End of Terrace, which can be seen in map below
Photo courtesy McRae Collection, Terrace

1942 part of a Dept of
Defence Map of the Military Camp in Terrace, ca 1942-43
Map sent to me from a fellow doing an environment study in the
for a new development, looking for buried gas and oil tanks.
I the original came direct from Ottawa.
I see online, after adding this copy, the Heritage Museum has the identical
so you can view it there as well.
I have marked a few of the items on the map
No 1, Armoured Train, WWII
D- Drill Hall during WWII, used by BC Tel, see
BC Tel
Northern District History
H- Terraceview Lodge, 300 bed Hospital
during the war
W- 70,000 gal Water Tower, fed by an
Underground Waterline
Running diagonally thru DL837,
wonder if it has ever been dug up, or ever found by accident?
Or one day a big sink hole?
Not marked with a letter, but clearly shown on the map above
between the letters A and D
The Mountain Warfare School, established in 1943.
School was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel William (Bill) Hendrie of
Hamilton ON
Located between Park and Lazelle Ave
and Kalum St and Emerson St.
Map shows from the CNR station the "big" communication connection
1 telephone line and 2 telegraph lines.

Map above,
which I have broken up into sections below

Area A- Legion, Curling
Rink, River Park Area today

Area B- Marsh Cres., Became
"The Motel", now Kermodei Park

Area C- Little Ave, below
Hodson Ave (today Birch Ave. Hill)
Area D- see below
Area E- see below

Area F- became what is
today Twin River Estates, Senior Housing Area

Area G- Powerhouse, Gas Service Station, Coal Bunkers, Supply Depot

Area H- located south of Keith Rd (now Keith Ave), in Hall St. area
The Prince Albert Volunteers (PAV) Camp

Area K- Terraceview Lodge
today, 300 bed Hospital area

Can't read the area letter up on the
Birch Hill Bench area, D or E?
It was the Les Fusiliers du
St. Laurent Camp area
Buildings were constructed by the
Carter Halls Construction
which was the Carter-Halls-Aldinger Construction Company in 1907,
which built most of the Railway Stations, and Railroad buildings
for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad.
Company was based in Winnipeg MB
Albert Henry Aldinger died in 1942, so name was changed
Company became Commonwealth
Construction Company in 1944
Taken over by English Construction firms in 1955
W. H. Carter
William Henry Carter
b- Jan 21, 1874 Bismarck, IL
d- Dec 1, 1962 in Winnipeg MB
son of Ninion R. Carter and Elizabeth J. Carter
F. E. Halls
Frank Ernest Halls
b- Apr 20, 1872
d- Feb 27, 1950 Winnipeg MB
son of James Halls and Mary Ann Andrew

Map above from Department
of National Defence
Engineer Services Branch
Plan of Terrace Military Camp, Terrace BC
Drawn by SPR. S. B. Barclay,
21st Field Company, R.C.E.
(R.C.E.=The Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers)
(SPR= Sapper)
Topography by SPR. J. C. Mahon,
5th Field Company, R.C.E
Compiled by Ross A. Lort, M.R.A.I.C.
Map was started Dec 1942, completed to Nov 1943.
Anthony Lort
b- Oct 4, 1889, in Birmingham, England
d- May 16, 1968 in Vancouver
Member of the
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, (M.R.A.I.C.)
son of John Lort and Florence Plant
When I was a Boy Scout in Estevan Sask, we bought 2 of the Army
We used them for weekend camping trips.
They were huge, and heavy canvas tents.
a lot of kids slept in each one.

Mutiny in Terrace
15th Canadian Infantry Brigade of the Pacific Command.
History Books record it as Canada's largest Military Mutiny
The mutiny began on November 24, 1944,
and ended on November 29, 1944,
The mutiny was triggered by the rumour
that soldiers based on the Home Defence Front,
would be deployed overseas.
Mostly French Canadian members of the Fusiliers du St
who were part of the 15th Brigade, located on the Birch Ave Bench,
resolved to resist any efforts to conscript and deploy them
These men, joined with other troops, seized weapons,
and paraded on Nov 25, through town, protesting the whole way.
Up to 1500 men, from the 3 Infantry Regiments were involved.
Approx 1/3 of the soldiers were from
rest were from the Prairies.
Major J. S. Wright tried his best to discuss the problems
and sort out the troubles of the men, as most of the other
senior officers were in Vancouver discussing Conscription problems.
The Officers led by Major General George Randolph Pearkes,
GOC Pacific Command,
managed to gain control of the troops.
Sad part of the story, some of the locals had sons and
already serving overseas, and they looked at these men
as almost traitors to their country.
The public were split on the conscription issue.

Zombies marching in Terrace during the Mutiny
Photo courtesy McRae Collection, Terrace
Due to press censorship rules during WWII, this Mutiny,
and others in all departments of the military,
were not disclosed or written about.
I know there was a mutiny on board a ship
my father-in-law was on, but that was never written about.
It was bad for the morale of other troops.
Dec 21, 1918, there was a mutiny of French Canadian soldiers
in Victoria BC, so this was not the first either.
Secret War Diaries were found that described the Mutiny in
Units stationed in
1st Battalion, Fusiliers du St Laurent,
Prince Edward Island Highlanders
Prince Albert Volunteers
No 19 Canadian Field Ambulance RCAMC
Section 7 of the King's Regulation
was read to every Zombie "Home Defence Men"
emphasizing the penalty of Life Imprisonment
for soldiers convicted of inciting to Mutiny or Rioting.
In Mackenzie King's diary he stated senior officers lied to
and told him conscripts in BC would have no problem
going to war in Europe. Obviously these officers
didn't get the whole feeling of the soldiers.
Mackenzie King was quoted in the papers
"It was Not a Mutiny in Terrace".
He was trying to squash what could have been
the start of a civil war in Quebec.
in Kitsumgallum, "Terrace Pioneer" Cemetery

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
I do not charge for access to my pages,
I do not have any Ads on my pages.
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That is the honest and proper way to do it!
Note-Not my sites
Terrace Library History sites, excellent
pictures etc.
Article on Mutiny