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Michaud Brothers
Settlers in the Terrace area. ca 1904
Not only famous for Strawberry culture here,
as well as prospecting and mine operators,
Frank and Albert Michaud were famous in their
birth country, in the USA.
They took out the first claim on the "Jewel
Cave", in SD, USA
now a US National Monument in the Black Hills.
Filed the "Jewel Tunnel Lode" claim in Custer SD, Oct 31, 1900
Sold their claim to the Parks Service ca 1908 for about $750.00
per one of Frank Michaud's Granddaughters,
they didn't sell the cave, it was taken from them by the US
The US govt. took it from Frank's widow, after Frank's death.
President Theodore Roosevelt declared it a National Monument in 1908
(sounds like a long and interesting story on that one.)
Edward & Alfred
left the US together
and arrived in the now Terrace Area circa 1904.
Grandparents- Joseph Michaud
and Marie Louise Roy nee Desjardins
Father- Félix Michaud,
b- Mar 6, 1835 at l'Isle Verte,
Kamouraski, Quebec
d- 1906 in Terrace BC
Mother- Margaret Jane Blundell
b- 1840 in Platteville, Wisconsin.
d- 1873 in Ft. Collins, Larimer Co, Colorado
daughter of James Blundell, and Mary Laura Gillham
They had 4 sons and a daughter:
son- Edward Felix Michaud
b- Feb 5, 1864, Arapaho
County, Colorado Territory, on the Platte River,
where Brighton, Co, Colorado is now located.
d- June 21, 1928 in Usk, BC
Edward shows in 1911 census in Lakelse
shown as a farmer, immigrating in 1904, naturalized in 1908
daughter- Annie Laurie "Anna" Michaud
b- Mar 7, 1866,
Arapaho County, Colorado Territory, on the Platte River,
where Brighton, Co, Colorado is now located.
(Denver in
2nd marriage cert)
d- Oct 22, 1935, in Vancouver BC, age 69
married first time (to Wilson, see below)
married 2nd time
to a Richard Firestone,
b- Apr 1866, in Indiana
d- aft 1900
They had a daughter-
Edna Firestone
Edna did take the name of her step father, Firestone.
b- July 1883 in Colorado
all living in Flathead, Libby, Montana in 1900
Anna married 2nd time, (3rd, see below) shown as a widow
Thomas John Kirkpatrick, Dec 1, 1914, at Crescent Ranch, Lakelse
Lake BC
He was a Carpenter, age 43 when he married
b- Wellington Co. ON
son of William Kirkpatrick and Mary Shields
here is corrected info from Frank's
granddaughter- re: Annie
About Annie. She was ,of course, Felix and Jane's daughter. We
know of her 1 st marriage , when she was very young. She ended up
marrying two times more after the first one( named Wilson) the
father of Edna Elizabeth, the second was Firestone ---not sure where
they were married & we need this information. We know she
married Fitzpatrick in Terrace, her third marriage.
son- Francis "Frank" William Michaud
some sources show Wesley, this is wrong.
b- Aug 9, 1868,
Arapaho County, Colorado Territory, on the Platte River,
where Brighton, Co, Colorado is now located.
d- Feb 16, 1927 at his brother
Alfred's farm in Lakelse Valley, at Terrace BC, age 57
Frank's funeral was held in the Lakelse Valley School House
service by W. A. Robinson
buried in Kallum Cemetery
His home was Custer, SD---not Prerigate, (as listed in his
brothers and sister lived in Terrace when he died.
Married Mammie "Mamie" Michaud, nee Riley, Feb 12, 1905 in
b- Iowa
3 sons and 2 daughters all born in SD
more info from one of Frank's Grandaughters-
I also need to clarify that he was not a farmer at Terrace
---he went there as a very sick brother and lived only a short time
---thus being buried there, as are Edward, Alfred & Annie---not
son- James "Alfred" "Fred" Michaud
b- Oct 30, 1870, (Smith Settlement for baptism), Ft. Collins, Larimer Co, Colorado
d- Nov 11, 1945 in Terrace BC, age 74
Alfred shows in 1911 census in Lakelse
shown as a farmer, immigrating in 1904, naturalized in 1908
son- Albert Lerock "Bert" Michaud
b- Feb 1873, Ft. Collins, Larimer Co, Colorado
(b- Fort Colburn Colorado in one source?)
d- Friday Nov 17, 1933 in Terrace BC, age 60 (59?)
he came to BC in 1911
Nov 29, 1933 they were still searching the Copper river for his body
He fell off of a raft he was using to cross the river in high water.
He was trying to resupply his trap line cabins for the winter
with a friend, Bill Elders, who survived.
Fred Michaud and Joe Felber, searched for his body.
He came to the district in 1911 from Custer, SD.
He followed his brothers, who came in before that time.
Bert was shown to be a keen prospector and trapper.
Nov 1923
Fred and Bert left Lakelse area, trapping.
Their trap line was on the North fork of the Copper river
They had recently brought in samples of gold ore
from their St. Paul Group of Mineral Claims
on Thornhill Mountain
It came from a 18" to 2ft in width, ledge
and assays on sample give $502 or 25.20 oz/ton
May 1925
Michaud Bros were selling currant bushes
from their Crescent Hill Ranch, Terrace BC
(Crescent View Ranch in another article)
July 1925
Michaud Experimental farm
had Fruit, Trees, Flowers, etc.
see 1926 ad below July 1925
Fred Michaud with G. A. Clothier,
resident mining Engineer,
left on July 2nd to check out the
"St. Paul" Group Claim on Thornhill Mountain
Oct 1926
Michaud brothers were developing a nursery 3 miles south of Terrace
They had small fruits, Ornamental trees, and Shrubs,
and rose bushes.
the Skeena Wonder Strawberry was the big hit.
Hardy plant and heavy producer,
great flavour, colour and size.
It was a little later producer.
Jan 1927
They developed and introduced the "Banana
It was a white spud in the shape of a banana
they were gaining prominence in Nursery circles.
they had already introduced
the "Skeena Wonder
Strawberry" before this.
Michaud Brothers owned the Climax and St. Paul Mining Claims
Climax was a Molybdenum mine. May
H. F. S. Woolverton representing the
General Exploration Co. of Vancouver,
had taken an option on the
Michaud Bros. properties on Thornhill Mountain.
the property had gold, silver, tungsten, and copper.
Aug 1931
Fred Michaud was at
Forestry Lookout on Thornhill Mountain
Mining reports show F. and H. Michaud
and J. A. Michaud
Michaud Creek is named after these brothers
it flows down the hill into the area of their homestead
near present day Timberland Trailer Park
1926 Nursery Ad
list of Nursery stock advertized for sale
Black Currant, 4 yr old- 10 cents ea
Red Currants, 4 yr old- 10 cents ea
White Currants, 4 yr old- 10 cents ea
Thornless Blackberry, 1 yr old- 10 cents ea
Gooseberry, 2 year old, 20 cents ea
Skeena Wonder Strawberry Plants- 4 cents ea
Lilacs, 1,2,3 and 4 yr old from 25 cents to $1.00 ea
Siberian Pea Tree, 1, 2, 3, and 4 year old- 25 cents to $1.00
Bush Honey-Suckle, 4 yr old- $1.00
Virginia Creeper, 1 year old- 25 cents
Perennial and Biennial Flowering Plants,
Prices on application
Rose Bushes and Ramblers (Hardy) 1 and 2 yr old, 50 cents to $1.00
Correspondence solicited
This stock is all grown on our own grounds 3 miles south of Terrace
It pays to plant northern grown stock that is already acclimated.
Our prices are CASH, F.O.B. Terrace BC
signed- Michaud Bros.
Terrace. B.C. Supposedly there is
some of these strawberries
in the Heritage Park Museum Heritage garden.
wished I could buy at this price today!

Skeena Wonder Strawberry ad ca 1921
The brothers are all buried at the
Kitsumgallum Cemetery
off of Kalum Lake Dr (the Nishga Highway now)
at the edge of the bench.

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
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