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Prince Rupert BC
Dodge Island
aka- Hospital Island

Federal Government built a 3 story
Quarantine Hospital
on this Island in 1912
Expecting Sick Sailors, or any Sick Immigrants that entered Prince Rupert.
Aug 1909 a Dr. Montizambert, and Dr.
A. T. Watt, went to Rupert
to pick the location a new Marine Quarantine Station.
They returned to William Head Quarantine Station.
They had a Government grant of $35,000.00
They were initially looking at a 100 bed hospital.
Dr. Tremayne was it's one and only
I believe it actually only housed one patient.
Per history link below, I was right.
Located on an Island between Prince
Rupert and Digby Island
Dodge Cove separates the Island, from
Digby Island.
There is a small Community living there. See history site below.
Dodge Cove Named after:
George Blanchard Dodge, DLS
Department of Marine and Fisheries,
Dominion Government Land / Hydrographic Surveyor,
and Civil Engineer.
George Blanchard Dodge
b- Aug 18, 1873 in Halifax, Halifax, NS
d- Oct 4,1945 in Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa ON
Dodge Cove and Dodge Island named after him.
He worked for the British Hydrographic Survey in Newfoundland
for many years before transferring to the Canadian Hydrographic
He worked for them for 5 years,
then joined the Topography survey, Division of Dept of the Interior,
In 1908 appointed chief of the Special Survey Division of this Dept.
Retired in 1936.
During the war he worked for Ontario Hughes Owen Co.
George married Grace Semple
George was the
son of Dr. Stephen Dodge, Physician,
and Florence Dodge, who were married Sept 15, 1864
1906 Prince Rupert Townsite / Harbour was surveyed by George Dodge
Dr. Henry Ernest Tremayne
b- Sept 6, 1873 in Wilton, ON (alt Sept 15, 1874?)
d- July 3, 1942, Kelowna BC, age 68
Buried in Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery
First Doctor in Prince Rupert
attended Upper Canada College
University of Toronto, 1895
Family came to Metlakatla BC from ON in
and into Prince Rupert in 1906.
appointed Medical Officer of Quarantine at Prince Rupert
Served in the Canadian Army
Jan 1924 he was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Prince Rupert
Oct 1924 he was visiting R. L. McIntosh, at the "Crossways"
he is shown with wife and 2 daughters.
1927 travelled with a regiment of soldiers to Terrace,
he was shown as one of the officers, as Major H. E. Tremayne,
Medical Officer.
Apr 9, 1928?, 1934?, appointed to the William Head Quarantine
wife- Ann (Annie) "Evelyn" Tremayne, nee Fletcher
b- Aug 1, 1877, in Frey? ON
d- Apr 11, 1950 in Vancouver BC
Buried in Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery
First "White" woman to step foot in Prince Rupert
daughter of Robert E. Fletcher, b- ca
1850, Ireland, d- 1911
and Jane Ronald, b- ca 1850, Scotland, d- 1932
daughter- Dorothy Emily Tremayne
b- Mar 24, 1904 in Toronto Junction, ON
d- July 20, 1989 in Vancouver BC
married William Henry Hamilton
daughter- Ethel Marion "Roberta" Tremayne
b- Jan 24, 1906 in Metlakatla, BC
graduate nurse
married Richard A. Stiefel
son- Trevor Tremayne
b- Jan 1911 in BC
1911 family living on Center St, Prince Rupert
daughter- Francis I. "Frankie" Tremayne
b- Feb 3, 1913 in Prince Rupert
d- Jan 7, 2009
married a Goepel?
daughter- Audrey J. R. "Audie" Tremayne
b- Apr 14, 1916
d- Sept 28, 2000
brother- Rev. Herbert Ogilvie Tremayne
b- May 9, 1864
d- Nov 23, 1934
Buried in Christ Church Mimico Cemetery, Etobicoke, ON
attended University of Trinity College in
Toronto, B.A. 1886, M.A. 1888
Rev. C of E, in Islington ON, ca 1893
He came to Christ Church in York, in 1907
brother's wife- Helen Alexander Webster,
b- May 17, 1862 Yarmouth, NS
d, Aug 13 1942
brother's daughter- Helen Isabel Tremayne
b- Mar 13, 1893
d- Dec 29, 1971
Herbert shown as a Clergyman in York ON in 1901
with his brother Henry living with him, single
Father- Rev. Canon Francis Tremayne, M.A.
b- 1829 in Sandwich, Kent, England
d- 1919, in Mimico, ON, age 90
Buried in Christ Church Mimico Cemetery,
Etobicoke, ON
Attended University of Trinity College in toronto in 1852
became Rector of Christ Church, York in
Mother- Emily Jane Kelly Geddes
b- Sept 10, 1836
d- Mar 24, 1896
Tremayne Bay, south end of Digby Island named after this man

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History of this whole
area, explained better than I can
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I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
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