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Sealy BC
Sealeyville BC
Sealey BC

Sealey BC Postcard
Postcard sent to me by Darren Rieberger, Brentwood Bay, BC,
Feb 26, 2016.
This is an early view of Sealey showing the business
buildings being constructed.
Oldest building on right, has 2 signs showing,
Upper sign- "? House", under that "Beds"
Lower sign says "Skeena Restaurant"
On the back in Pencil, "May have been taken by surveyor (Illegible
name) Price".
Possibly "Harold Price" who was in this area, May 27, 1912
2 fellows standing in the restaurant door,
watching the fellow next door,
put his false front on his new business building.
Having trouble researching names from this postcard, as it is that
1910 shown as
New River Town of Sealey Located
between Carnaby and New Hazelton BC
2-3 miles from Hazelton, (most sources say 3 miles).
W. J. Sanders of Victoria BC, owned lots 851 and
852. June 1911
they had 12 Business Buildings here.
1911 census shows numerous Restaurants, Hotels, couple
General Stores,
Sawmill, Jeweller, barber, and a Chinese Laundry, tailors,
and even a milliner, dress maker and hairdresser for the ladies.
and numerous Railroad workers.
William F. Johnston shown as a BC Govt Policeman.
Hospital shown here as well.
It was a booming little town at that time.
3 full sheets of names on the census.
Created as the headquarters of the GTPR
Contractors In 1910 Police had
convictions against
5 Blind Pig Proprietors in Sealey. Nov
1910, 11 men were arrested in "The Mule"
a gambling Joint in Sealy Arthur
Bailey was a builder here.
He married Daisy Caroline Hines, and they lived in Sealey
1912 there was the OK Restaurant, Chop Suey House here.
it was located next to McEwen's Store.
there was a Patrick McEwen in the Hazelton area in 1912, shown as a clerk.
They had Telephone service to the Ingineca Hotel in Old Hazelton
Ingineca Hotel was owned by R. Jack McDonell and W. J. McAfee
Jan 1910, 2 drunk Finns started a fire in this Hotel, shown in
alt spelling- Ingenika
Feb 1912- Railroad worker named "Scotty" Boswell
started a fire in his bed in this hotel.
He was taken to hospital in Hazelton.
Up to 1913 there was a ferry to Sealey
operated by a Mr. A. Ross.
Apr 1912 he operated a canoe service here.
He moved his boat to Fort George.
In 1913 there was a road to Sealey.
May 1912- E. C. LaTrace operated the gasoline
launch "Pluto"
between Hazelton and Sealy
Ezra Charles LaTrace
b- abt 1880
d- Dec 15, 1945, Oyster River BC, age 65
Larkworthy's shoe Store here in 1912
I believe it was a General Store, same as in Hazelton
William J. Larkworthy (see PO history below)
Railway Hospital was here while GTP was under construction
Sealey Gulch Bridge was near here.

Portion of 1915 map from Library and Archives Canada, link below
The bridge over the Skeena River, lower left, is called Skeena
Crossing Bridge.
Skeena Crossing is at mile 62.3 from Smithers. It is 50 mtrs high,
288 mtrs long.
Seeley Gulch Bridge on the GTPR,
was a couple miles West of what became South Hazelton
It is at mile 50.5 from Smithers. New Hazelton is at mile 46.
It was a large steel riveted bridge, known as the highest on the CNR
line later.(59 mtrs)
It is 275 mtrs long.
You can see the ferry crossing from Old Hazelton to the road to
South Hazelton New Hazelton Station is on right side, middle of the picture.
Before it became registered as "New Hazelton",
It was called Taylorsville,
(alt- Taylorville),
because it was owned by a Mr. Taylor.
F. C. Taylor was locating engineer for the Grand Trunk Railway
who laid out the sidings and station grounds there.
There was also a Hugh Taylor here, link below.
Which one owned this land?
It was then changed to
Kelly's Lot, or
Kelly's Townsite, (Section 2, Lot 882),
when 640 acres was purchased by Robert Kelly, for $100,000.00 in
He was the Kelly in Kelly, Douglas & Company Limited,
Grocery Wholesalers, founded in 1896.
Frank Douglas was his partner in that business, until he drowned in
Edward Douglas then became his partner.
Northern Interior Land Company Limited, of
Prince Rupert
adjoined Robert Kelly's lot. (Section 1, Lot 863 and Section 3, Lot
These were amalgamated to become New Hazelton.
Lot 863, Lot 882, the Taylor Section, and Lot 885.
Section 2 was where the railroad depot was to be established.
Station Grounds and sidings were on Section 1.
Jeremiah H. Kugler was the sole agent for Northern Interior Land Co.
Indian village shown is Hagwilget.
"Old Hazelton", or "Hazelton",
the first European Community founded in 1866,
is at the
junction of
The Skeena River and The Bulkley River.
(Bulkley river known as the Hagwilget river by the natives)
(Haguelgate Road in newspaper)
This was the location all the stern wheelers landed from Prince
It was known as "The Pack Train Capital of the World".

Post Office
Federal Electoral District:
Comox - Atlin (BC)
Office opened June 1, 1911
Office closed Sept 15, 1912
Name of
Postmaster |
Date of
Appointment |
Date of
Vacancy |
Cause of
Vacancy |
J. W.
Larkworthy |
1911-06-01 |
1912-08-06 |
closed |
J. W. Larkworthy
William Jordan Larkworthy
b- Jan 15, 1872 in ON
d- May 28, 1950, Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver BC, age
buried in Masonic Cemetery Cambie St, Vancouver BC, with his wife
son of William Larkworthy, b- Canada, and Mary Louisa Jordan,
b- USA
married Evangeline Mary Martin
b- May 4, 1893 in Newfoundland
d- Aug 26, 1948, Vancouver BC, age 55
daughter of William Martin, b- Newfoundland
He also had a store in Hazelton
Larkworthy St, in New Hazelton named after him
Larkworthy Creek BC named after him
He became Postmaster in New Hazelton BC
1905 he was a Telegraph Lineman in Hazelton

Sealey listed on right side 3rd down
Settlement named after J. C. K. Sealy
John Arthur Clark King Sealy Bio
Soldiers from Sealy Lake Area
F. J. McMillan
V. Shaw
C. Shaw
J. Robinson
The townsite called
Ellison, was in this area as
George J. Hammond's company bought lots 851
and 852
He was President and Managing Director of
National Resources Security Co. Ltd.
George Hammond was a major land speculator in Fort George as well.
He was part owner of
the "Robert C. Hammond" sternwheeler there,
with his brother William Hammond.
George John Hammond
born January 15, 1866, at Port
Dover, Ontario,
son of Edward Hammond and Priscilla Long.
He came to BC in 1906.
Married Margaret Jane Cameron, Mar 13, 1906 at Sault Ste. Marie ON
daughter of James T. and Mary F. Cameron, Scotch Highlanders from Prince
Edward Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond had one child, Robert Cameron Howard.
Another townsite name I have seen around here
was Larkton
Captain Harold Price
b- July 20, 1890 in Moodyville BC
d- June 26, 1916 in France, in WWI,
age 25
Buried in France
A Surveyor based in the London Building in Vancouver BC in
May 27, 1912.
He was in this area surveying for a new South Hazelton bridge,
to Old Hazelton.
he was interested in owning lot 150.
Served in the British Army, Northumberland Fusiliers,
26th Tyneside Irish Btn.
He received the Military Cross
Harold Price Creek named after this war hero

I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
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I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
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or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
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Morison story
Hazelton 1915 maps BC
Archives photos;term/browseTerm