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Hugh Bernard Ashton "Hughie" Birch

Hughie Birch, ca Feb, 1936,
at 4th cabin
photo courtesy McRae Collection, Terrace BC
b- Apr 1889, England (Reg Hendon Dist, Middlesex Co)
d- Sept 19, 1956, Whitehorse, Yukon, age 67
buried in Pioneer Cemetery Whitehorse Yukon.
Age 27, widower, Dominion Gov't Telegrapher at Terrace when he
son of Walter Bernard Birch (Accountant) and Rose Ashton
both Mother and Father born in London England
1911 census shows him at Graveyard Point,
shown immigrating in 1897, Dom Gov't Telegraph Operator.
He moved to Whitehorse and was Telegraph Operator up there.
He retired ca 1948,
and living in a little cabin at Lower LaBerge.
His first wife- Harriet Maud McNames, he married Aug 25, 1909 in
b- Holland? (1921 census says Ontario?)
He had 3 sons with Harriet
Hugh Ashton Birch
b- ca 1912 in BC (age 9 in 1921)
Walter Ashton Birch
b- Sept 23, 1913 in Port Simpson BC
d- May 16, 1977, near Hazelton BC, Single Vehicle Car Accident
married Elsie Jones Apr 2, 1934, in Vancouver BC
Thomas McNames Birch
b- ca 1916 (age 5 in 1921)
(note- his mother might be the 2nd wife, not sure due to dates)
married 2nd -Priscilla Angeleka (Angelina?)
(Angelexa?) Stuart,
Sept 15, 1916, in Government Telegraph Office in Terrace,
Rev. Thomas Jabez Marsh
b- Dec 5, 1892 in Copper City BC
(marriage cert says born in Victoria, BC)
d- Sept 13, 1920 age 28 in Hazelton BC
buried in Stuart, Dobbie, Private Graveyard
daughter of
John "David" Stuart
H. Birch was alive and in Hospital in Feb 1925 with a broken foot.
1927 he was in Hazelton, where he remarried again
3rd wife- Elizabeth Wilson, June 1, 1927,
she was 19, he was 39.
Here he is shown as a Chauffeur, widower

I know there are other books written
about this area,
I don't intend to repeat history, but only to add to it.
I add the genealogy info in case there is a relative out there,
that had no clue their ancestor was in this area.
I hope anyone reading this, respects these areas.
I don't have to re write history on the native population in this
It goes without writing it, they were here first.
My pages try and connect old history with the new.
My names and dates above are as close as I can find.
Please use these as clues in your own research.
am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
I do not charge for access to my pages,
I do not have any Ads on my pages.
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