NO Reproduction in Whole or in Part,
on ANY, and ALL of my Pages,
Including Text and Pictures,
May be made, without the express Written Permission
Web Editor, Doug Gent
© 2016
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for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
All my pages are now Right Click, (copy and paste), disabled.
I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me, or anyone,
and we all loose.
If you see one of my pictures on Facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it.
Grand Trunk Pathway
aka: Millennium Trail

Official Pathway Logo
Built originally in 2000, from Eby St. to
the Nisga'a Highway.
called the Millennium Section. 1.6 km long.
Now (2013) it has been extended East to Emerson St.
They City plans on extending it further West soon.
The path followed Highway 16 when it was
first built.
now it extends along Greig Ave.
Terrace Beautification Society were the
push to build it,
as far as I know.
Along the path are Historical Information
Display Stands.
First Nation and European history,
in both photos and stories, make a great place
to learn about the local history.
Will include a few photos of these stands here taken Apr 21, 2013.
A Gazebo built by the Rotary Club makes a
great place
to take a break in the rain or hot sun.
Across from Eby St, is the Kwinitsa Road
Foreman's House.
Not far west of it is the Pullman Railroad
Car, used by the
Skeena Valley Model Railroad Association.
(see article and picture link below)
This is a Dog Leash "ON" Park
Pick up you Dog's Poop!
Bags are even provided!
Pick up you garbage,
lots of garbage cans are available .
This is a great place to socialize your
before taking them to
Ferry Island

Gazebo, Spirit Bear and
Terrace Song Board

Birth of Terrace

Gold and


Highway 16




Historical Display Stands
All pictures above come from these displays

View from Parking lot
West |

View Eby St. West |

Spirit of
Terrace Song |
Benches on the pathway dedicated to loved ones.

Example of the Benches

Tina Anderson

Elizabeth Metzmeier

Murray D. Kennedy

Al Purschke

Bob and Lois Long

Rose and Oskar Farkvam

Ed Fairless

Bill and Helene McRae (Anniversary)

Spirit Bear, Luna's Pod

Dedication rocks
I am going to add one personal comment on
If I had anyway to stop placing political election signs
in any of our Parks and Recreation areas, I would do it.
Is there any reason for an Election Sign every 40 ft?
For now these have been removed all of a sudden.
Are we blind?, we need a 4ft x 4ft sign, 6 ft in the air?
This is a Public Park, yes the Highway right of way is there,
but there is lots of other places for them.
I don't care what party it is doing it, STOP!
No "For Sale" Signs, NO Signs period!
This is a PUBLIC Park. Some folks are not political.
I urge all parties get together and STOP putting signs
in any City Park, including Sports Parks.
When I took the photos above, I had trouble not getting
any of these signs in the picture, in fact some had to be
seriously cropped. Tourists see this! I say enough is
Each end of the Overpass, and the 4 way stop
out in Thornhill, should be the only places
they are allowed. If folks want them on private property,
that is their choice, but the size should be limited as well.
I have seen 4 ft sq signs on front lawns? why?
The one with biggest sign wins? I don't think so!
It is eye pollution to many people, including me!
Everyone but the candidates and their entourage hate them.
They couldn't even wait till the election was called this year.
A month isn't long enough to pollute our PUBLIC Parks?
Ads in newspapers and hand outs should be enough.
If you agree with me, call City Hall and demand a bylaw to stop it.
Tough to get politicians to quit sticking their name
and photos all around town. Big Ego trip?
Includes City Council and School Board Elections.
I think one person running for council last time,
came forward and said he was not putting up signs.
There is one smart one out there somewhere!
It has to start slowing down, and Local city Bylaws are the only way.
Use your common sense Candidates!
Before bylaws are passed and all hell breaks loose.
Remove the signs and tell folks you did.
Now that is a Candidate I could vote for, and respect!

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
I do not charge for access to my pages,
I do not have any Ads on my pages.
Please "Link" to my page
from Facebook, Blogs, etc.
Please do Not copy the pictures, or text on any page.
Please do Not ask to use pictures etc. on Facebook.
A "Link" to my pages, does the same thing.
Just copy the hyper link, URL, shown in your browser above,
and paste that into facebook etc.,
or copy the links I have on the left side.
That is the honest and proper way to do it!
Note- Not my pages
Model Railroad Assoc. Car
Interior Pictures of Railroad Club Car