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May be made, without the express Written Permission
Web Editor, Doug Gent
© 2016
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Note- You do not have to ask me, to link to my pages.
I encourage links to spread the history of these areas.
I do not want the off site use of the watermarked pictures is all.
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Prince Rupert BC

Map showing 3 Cemetery Locations in or near Prince Rupert
There are supposedly 8 First Nation "Shell Middens" in
this area.
Again I do NOT research First Nation History.
I leave that up to them, and the experts in that field.
One of these 8 "Middens",
Garden Island, in
the Prince Rupert Harbour,
also became the First Cemetery for the European's,
in the early part of the 1900's.
1908-1912 era burials are there.
Latitude: 54°19'00" Longitude: 130°23'00
Airport Ferry goes just to the south of this Island
Another Native Cemetery on
Digby Island,
across from Metlakatla,
was located on what was described as:
"a romantic spot, on a point of land, which juts out from Digby
in the obituary of Mr. Robert Cunningham,
the Pioneer of the Skeena, and founder of
Port Essington,
where in Apr 13, 1905,
his body was taken in a flotilla of boats, to be buried there.
So now we know some White men were buried there as well.
Later on the
Fairview Cemetery
was established, May 1, 1912,
and became the Cemetery still used today (2016)
Located at the base of Mount Hays.
Thomas Job Thornhill, the founder of
Thornhill BC,
across the Skeena River from Terrace,
is buried on Garden Island.
Numerous Archaeology digs have taken place
on Garden Island. Many tools, and of course
burial sites have been discovered, and studied.
One thing I did notice in their reports,
many decapitated bodies were found,
as "trophy heads" were taken, in Native inter-tribal wars back
plus a lot of crushed skulls, from obviously actions of a major
Clubs, and war tools were also found at these sites.
Don't matter where, or who you are, we just can't seem to get
Some things never seem to change!
Note- I do NOT have any Cemetery Records.
Prince Rupert Genealogy Society is doing research
on Garden Island and others. See links below.
note- NOT my Sites.
Links may or may not work in the future,
as I do NOT control these sites.
For Garden Island Cemetery
for Fairview Cemetery
Or this Rupert City one, for Fairview
Midden Tools, books etc;jsessionid=NlDnmv+p7Ca9VXX4dQ0-dh5t.tplapp-p-2b?Ntt=Bone+implements--British+Columbia--Garden+Island+site.&Ntk=Subject_Search_Interface,+prince+rupert&source=bl&ots=sA2Bc5FRwo&sig=fmhLHfPq37zuwgfjyGTpo29u-Q8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjaktOP8trLAhWIMGMKHWFDDEoQ6AEIKjAD#v=onepage&q=garden%20island%2C%20prince%20rupert&f=false

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Please do not use any of the other watermarked pictures as a link picture
A standard URL link to each of my pages is allowed:
This page for instance is
just copy the URL from your Browsers Link Bar above,
and paste that URL into face book, google plus, etc
Note- You do not have to ask me, to link to my pages.
I encourage links to spread the history of these areas.
I do not want the off site use of the watermarked pictures is all.
I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
I do not charge for access to my pages,
I do not have any Ads on my pages.
Please "link" to my
page from Facebook, etc.
Please do Not copy the pictures, or text on any page.
Please do Not ask to use pictures etc. on Facebook.
A "link" to my pages, does the same thing.
Just copy the hyper link, URL, shown in your browser above,
and paste that into facebook etc.,
or copy the links I have on the left side.
That is the honest and descent way to to do it!
Duplicates online?
Note- You will see some of the same pictures,
on other Archive / Museum sites online.
(Without my watermarks, and copyright information obviously.)
Reason- Most of these photos were commercial postcards,
and multi copies were made and sold.
All have different writing on the back is the difference.
I don't include all the backs to save bandwidth, but have them in my data.
I hope they, and others, Do NOT Steal mine!
If you want a copy of these, please ask them, not me!