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Kwinitsa BC

Elevation- 19 ft above sea level
1699.7 miles from Winnipeg
46.4 miles from Prince Rupert
Latitude- 54º 13' N, Longitude- 129º 33' W

Kwinitsa Station and
Foreman's Residence
Photos from Historical Info stands on
Terrace Grand Trunk Pathway
click to enlarge in new window
Station moved to the harbour in Prince Rupert.
Station built in 1911, 100-152 Station Plan.
later referred to as Type "E"
Salt Works existed here at Kwinitsa Creek.
The water was boiled down,
and Salt for Commercial Purposes was the result.
Mr. D. C. Whiteford discovered the salt brine, 1910-1911.
Have also seen D. C. Whitford as the spelling.
He built a Salt evaporator plant in 1910 here.
British Columbia Salt Works Ltd.,
D. Whiteford, Manager, shown in old directory
F. H. Mobley (Moberly?) was involved in the testing
A Frank H. Mobley was in Rupert, Wholesale Merchant in 1911
There was a Daniel George Whiteford on Lower Skeena in 1911
I am thinking this was the guy, but he is shown as a farmer only
and middle initial would be G, not C?
b- Jan 1866 in ON, age 45 in 1911
wife- Ella Stewart Whiteford
b- June 1878 in USA
1881 shows Daniel with 3 siblings, no father or mother.
Albert, John and Ana Elizabeth
link below to a picture
and map of this salt works
Robert McLean
b- age 37 in Scotland
CNR Watchman
Immigrated in 1910
Peter Kady
b- Feb 27, 1894 in Poland (Galicia)
d- Sept 19, 1971 in Peace Arch Hospital, White Rock, BC, age 77
buried in New Westminster BC, single
CNR Watchman in 1921
Immigrated in 1912
Ironic and sad, he was killed crossing train tracks
Archibald Campbell
b- age 48 in Scotland
CNR Pumpman
Immigrated in 1909
Thomas Grey McManamon
b- 1868, age 53 in Ireland
d- Sept 26, 1931 in Prince Rupert, age 63
buried in Prince Rupert Fairview Cemetery, Masonic section
CNR Section Foreman
Immigrated in 1889
Charles Robinson
b- ca 1900, age 21 in England
CNR Section Hand
Immigrated in 1914
Thomas Archibald Hall
b- age 43 in Australia
CNR Section Hand
Immigrated in 1907
wife- Rose (Rosa?) May Hall
b- age 47 in England
Immigrated in 1920
Raymond Auriol
b- age 27 in Algiers
d- Mar 25, 1943 in Salvus BC, age 49
CNR Watchman
Immigrated in 1902
both parents born in France

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
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Ext Links
Kwinitsa British
Columbia Salt Works ltd.
Map of area plus
drilling results