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Defot BC,
in the "Cassiar" Land District
Originally this was First Nation "Kaska" aka
"Casca" Reserve area
They are related to the Tahltan.
Later the name was changed to "Cassiar"
On West Branch, Canyon River in map below
West of Dease 25 miles.
over 5,000 ft alt
Lat- 58º 54' N, Long- 130º
27' W
Unincorporated Area

Defot, Mount Defot and Defot
Creek shown top left.
named after an early French Canadian Prospector
He was born within 40 miles of Montreal Quebec
He came to BC in 1876
Defot had a couple saloon's, Blacksmith shop,
Henry Thibert, had a store,
also Callbreath, Grant & Cook had a store there, Sept 1878,
and other usual business places in 1878
J. C. Callbreath
ca 1882- Merchant, Telegraph Creek
John Grant
ca 1882- M.P.P. Merchant, Laketon
G. W. Cook
ca 1882- Merchant, Laketon
Defot found Gold here June
24, 1878
His claim was about a mile from the mouth of Defot Creek
The Defot creek empties into Canyon Creek, aka: Canon Creek
It is 2 1/2 miles long, shallow, 20-25 ft wide.
22 1/2 oz nugget was found there
Gold Commissioner Vowell reported seeing one 42 oz.
largest reported 45 1/2 oz, found by McCrimmon & Co.
July 1879, It was the largest piece of clear gold yet found in
By 1880 Dafot Creek was nearly worked out.
John Defot
b- 40 miles from Montreal Quebec
Not many of these old guys escape my Genealogy grasp,
but this fellow is hard to track down.
1879 claims on Defot Creek
Peshtigo claim
Archibald H. Cameron, J. Dickinson, and Robert McDermott owners
Archibald Cameron- Miner McDame's Creek, ca 1882
Robert McDermott Saloon Keeper, McDame's Creek, ca 1882
New Hope Claim
J. Gillis & Co. owners
Gillis Creek, and Mount Gillis in Cassiar area of BC
possibly named after him?
John Gillis
Jeffrie Claim
W. Jeffrie, and J. Collins owners
Nil Desperandum Claim
Daniel McMillan, O. Kerrigan and P. Boyle owners
found a Charles Boyle miner at McDame Creek, ca 1882
Blue Bell Claim
J. Clark, and J. Colvin owners
Caledonia Claim
John C. McCrimmon, S. Evans, and W. E. Osterhout owners
John McCrimmon, miner McDame's Creek ca 1882
Napoleon Brunnett, Miner, Defot Creek
John McGillis, Trader, Defot Creek
Daniel McMillan, Miner, Defot Creek
Samuel Roach, Miner, Defot Creek
William A. Simmons, Miner, Defot Creek

I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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That is the honest and descent way to to do it!
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I am not First Nation, and do not profess to know their
I can only relate what I read.
I know they were here in this area,
long time before the Europeans shown below.
I will leave their history to them to record