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Allan Cameron
"Pat" Aldous
aka: Alan Cameron Aldous
aka: Allen Cameron Aldous b- Mar 17,
1886, Winnipeg MB
d- June 30, 1926, on a wharf in Vancouver BC
buried in Royal Oak Burial Park- Garden, Victoria BC Allan married Victoria
Mary Morison, Oct 12, 1912
in St. John Baptist Church, Port Essington BC
b- July 3, 1887, Metlakatla BC, (shown age 47 in 1937)
d- Mar 2, 1980 in Victoria BC, age 92
Buried in Royal Oak Burial Park, Section M
daughter of Charles Frederic Morison,
b- Scotland (alt- London England?)
and Odille DuBois, (see Ext link below)
b- Port Simpson, BC
Her parents were pioneer residents of Hazelton BC
She lived in
Port Essington BC when they married, age 25,
Allan lived in
Hazelton BC, age 27
He was shown as a Broker.
she remarried William Sims, a Tug Boat Captain, Aug 17, 1937 in Vancouver
She was shown as a widow son- Allan Cameron
Frederic Aldous
b- Dec 23, 1913
d- son- Montague Francis Henry
"Monty" Aldous
b- Nov 21, 1915, in Prince Rupert BC
d- June 20, 2002 in Victoria BC
alt- Montague Francois Aldous
1960 he was appointed General Manager of the BC Ferry system
he married Kathleen Isabel Shortt, b- Victoria BC
she died before him, he remarried
Father- Montague Aldous
b- Sept 30, 1850 in Montague River area, (Charlottetown?), PEI
Baptized Mar 2, 1851, Anglican Church, Georgetown, PEI
d- May 25, 1946, in his room at the Manitoba Club, Winnipeg MB
Buried in Family Plot, St John's Cemetery, Winnipeg MB
Dominion Topographical Surveyor in the west of Canada, 1874-1882
Jan 1, 1882 - 1892- Surveyor in Charge of Surveys, Winnipeg, HBC Land Dept.
1892-1905- Chief Clerk, HBC Land Dept. Winnipeg
Chief Clerk of the Land Department of the HBC, 1901-1907
Dec 31, 1907 resigned from HBC
Formed his own Broker, Accountant, and Auditor firm, Montague Aldous and Laing
Lived at 2 Elswood St, Winnipeg MB
1926-1946 lived in the Manitoba Club Mother-
Mary "Minnie" Agnes Bate
b- May 15, 1861 in ON
d- Aug 20, 1924 in Winnipeg MB, age 64
daughter of Sir Henry Newell Bate
b- Apr 9, 1828, Truro, Cornwall, England
d- Apr 6, 1917, Trennick House, Ottawa, ON
and her mother- Lady Catherine Cameron,
daughter of Allan Cameron of Fort William, Scotland
Her father Henry Bate, was a very wealthy man. His
parents married in 1882 in Ottawa ON
They had 5 sons and 2 daughters
All 5 sons enlisted and served in WWI
Brother- Montague
"Claude" Aldous
b- Sept 19, 1882 in Ottawa ON
d- Aug 17, 1936 York, ON
He also enlisted in WWI as a Captain Sister-
Ethel Aldous
b- Sept 1883 in Ottawa ON
married Wesley William Winans, Mar 1, 1913 in Winnipeg MB
b- Oct 1885 in USA
1946 they lived in Montreal
1909 Wesley attended University of Toronto
1911 census shows he is living in Winnipeg,
married to an Elizabeth Winans
Shown as a Broker immigrating in 1911.
Brother- Gerald Bate Aldous
b- Jan 25, 1885 in Ottawa ON
d- Sept 17, 1946 in MB
He also enlisted in WWI as a Lieutenant
married Marjorie Galt, Oct 7, 1916 in Winnipeg MB
daughter of George F. Galt.
Gerald was the Founder and Vice-President of the Dominion Knitting Company
Brother- Harry Newell "Henry" Aldous
b- Aug 25, 1888 in Winnipeg, MB (Aug 22, 1886 on WWI attestation paper)
He also enlisted in WWI, civil engineer, Lieutenant
Brother- John Edwin Aldous
b- Feb 22, 1889 in Winnipeg, MB (alt Feb 23, in WWI attestation paper)
d- Nov 5, 1940 in Vancouver BC, age 51
It appears the whole family enlisted in WWI
Sister- Doris Thornton Aldous
b- June 2, 1893 in Winnipeg MB
married Col. Charles McLean of Montreal, Dec 22, 1918, in London England
He was in command of the 207th Batt.
Grandfather- Honourable John Aldous
Commissioner of Public Lands for PEI
Grandmother Caroline Aunt- Caroline Jane
b- July 9, 1855, Montague, PEI Uncle- Edwin
b- Oct 9, 1852, Montague, PEI
Aug 31, 1911, Partnership
of Aldous, Robertson and Murray
was dissolved.
3 Partners- Allan Cameron Aldous
Struan George Robertson
William Pitt Murray
Robertson retired from the firm He was later
in partnership under Aldous and Murray
They sold lots for the Grand Trunk Pacific
in various towns such as Hazelton and Smithers.
Aldous St in South Hazelton BC, named after this man.
ca Apr 26, 1913, the firm became incorporated
Aldous & Murray Limited
A. C. Aldous- President
W. P. Murray - General Manager
Corporation capitalized at $100,000.00
Head Office was at Hazelton Murray eventually
went to Vancouver and opened an office there.
1913- office- 642 Birks building, Vancouver BC
1916 their office was at- #1404, 510 Hastings W. Vancouver BC
Allan Cameron "Pat" Aldous enlisted in WWI in Winnipeg
Rank- Lieutenant
Apr 1917 reported as a Lieutenant in the Army Service Corps
on recruiting duty
1914 he was playing hockey for the Smither's team
playing against the Hazelton team.
Some of his brothers were great hockey players. 1921 Allan was living in
Vancouver When he died he was working as a
longshoreman in Vancouver
Killed by a falling swing of canned salmon.
Passed away in Vancouver General Hospital.
William Pitt Murray
b- Sept 1887 in USA
Immigrated to Canada in 1909
There was an older William Pitt Murray in St Paul MN, possible father?
can't seem to pin this fellow down.
Murray St. in Smithers would be named after this man
Partner- Struan
George Robertson
b- July 10, 1887, Portage La Prairie, MB
d- May 8, 1915, Bellewaerde Lake
Enlisted in WWI, Private, Svc # 51387
Army, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Eastern ON Regt.
son of Victor Alexander Robertson, and Mary Emma George
who were married Feb 4, 1885 in Portage La Prairie Next of kin, Mother- Mary Emma Gardner (formerly
Robertson), of 21, Roslyn Rd., Winnipeg. His
brother, Lt. Henry Alexander Robertson, also fell.
Reg # 192774
Ext Link
Found this link after all the research above
Notice the Aldous family is still around also.

I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
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