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John Arthur Clark King Sealy
b- Apr 12, 1865 Somerford Magna, Malmesbury Reg. Dist.
Wiltshire, England
Christened Oct 10, 1865, Great Somerford, Wiltshire, England
d- Aug 9, 1940, Smithers (Driftwood Creek area), BC, age 75
It seems his last
name is spelled Sealey or Seeley in various places.
I have seen John Arthur Clarke King Sealy
John Clarke King Sealy
J. C. K. Sealy
J. C. K. Sealey
and more
Immigrated in
(or 1888 in another census source)
1891 Sealey was a farm hand in Thompson River,
Yale Dist, Kamloops area
working for William J. Roper
shown age 24
1901 he is a
Packer in Cassiar Stikine area.
boarding at J. F. Culbraith's place
1905- Shown as a
Packer in Hazelton
1910- Owned the
Omineca Hotel in
Old Hazelton
or just Hazelton in the history books.
Hazelton consists of Old Hazelton, New Hazelton and South Hazelton
mixed in is the Two-Mile area.
GTPR caused the various Hazeltons to be formed
when the railroad came thru.

Omineca Hotel corner of Omineca St and Field St.
part of map link below, Library and Archives Canada

In this Ad his name is spelled Sealey
Still shown as
owner of the Hotel, in 1916
Omineca Hotel was under new management in 1917/18
Known as one of the best Hotel
Men in the Interior.
One of the Pioneers in the Hazelton District.
Sept 1910- J. C. K. Sealey and Walter Borns sold their Section of land
for $32,000, for Townsite purposes at Hazelton
Mar 1913- he attended the meeting of
the "Inlander Company" in Prince Rupert.
It owned and operated the Sternwheeler "SS Inlander".
One of the syndicate that owned this steamer.
(see picture link below from BC Archives)
What was left of the Paddlewheel is now on display,
beside the location of his Omineca Hotel in Old Town.
The steamer was built in 1910 in Spratt Shipyards in Victoria BC.
Apr 1913 he was building a Hotel in South
1921 in Smithers-
Lots 202- 851 with wife Una.
He was shown as a farmer
South Hazelton is on lot 851
1931 newspaper
article called him
"The Squire of Glentanna"
End of April 1931
a fire destroyed his residence and cabins.
He thanked the Locals for helping him out.
1940 he is in
Smithers voters list.
At one time John
owned a lot of property in Hazelton,
and the Bulkley Valley.
He was one of the partners in the Hotel Prince Rupert
in Prince Rupert,
with Harry B. Rochester and others.
He owned a Large
near Smithers
Sealy Ranch and the Carr Ranch were located
at the junction of the Telkwa High Rd, and Old Babine road.
Seeley Lake Park
is near South Hazelton
but different spelling? Still think it was named after this
married 1st-
Helen Miranda Morison, Nov 15, 1905 in Hazelton BC
d- Feb 22, 1912 in Hazelton, age 29
some sources say during childbirth, another she died after an
for some unknown illness, didn't work.
Funeral Feb 25, 1912 in St. Peter's Church, Hazelton
Her brother John W. Morison lived in Hazelton at the time she died.
sister, Victoria Morison lived in Port Essington
father C. F. Morison
(see EXT link below for family info)
widower, married
2nd- Una Eliza Light, Nov 29, 1913 in Vancouver BC
b- Southampton, England, age 32
d- July 12, 1964 in Victoria BC, age 82
daughter of John Light and Elizabeth Cecilia Howell
They spent their honeymoon in England
They were expected to reside on his large ranch near Smithers.
She immigrated in 1912
July 1932- She was elected to the Hazelton School Board
Her sister was a Mrs Homer in Prince Rupert
another sister Mrs. (Major) R. F. Leslie, was formerly of Hazelton
They had no
children, and the estate was
probably returned to the Government
Article below was in the London Gazette.
In the Matter
late of the Village of Smithers,
in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, Farmer, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to
section 30 of the "Trustee Act", R.S.B.C. 1948, Chapter 345,
that all persons claiming to be next of kin
of John Arthur Clark King Sealy,
who died at Smithers,British Columbia,
on or about 9th August, 1940,
are required on or before the 1st day of April, 1950,
to send by post prepaid to the undersigned their full names,
addresses and descriptions,
with full particulars of their relationship to the said deceased
and the grounds upon which they base their claims,
and that after such last mentioned date, the estate of the said
will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto,
having regard to the claims which have been duly filed and no
And further take notice that the said John Arthur Clark King Sealy
was born in the year -1865 at Broad Somerford, Wilts,
the son of Wellington Sealy, who was born in or about the year 1831,
and died in or about the year 1903,
and Salome Clark Sealy, who was born in, or about the year 1826
at or near Dauntsey, Wiltshire, and who died in or about the year
—Dated at Smithers, British Columbia, this 1st day of February,
K. D: McRAE, Official Administrator, Smithers, (OQ1) British
sister- Mary Helena Sealy
b- Oct 18, 1863, Somerford, England, age 45 in 1918
married George Theodore Johnson, Apr 9, 1918 in Hazelton BC
father- Wellington Sealy,
b- Sept, 1831, Somerford Magna, Wiltshire, England
age 40 in 1871, Wroughton Dist., Wiltshire, Farm Bailiff
d- Dec 31, 1903, Wiltshire, England
1865 He was a farmer on Folly Farm, Great Somerford.
Lived on Summer House Farm, Upper Minety, Wiltshire when he died.
daughter Mary was given his estate in his will. mother- Salome
Clarke, (alt-Clark)
b- 1826, Dauntsey, Wiltshire
d- 1888
age 45 in 1871
parents married Jan-Mar 1863 in Bath Reg dist.
note her surname is shown as Clark in marriage register
Grandfather- John Sealy
Grandmother- Sophia Sealy
Sealy family were in this area of Wiltshire
back into the 1600's at least.

I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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Morison story
Hazelton 1915 maps SS