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Stuart's Landing on the Skeena river
named after this man
John "David" Stuart
(Stewart surname in some books)
b- Aug 7, 1827 in Scotland
d- Feb 24, 1912 at Copper River, BC, age 84
buried in Stuart, Dobbie, Private Graveyard,
at Dobbie's landing, previously known as Stuart's landing. (see link
Pioneer Fruit Grower of the Skeena Valley
Died from old age.
I'm not 100% sure he wasn't married twice.
Jane Bennett then Jane Smith, just seen the 2 names in various
but 1891 census to me looks like it says Jane (2nd).
and after his name there is a (W) Widow?
married Jane Smith, May 2, 1885 at Port Essington BC
b- ca 1858 in BC (possibly Fort Simpson BC, see census below)
d- 1900 in Copper River BC
buried in Stuart, Dobbie, Private Graveyard
1881 David Stuart shown as a fisherman,
Aberdeen Fishery, Skeena, age 50+
1891 Stuart family in Fort Simpson BC
David Stuart, Boss Fisherman, at Inverness Cannery, age 63
wife- Jane, age 33, shows born in Fort Simpson BC
daughter Maud Stuart, b- age 13 in 1891
daughter- Mary Stuart, age 8
daughter Jemima Stuart, age 6
and daughter Ellen Stuart, age 3
Inverness Cannery at Port Edward,
opened in 1876, named in 1880,closed in 1950
and burned down in 1973.
1901 David Stuart shown as a widow, at Lorne Creek
Rancher, who immigrated in 1857,
living with his family
5 daughters:
Daughter- Mary "May?" Stuart,
b- Oct 14, 1883 in BC
d- July 13, 1937, in Prince Rupert BC, age 55
married Paul Post, Oct 25, 1910 at Bride's residence, he was age 26
b- Aug 18, 1884, Coleman, Midland Co, Michigan, USA,
d- July 1, 1955, Mental Home, Colquitz BC, age 70
buried Colwood Burial Park, Victoria BC
son of Floyd L. "Lloyd?" Post and Isobella "Isabella?" Doherty
Shown as a bachelor, Clerk, at Stuart's landing when he was married
Immigrated in 1904, shown as an Engineer
1911 living next to her parents.
They lived in Usk BC later on.
Mary is buried in Stuart, Dobbie, Private Graveyard
Daughter Jemima Stuart,
b- May 7, 1885 in BC
d- Feb 9, 1971 Mills Memorial Hospital, Terrace BC
death cert last name shown as Stewart for her father.
Jemima Stuart married Simeon Wilson Dobbie
Oct 12, 1905 in St James Church, Vancouver.
Jane Smith shown born Skeena River, age 20,
Simeon Dobbie, age 37, b- June 6, 1868, Parkhill ON, Telegraph Operator
d- July 3, 1954, Home for the Aged, Terrace BC
son of Edwin R. Dobbie, b- ON and Margaret Loomis, b- Virginia US
(see link below)
daughter- Ellen Stuart,
b- Aug 7, 1887 in BC
birth cert says Ellen Stewart b- Aug 13, 1887 in Port Essington BC
father- David Stewart, fisherman, and wife- Jane Bennett
so we can see the Stuart, Stewart changes here.
daughter- Priscilla Angeleka (Angelina?)
(Angelexa?) Stuart,
b- Dec 5, 1892 in Copper City BC
(marriage cert says born in Victoria, BC)
d- Sept 13, 1920 age 28 in Hazelton BC
buried in Stuart, Dobbie, Private Graveyard
Hugh Bernard Ashton " Hughie" Birch, Sept 15, 1916 (his 2nd wife)
in Gov't Telegraph Office in Terrace, by Rev. Thomas J. Marsh
daughter- Janet Stuart,
b- Dec 7, 1896 in BC
Can't seem to find any more info on her
1911 only David, daughter Priscilla and
Janett shown at Kitsumkalum
See my
Copper City
web page

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
I do not charge for access to my pages,
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That is the honest and proper way to do it!
External Links
Note not my sites, links may or may not work in the future
Jan 1912 book, Mr. Stuart's Orchard
Story of Stuart family here
I know there are other books written
about this area,
I don't intend to repeat history, but only to add to it.
I add the genealogy info in case there is a relative out there,
that had no clue their ancestor was in this area.
I hope anyone reading this, respects these areas.
I don't have to re write history on the native population in this
It goes without writing it, they were here first.
My pages try and connect old history with the new.
My names and dates above are as close as I can find.
Please use these as clues in your own research. |