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Arthur Lee Clore
Living in Copper City
The person who the Clore
River was named after
The Clore River is a tributary of the Zymoetz (Copper) River.
Arthur Lee Clore
b- May 12, 1887, (1889?) Culpeper Virginia, USA
d- July 14, 1968 Mills Memorial Hospital, Terrace, age 81
retired in 1953, lived at Copper River City when he died, Single.
He was an African-American that spent his life prospecting.
Son of a Civil War Veteran
His Will went to Probate in Terrace
In 1925 Arthur Clore and George Little staked a claim
at the 1500 ft level on Kleanza Mountain, 6 miles North-East of Terrace,
called Terrace No 1 and No 2 claims.
In 1935 Arthur Clore and George Little staked the Beanstock Claim
at the 2500 ft level. Kleanza Mines Ltd. bought the claim in 1966.
1900 American Census shows him and his family, in Jefferson
Culpeper Co. Virginia, age 11, Farm Labourer.
here it shows him born May 1889.
Father- Arthur Clore (Rolls?)
b- May 1844 in Virginia, Farmer in 1901 census
d- after 1928
Served in the Civil War, see below
Mother- Mollie C. Clore, nee Carpenter
b- June 1870 in Virginia
d- May 17, 1928 (I think?)
(but show her below in 1930 census? so now doubt date correct)
Father and Mother
married in 1887
Siblings of Arthur:
brother- Anglos F. Clore,
b- Sept 1891 in Virginia USA
brother- Ruphus C. "Rufus" Clore,
b- Apr 14, 1894 in Culpeper, Virginia
married Rebecca Clore, nee ?, 1916
b- ca 1893, Florida, age 27 in 1920
1913 in Rochester NY as a shipper, boarding at 89 Plymouth Ave
1915 same place, shown as a Gardener
1916 same place now shown as married to Rebecca, still a Gardener.
Him and his wife were living in Monroe NY, in 1920.
He is shown as a Machinist, she is shown as a Cateress, own
Living with them a Nephew and Niece:
John Doctor- b- ca 1893, age 27 in 1920 in Virginia
Porter in a Shoe Shining Parlour in 1920
Rosa Doctor- b- ca 1897, age 23, in 1920, in Virginia
Rufus enlisted in WWI, shown born Apr 14, 1889?
wife and 1 child. still living in Rochester NY, Gardener
shown as Caucasian here?
brother- John Clore,
b- Feb 1897 in Culpeper, Virginia
age 24, Occupation Molder, when he married,
married Emma L. Arnold, July 19, 1920 in Warrensville OH, by a JP
b- age 25, when she married, Greenville SC
daughter of John Arnold and Lena Baldwin
sister- Missouria "Zula" Clore, (Zula Mae Clore?)
b- May 1900 in Virginia
married Charles "Charlie" Lee,
Living with brother Sigel in 1940, Zula is shown a Widow.
Zula and Charlie had 3 children I know of:
daughter- Mary E. Lee, b- ca 1918 in Virginia
son- Russel Lee, b- ca 1924 in Virginia
son- Franklin L. Lee, b- ca 1928, in Virginia
1930 the 3 children are living with Mollie the Grandmother,
at Dist 5, Jefferson, Culpeper Co, Virginia
brother- Sigal (Sigel?) Clore,
b- ca 1903 in Culpeper, Culpeper
Co., Virginia
1940 in West Ward, West Chester, West Chester Borough, Chester, PA,
shown as a Labourer at a Stone Quarry.
1935 both Sigel and Zula were in Media, Delaware, PA
sister- Louise Clore,
b- ca 1905, in Virginia
1920, she is living in Dist 64, Washington, Washington, DC
shown age 14 she is with Mollie her mother.
Both shown as Servants, Maids in a Private Ploves Family
Mollie shown age 40, married, both shown as Black race.
sister- Eleanor Clore,
b- ca 1909, in Virginia
Haven't been able to find anything more on her.
1910 Arthur's family were in same place, but he had left to Alaska
and on his way to Prince Rupert..
Sept 5, 1891 his father applied for Civil War Pension as an invalid.
May 17, 1928 his application showed his wife deceased.
Service B29, U. S. C. Infantry
The card shows his name as "Arthur Clore",
changed to "Arthur Rolls" (wonder why the name change?)
(alternate name shown as Arthur Ralls in Civil War records)
29th Regiment U.S.C. stands for US Colored Infantry
(see link below for his service record)
1910 US Census- Arthur L. Clore shown b-
May 1887
living in Valdez Alaska
Travelled down to Prince Rupert
Settled at Copper City
link below states he was in Ketchican in 1910 then Rupert
1916 Directory lists him in Copper River (Copper City) as a farmer
1939- Copper River- Prospector
BC Archives has a taped conversation with
this man
Taped for a CBC TV show which aired 1968-1972
I would love to listen to this one day
Call Number: |
T1216:0001 |
Item Title: |
Arthur Lee Clore : the Skeena River region, c.1910 |
Period Covered: |
1910-1914 |
Summary: |
TRACK 1: This interview begins with a long lead in of harbour
sounds, misc. sounds and a bell tolling.
Arthur Clore speaks about
coming to the Skeena country from Ketchikan, Alaska in 1910.
He talks about his impressions of Prince Rupert, offers of work, the
Kitselas Hotel Bar, George Kerr, Kitselas' importance, Indian
battles, the Kitselas townsite c.1910, steamboats -- Foley, Wells
and Stewart and qualities of the local inhabitants. He describes a
journey from Kitselas to Telkwa and stories of Copper City.
TRACK 2: Arthur Clore continues with recollections of the
trail to Telkwa, the wreck of the "Mount Royal", Kitselas, a
Hazelton bank robbery, the Skeena River, sighting "Haley's Comet",
memories of Alaska and the volcanic activity of 1913. |
His Dad's military file

I know there are other books written
about this area,
I don't intend to repeat history, but only to add to it.
I add the genealogy info in case there is a relative out there,
that had no clue their ancestor was in this area.
I hope anyone reading this, respects these areas.
I don't have to re write history on the native population in this
It goes without writing it, they were here first.
My pages try and connect old history with the new.
My names and dates above are as close as I can find.
Please use these as clues in your own research.
am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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