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Prince Rupert Dry Dock
Postcard courtesy Grant Walker, CA
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Dry Dock, City and Harbour, Prince Rupert,
F. Button, Photographer, No. 515
Postcard courtesy Grant Walker, CA
Note-This is a Copyright Protected Picture, with my visible Watermark
Please Do Not Use it as a Link Picture, Please Do not Download this Picture
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This is an interesting picture, to
identify some of these buildings,
on this photo and others on the Archive pages, links below.
William Thomas Donnelly, from New
York, designed the Dry Dock
Prince Rupert
Dry Dock & Engineering Company
May 1912 work started on the Largest Floating Dock in
the World at the time,
with the exception of a steel floating dock in Manila.
It went into service in 1915.
Designed to lift a 20,000 ton vessel
It was designed in 3 separate parts,
and could be assembled as required.
4,000,000 bd ft of Douglas Fir was used,
plus 2,000 tons of steel.
Charles Hays was on his way to Prince Rupert,
to meet W. T. Donnelly when the Titanic went down.
It was built using Charles Hays ideas,
and cost $2,000,000 ($2,500,000 in another source)
Design also consisted of a shipyard,
which launched the ships sideways.
Shed 300 ft long, 86 ft wide, 50 ft overhead.
The GTP Floating Dry Dwas located at the end of a
at the mouth of Hays Creek, which was filled in
to form a Terminal Railway Yard.
The dock was 600 ft long and 100 ft wide.
It could be submerged to a depth of 25 feet.
By removing some blocks, a ship drawing 28 feet of water,
could be accommodated.
The lifting weight was 20,000 tons dead weight,
which was lifted electrically.
There was a complete and up to date machine shop with it.
A shipbuilding plant was also built,
capable of building a 380 ft vessel.
It was situated at the upper end of a wharf,
350 ft NE of the Dry Dock.
There was a 50 ton crane, at the end of the wharf,
where 30-35 feet of water was found.
Nov 1913, The New British Commercial Cargo Steamer
"SS Buena Ventura", also known as the "SS Buenaventura"
Master, Captain Fitzsimmons,
was under Charter to the Maple Leaf Line,
It was used to bring the steel required for the Dock Construction.
It took 85 days after leaving New York,
to arrive at the William Head Quarantine Station, off the Gulf,
waiting for a pilot to take them to Newport, in Howe Sound,
delivering steel for the Pacific Great Eastern Railway.
After dropping off steel there, they proceeded to Rupert.
She carried 3,600 tons of steel rails and 500 tons of structural steel,
destined to Prince Rupert for the GTP.
The ship made another trip in May 1914.
1918 this Cargo Ship was commissioned as a US Navy Ship
She was built at Newcastle-on-Tyne,
this was her maiden voyage to BC.
Company Incorporated Dec 23, 1918
Company was organized by John L.
of J. L. Mullen Construction Company of Pittsburgh.
He secured 2 contracts with the Dominion Government.
To gain more capital, he gave 51% of the shares,
to Newman Erb of New York.
a New Company was formed with
Newman Erb, as Chairman of the Board of Directors,
and John L. Mullen, President and General Manager.
Problems with money started shortly after this.
Mullen was removed as Manager,
Frank F. Schellenberg, his assistant and
became acting Manager.
Another record says F. F. Schellenberg,
was Mullen's Engineer from Pittsburgh.
The SS Prince Rupert was in for repairs at this time.
1920 it ended up in a big lawsuit,
over control of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Company
and Empire Shipbuilding Company.
Jan 1920- Erb went to Prince Rupert to issue a restraining
on the others at the time who were trying to claim control.
Names he was fighting, other Directors on the Board,
John L. Mullen
and Alex M. Manson, the Company's solicitor.
Joel H. Pillsbury was the Acting Manager at the time.
Company was financed with $843,860.00
Stock sales- $2500.00,
Bank Of Montreal Loans on Mr. Erb's guarantee, $200,000.00
Dominion Government payments,
on account of ship building contracts, $641,360.00
$425,000.00 was sent to Prince Rupert per Mr. Erb under oath.
$150,000.00 repaid to the Bank.
and $161,500 deposited with the Bank
as Security over Insurance
$4,000 loss on victory bonds issued by the Dominion,
$30,000.00 went to the Directors in New York for expenses, and offices.
and they had $8,000.00 in cash on hand.
He shows up as Chairman later on, so assume Erb won the court case.
May 11, 1920, Newman Erb bought out
John L. Mullen,
and he was negotiating the construction of 20 steel oil tankers,
for the Dominion Government and an important Oil company,
contract was worth 36,000,000.00
Jan 1921 the company was under receivership.
Jan 1923 the Receiver paid 50 cents on the dollar to creditors.
CNR eventually took over control of the Dry Dock.
Bios and Genealogy of Men above

Newman A. Erb
alt: Neuman Erb
b- June 16,1850 in Breslau, Germany
d- Wed. Mar 25, 1925 at 12:30 AM, Roosevelt Hospital,
in Manhattan, New York, USA, age 75
Buried in Salem Fields Cemetery, Brooklyn.
Had an operation on Monday, Mar 23, before he died.
Entered hospital in New York on Sunday, Mar 22, for gland trouble.
Lawyer, Financier, Railroad Tycoon, Copper Mine Owner,
and Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Engineering Company Chairman.
Chairman of the Middletown and Unionville Railroad company
Vice-President of the New Dominion Copper Company
Director of the Hall Signal and Switch Company
Admitted to the Bar in 1872, at age of 22, in Little Rock Arkansas,
and practiced Law until 1902.
Earlier years President of the Western Telegraph Company.
which was absorbed by the Western Union Telegraph company.
He was receiver for the Chattanooga Southern Railroad company.
Vice- President of the Meridian and Connecticut River Railroad Company.
Vice-President of the Pere Marquette Railroad company in 1892,
later President of the St. Louis Memphis and Southeastern Railroad
President of the Ann Arbor Railroad Company
Family lived in Manhattan, New York, in 1901
Immigrated in 1853 with his family to St. Louis Mo.
He was only 5ft, 4 1/2 in tall.
Newman shown as a bookkeeper in 1870 in St. Louis
He was a leading lawyer and Railroad Attorney in Memphis
Attended school in St. Louis
1881 Director of the Kansas City, Springfield & Memphis Railroad Company,
and was its chief Attorney for Arkansas and Tennessee.
1883 he moved to Memphis Tennessee.
Vice- President of the Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern Railroad
Vice-President of the Leavenworth & Olathe Railroad
President BC Copper Company
Jan 21, 1909 elected President and Chairman of the
of Directors, of the Wisconsin Central Railway.
1914 he lived at 25 Broad St, New York City.
His office was at 48 Broadway, New York.
He had an estate at Elberon NJ, where he even had Prize
June 1903 he took over the Kelly Cottage
1907 he was building a home at corner of Ocean Ave, and Pearl St.
In Sept 1915 he took 2 poison tablets by mistake.
He was critical ill at his summer home, "The Corners" at Deal Beach NJ.
The Estate, built in 1903, covered almost an entire block.
but obviously managed to survive for another 10 years.
Father- Adolphus "Adolph" L. Erb (alt sp- Adalphus Erb)
b- ca 1824, in Austria, (age 47 in 1870 in St. Louis)
d- Dec 27, 1898, Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas, age 76
Iffy part- buried Jewish Cemetery, Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas
Note- no headstone for him, from funeral home records only
d- Dec 27, 1898, buried in New Mount Sinai Cemetery and Mausoleum
Afton, St. Louis Co, St Louis Mo
I think he died in Arkansas and was buried in St. Louis
thus the reason no headstone in Arkansas
Cigar Manufacturer
President of the Union Printing & Publishing Company
1880 a Merchant in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Mother- Esther Erb, nee Peck
b-ca 1830, in Prussia
d- aft 1910
Esther moved back to St. Louis she is shown there
in 1908, 1909 and 1910, as the widow of Adolphus L. Erb
living at 5152 Kensington Ave.
His father and Mother came from Liverpool to the US
on the "Washington", in 1853
His father lived in St. Louis, in Kansas, in NY and in Arkansas
They were some of the first settlers in Kansas
1860 census- A. Erb shown as a Store Keeper
Age 38, born in Germany
Eudora, Douglas Co., Kansas, USA
His son Louis said he was the son of a Former
in Lawrence Kansas.
1865- Adolphus shown as a Saddler,
age 42, born in Poland on civil war draft list.
living at 156 N 7th st. in St. Louis
1866- Adolph shown at 69 Carondelet Ave
1867- Adolphus shown in St. Louis,
Merchant- Gent furnishing Goods, at 1524 Carondelet Ave. res same.
1886- - res- 317, E 9th st, Little Rock Arkansas
Supt. Cigar Factory
1887- res- 317, E 9th st, Little Rock Arkansas
In 1881 a William H. Erb murdered his wife in St. Louis
and was hanged for the crime.
I don't know if it was a relation or not,
but the Erb name was marred there for sure,
and could be reason they went to Little Rock.
there was a lot of Erb's listed in St. Louis,
so they might have had some relations there.
Newman married (1) Theresa Erb, nee Levy in 1874,
in Arkansas.
b- May 9, 1855 (1856?) in Little Rock, Arkansas (alt- Germany)
(also seen Dec 20, 1854 in Germany in 1900 census)
d- Sept 25, 1904 from a train wreck, described below.
She immigrated in 1865, she was also a Lawyer
Newman, was Vice-President of the Pere Marquette Railroad,
when he and his wife, and others were involved in the train wreck
of the New York Central Western Express at Lyons.
They left Saturday night on a pleasure trip,
bound for the St. Louis Exposition.
They were in a regular Pullman sleeper,
and were to transfer to Erb`s Private Car at Detroit.
Mrs. Erb`s legs were cut off in the accident.
She was brought to Rochester NY but died at noon.
Newman`s injuries were not as serious.
daughter- Fannie Edith Erb
b- Dec 23, 1876, Little Rock, Arkansas
Fannie married Irving Meade Dittenhoeffer, Ph.B., LL.B.
son of Judge Abram Jesse Dittenhoeffer, and Sophie Englehart
The Judge was a close friend of President Abraham Lincoln.
Fannie lived in New York when her father died
daughter Edna Daisy Erb
b- Feb 12 or 13, 1881, Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas
she married Jessee Mayer
b- in NY, age 38 in 1910
Stock Broker
they had a daughter, Susan Mayer, b- ca 1905
and a son Robert Mayer, b- ca 1910
Edna lived in New York when her father died
Newman remarried (2) Martha Trodden, May 1924
b- Apr 1, 1880, in Port Kennedy, Montgomery, Pennsylvania USA
d- July 17, 1934 Manhattan, New York, USA, age 54.
Buried at First Presbyterian of Port Kennedy Churchyard,
King of Prussia, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA
she shows as widowed in 1920 census at west 48th st.
a marriage license was taken out in Philadelphia PA, 1900,
for William Gobracht and Martha Trodden.
She was known as a Pennsylvania woman.
She showed Chow Chow dogs in Harrisburg, PA, in 1922
His 2nd wife Martha inherited his whole estate.
He left prearranged Trust funds to his 2 daughters.
His daughters thought he was a widower for 21 years.
They didn't know he remarried a year before he died,
and left his property to her.
They found out a day before he died.
She had a sister Catherine Trodden,
When he died he lived in an apartment at
140 West 58th St. New York,
and Martha and her sister lived across the hall.
Martha was in her 30`s when he died.
her father- Hugh Trodden, mother - Annie Trodden
both born in PA.
June 1880 Trodden`s were living in Upper Merion, Montgomery, PA
father worked in a stone quarry there.
Sounds like a soap opera, and a big fight over the will
to me.
Newman Erb's Siblings:
brother- Jacob B. Erb
b- July 2, 1855 in Syracuse, New York
1887 Little Rock Directory shown as working for "Caruth & Erb"
Leading attorneys in Little Rock
He became a Judge at Little Rock
1899 he was charged with conspiracy to blackmail
released on $3000 bail
Dec 7, 1916 he was shown as formerly from Chicago,
Became known as a wealthy jurist, in London.
He became a millionaire through war contracts.
wife- Geneva H. Erb, nee Hewson
b- Sept 4, 1870, St. Louis, Mo
(b-1865 in death info, 1870 in passport application)
d- June 18, 1936, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, age 70
Buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago IL
daughter of George Hewson and Mary Hrugneau
sister- Sarah Erb
b- ca 1857 in Illinois
brother- Louis Martin Erb
b- ca 1859 in Lawrence, Douglas Co., Kansas
Age 58, Dec 7, 1916, Chicago IL, he was charged
with being a broker of stolen autos.
He was also a Lawyer in Little Rock Arkansas,
graduated Washington University, St. Louis.
Left the bar, and became General Superintendent
of the Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern
Became promoter of an electric line at Leavenworth.
Left Leavenworth Kansas in 1897,
leaving many unpaid bills and creditors.
a dealer in Kansas City Real Estate.
He made $100,000 there he claimed.
He made a fortune, then lost it in Sugar stocks.
It was at this point he admitted going into shady deals,
bogus checks, and involved with a gang
dealing in stolen autos.
He married in California, then moved to lower California with her.
1890 lived in Alameda CA, age 30
wife- Lillie Erb, nee ?
b- IL, age 39 in 1910
sister- Carey Erb
b- ca 1862 in Kansas
sister- Mattie Erb
b- ca 1867 in Missouri,
She married Max Strauss ca 1888
b- Jan 21, 1861 in New York, USA
d- Nov 22, 1915, St. Louis City, Missouri
son of David Strauss and Caroline Steinburger
sister- Carry "Carrie" T. Erb
b- ca 1872 in Little Rock, Arkansas
married David Tilles
who was born Mar 8, 1883, at Fort Smith Arkansas
John L. Mullen
b- Mar 25, 1869 in Painesville, Lake Co. Ohio
d- Oct 23, 1934, at his home 2756 Bergman St.,
in Sheridan, (Pittsburgh), Allegheny Co., PA, age 65
buried at St. Mary's Cemetery, in Painesville, Lake County, Ohio
Father- Michael "Mike" Mullen,
b- 1825 in Ireland
d- Mar 14, 1907 in Painesville, Ohio
Shown as a labourer in 1902 in Painesville Ohio
Mother- Bridget Sullivan
b- 1842 in Ireland
d- June 5, 1921
both his parents were born in Ireland
married Ida "Gertrude" M. Fockler in 1900 in Philadelphia PA
b- 1880 in Ohio, (New York?) age 45 in 1930
d- May 29, 1942 at Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA
buried at St. Mary's Cemetery, in Painesville, Lake County, Ohio
daughter of James Fockler and Fannie Fockler
no children by 1930
Siblings of John:
Elizabeth Teresa Mullen (1860-1932)
she married Lewis Andrew Wetzel
Martha Ann Mullen (1865-1942) Clerk 1902
Corneilous E. Mullen (1867 - 1901)
Martin A. Mullen (1871-1953) Structural Iron worker in 1902
Michael T. Mullen (1873 - 1902) Electrician 1902
Helena "Helen" A. Mullen (1875-1954) Stenographer 1902
George Mullen (1877 - 1888)
Esther C. Mullen (1879-1962) Stenographer 1902
Joseph "Leo" Mullen (1882-1954)

William Thomas Donnelly
b- Aug 6, 1864 near Riverhead, Calverton, Suffolk Co., New York
d- Feb 4, 1936, home at Pelham Manor, Westchester Co., New York, age 72
Naval Architect and Marine and Consulting Engineer.
He was retired for 6 years when he died.
Came to Brooklyn when he was 12.
Attended Public Schools in Brooklyn.
Became an Apprentice in a Patternmakers Shop.
1880 shown as a patternmaker
Became member of the firm "Faber & Donnelly"
The firm continued under his name, William T. Donnelly
He designed 23 floating Dry Docks.
His greatest Engineering feat was this Dry Dock in Rupert.
He worked for years on a design for an unsinkable ship
using internal buoyancy.
He was even designing dirigible and aircraft hangars.
He owned an electrically propelled yacht, "The Dawn"
He was one smart guy, numerous patents were issued in
his name.
I show one link below, but he had many more.
James A. Donnelly held some patents with William
T. Donnelly
His brother, see below
He was President of the Brooklyn Engineers Club.
He lived at 808 East 8th St.., Flatbush
Lived at 112 Iden Ave, Pelham Manor, Westchester Co.
a village next to New York City.
Father- William Donnelly
b- June 18, 1828, County Tyrone, Ireland
d- July 7, 1905, Kings, New York
shown as a Expressman in Brooklyn in 1880
Immigrated in 1851
Mother- Hannah Wademan Tordoff
b- Jan 12, 1834 in Leeds, Yorkshire, England
d- after 1910
Immigrated in 1844
shown as a widow in 1910, living with son James
Father- Sharp Tordoff
Mother- Mary Tordoff, nee Glover?, b- ca 1809 in England
Father and Mother were married Jan 1, 1856
married Emma Endicott Donnelly, nee Simmons, Oct 17, 1893
Dighton, Taunton, MA
b- Sept 3, 1867 in Dighton, Bristol Co., MA, USA, age 52 in 1920
d- Aug 16, 1958, Lake Geneva, Walworth Co., Wisconsin, USA
Buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA
daughter of Nathan Simmons and Lydia Ann Slade
daughter- Gladys D. Donnelly
b- Mar 10, 1895 in New York
d- Dec 5, 1991 in Wisconsin
married a Hans W. Friedrichs (1893-1968)
both Buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA
son- Norman Earle Donnelly
b- Oct 13, 1896 in Brooklyn, New York
d- Sept 12, 1975, Sarasota, Florida, age 78
worked for Buda co., Harvey ILL.
Served in WWI, Ensign, USNRF Prov.
married Louise P. Donnelly, nee ?
daughter- Helen V. Donnelly
b- May 24, 1901 in New York
d- Apr 13, 1923 in Manhattan, New York
William's siblings:
John A. Donnelly
b- Feb 1861, in New York
Clerk, 1880
married Catherine McCann
George A. Donnelly
b-ca 1866, in New York
James A. Donnelly
b- ca 1869, in New York
Heating Engineer, in 1900
married a Gerta C. nee?
b- in MA, age 34 in 1900
had 2 sons in 1910, Webster and Ralph
Francis "Frank" Forrester
Schellenberg, CE
b- Apr 17, 1880 in Irwin, Westmoreland Co., PA, USA
d- Nov 5, 1935, Palos Verdes Estates, CA
died from Pneumonia He graduated from
Princeton University,
with a Civil Engineering degree, ca 1902. He was descended from
Rev. Samuel Blair (Jr),
one of the First Trustees of Princeton University.
Samuel was the 2nd US House of Representatives Chaplain. Note I have seen P.P. and J.J. as Schellenberg's initials
which are both wrong.
1882- Living in Grant's Pass, Oregon
1920 Rupert Directory says Mr and Mrs F. F. Schellenberg, which is right.
1903 shown as a Civil Engineer, living at 5746 Howe, Pittsburgh, PA
A Frank Z. Schellenberg, shown as a Consulting Engineer, same address.
He owned F. F. Schellenberg & Co in Pittsburgh, PA
located at 1541 Oliver bldg. Pittsburgh in 1913.
WWI draft card shows him living at 1134 Murrayville, Pittsburgh, PA, age 38
time of his death, He was Inspecting Engineer in the PWA in Palos Verdes
Father- Francis "Frank" Zegenhain Schellenberg
b- Nov 29, 1837, in PA
d- Nov 15, 1921, at his daughter Elizabeth's home, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
buried in Union Cemetery, Irwin, Westmoreland Co., PA
1880- Supt. Weston Coal Co.
1920- living at East Hamburgh, Erie, New York, with his daughter Elizabeth
1859- He graduated Polytechnic College of PA,
shown from Minersville, Schuylkill Co., PA.
Served in Civil War, 1st Sergeant, Company D, Pennsylvania 19th Infantry.
Grandfather- Francis Schellenberg
b- Dec 2, 1880, in Prussia (Germany)
d- June 30, 1882, age 73 years, 6 mo, 28 days
buried in St. Marks Cemetery, Lewistown, Mifflin Co., PA
Grandmother- Caroline Madeleine Zifferman-
b- 1816, in Prussia, (Germany)
d- 1903
buried in St. Marks Cemetery, Lewistown, Mifflin Co., PA
Mother- Mary De. Charmes Schellenberg, nee Foster
b- 1840 in PA
d- 1899
daughter of Henry Donnel Foster and Mary Jane Young
Married Elizabeth Trufant Schellenberg, nee Sewall,
June 30, 1907
June 30, 1907 Church of the New Jerusalem, in Dist of Columbia
daughter of Rev. Dr. Frank S. Sewall,
and Thedia Redelia Gilchrest, of Washington DC.
Frank and Elizabeth had 3 daughters:
Thedia Foster Schellenberg, b- June 7, 1909
Mary Sewall Schellenberg, b- Dec 23, 1911
Elizabeth Blair Schellenberg, b- July 15, 1917
Frank (Jr's) siblings:
Sister- Elizabeth S. Schellenberg
b- July 1874 in Irwin, Westmoreland Co., PA
d- Oct 25, 1940
married Joseph D. McGinnis, (1878-1920) a Music Teacher sister- Emilie
Madeliene Schellenberg (alt- Emily, Emely)
b- Feb 27, 1878 in Irwin, Westmoreland Co., PA
d- Feb 7, 1961 in LA
married a Robert G. Paull (1875-1960)
Joel Horace
Pillsbury, C. E.
b- May 4, 1874, Kansas City, Mo.,
b- Feb 23, 1874, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
d- Apr 20, 1958 in Richmond BC, age 84
son of Samuel L. Pillsbury and Martha (Georgia?) Dix
Joel married Amelia Florence Hall, Mass.
They had one son and 3 daughters.
Daughter Alice was the first born white girl in Prince Rupert,
and received a prize from President Charles Hays of the GTP
Joel was assistant to James H. Bacon.
Mr. Pillsbury was a Civil Engineer,
Located in the Exchange Block, Prince Rupert.
1894- Educated Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1894-1899, Engaged in highway and municipal engineering in Mass.,
1899-1906, connected with river, harbour and fortification works in
1906-1910, came to Prince Rupert as GTPR Assistant Harbour Engineer
One of half dozen pioneer citizens of Prince Rupert;
In 1909 he became a Naturalized Canadian.
Alexander "Alex" Malcolm Manson
b- Oct 7, 1883 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA (age 26 when he married)
d- Sept 25, 1964, Vancouver BC
died from Cancer
Buried in Masonic Cemetery, Burnaby BC
First Lawyer to practice in Prince Rupert.
Living in Prince Rupert in 1909 when he married.
1916 he became a Liberal MLA for Omineca.
Speaker of the House 1921 and 1922
Served as Attorney General 1922-1924, and Minister of Labour.
1925-1926, elected as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of BC and Yukon.
1933 appointed as a judge on Supreme Court of BC, retired in 1961
Known as an outspoken and colourful man.
He is mentioned in a few books, and not kindly either.
son of Malcolm Manson, and Catherine McTavish
both parents born in Scotland
married Stella Beckwith, June 28, 1909 in Christ Church, Vancouver BC
b- May 21, 1884, Toronto ON, (age 25 when she married)
d- Oct 31, 1966, Vancouver BC., age 82
daughter of Harry George Beckwith and Lizzie Adams
I know he had more than one child, one was a son.

Ext Links
Newman Erb's bookplate
Ships built at Prince Rupert
Floating Dry Dock Patent

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