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Seaton Station
189 mi from Rupert,
Elevation- 1289 ft above sea level
1546.9 miles from Winnipeg
Flag Station
Between Hazelton and Smithers
between Beament Station and Boulder Creek Station
27 miles North West of Smithers, 19 miles South
East of New Hazelton
New Hazelton was the location of the nearest Post Office
Mount Seaton located in this same area.

Seaton Station ca 1936
Photos above, sent to me Feb 4, 2016
by Peter Daykin, Norfolk, UK.
Photos taken by his mother, Norah Daykin, nee Diggles.
Norah passed away in 2015, age 96
More Diggles family history in
Station History
Photos taken with a Kodak Box Camera,
All children, age 12, in 1930, living in North America,
were given a camera in celebration of Kodak's 50 Anniv.
(see EXT Link below for more info.)
Fred Labelle- Rancher
James Wright- Section Foreman (see below)
William Brown- Farmer
Fred Labelle- Farmer
alt sp- Fred Lebelle
b- ca 1865, age 56 in 1921 in Quebec
both parents born in Quebec
shown as a settler on land
Daniel McDonald- Farmer
alt sp- Danial MacDonald
b- ca 1875, age 46 in 1921 in PEI
shown as a Gold Prospector in 1921
both parents born in Scotland
Edward Valentine Oster (Sr)- Section Foreman
in 1921
b- ca 1878, age 43, in ON per 1921 census
b- Mar 5, 1876, Woodbridge, York, ON, per attestation form
d- Feb 9, 1937 in South Fort George, BC, age 69
enlisted in WWI in Smithers, Jan 13, 1916, Reg #703529
shown as a widower, rank=Private, Canadian Infantry, 102nd Batt.
brother- Thomas Oster was next of kin, Carleton Junction
sons of Valentine and Samantha Oster, both parents born in ON
wife- Mina Oster, nee ?
b- ca 1883, age 38 in 1921, in ON
d- bef Jan 1916
both parents born in England
daughter- Viola Oster
b- ca 1900 in USA
immigrated in 1902
son Edward Oster (Jr)
b- ca 1906 in ON
daughter Francis Oster
b- ca 1911 in ON
daughter Marion Oster
b- ca 1920 (doubt if this date is true, unless different mother)
Edward and Thomas had another 2 brothers, John and
William Oster
both married while living in Vaughn township, ON
Coal Seam in this area adjacent to the Railway Tracks
owned by a James Wright.
James Wright and family in Lake Kathlyn Section House
in 1921
shown as Foreman, Railroad, Section Gang
James Wright
b- ca 1860 in ON
both parents born in Scotland
Wife- Edith Wright, nee ?
b- ca 1871 in USA
immigrated to Canada in 1903
both parents born in England
Stepson- Frank Baumeister
b- age 28 in USA
immigrated in 1904
Capt H. M. Seaton gave a lecture in New Hazelton
Was this area named after him?
He served 18 years in the Imperial forces,
and had served in India, South Africa and Egypt.
He apprenticed at sea at age 12
He had visited every country in the world,
and could speak 7 languages.
b- Scotland
or was it after
Lord Seaton, of Beechwood Devon

More I read about Lord Seaton, more I think it was named after him.
Yonge St, in toronto was named after the Yonge shown.
Seaton Lake and Seaton Creek in the south of BC
probably named after them as well.
Ext Links
Note- NOT my web pages
Links may or may not work in the future
Camera History

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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