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James Kelso Gordon
Frank Phiscator Jr.
b- June 11, 1891, at Horr, Electric, Park Co., Montana, USA
d- Mar 31, 1947, Seattle, King Co., WA, USA, age 55, cremated
he was living in Seattle for 12 years before he died,
and his mother survived him.
He shows up in a Terrace Directory as a Prospector
History article of the Terrace hotel in 1964
Frank was James Nephew
which we now know was wrong.
The spelling of the name was also wrong.
I have seen various spellings of the name though.
Josephine "Jose" Smith,
married Frank Phiscator Sr. Apr 20, 1889, at Livingston, Park,
Frank Phiscator Sr.
b- 1862, Michigan USA
d- Dec 31, 1905, 2nd floor, Grand Hotel, San Francisco, CA
buried in Hinman Cemetery, Berrien Co. Michigan, USA
He committed suicide, by cutting his throat with a razor.
son of Anton John Phiscator and Rebecca Myers (Minirs)
Frank Sr. was first married to a Miss Fitzgerald,
who he met in Montana.
He divorced her.
He then remarried, Josephine "Josie"
"Jose" Smith,
as shown above, and had his only son,
Frank Jr.
When they divorced, Frank Sr. got custody of his son.
He then was married for the 3rd time to
Edna Olive "Nellie" Phiscator, nee Boyd, Nov 26, 1898 in Berrien Co.
1901 Yukon Census shows Frank Sr and Edna
Olive in Dawson City.
He was shown age 39, she is shown age 25
He is shown as a mine owner.
Came to Canada from Michigan in 1896
She came to Canada from Michigan in 1899.
When Frank Sr. killed himself, he was trying to get back together,
with his 3rd wife Edna.
Frank Phiscator Sr. was a Millionaire Gold
from the early gold strikes
in the Yukon,
one of the Pioneers of the Klondike Gold Rush.
He built the First house in Dawson City.
He had 2 rich claims on Bonanza Creek.
I know he was divorced from Edna.
We know James married Josephine in Dawson,
and she divorced him also,
and this money would have went into the Terrace Hotel.
From the first shipment of gold to Seattle, this article
"Frank Phiscator from Baroda, Michigan,
who spent just three months in Alaska
and disembarked the Portland
with from $96,000 to $120,000 in
He was one of the few that kept his claims,
after he struck it rich.
Most made money and then sold their claims.
He operated a huge dredging outfit on Eldorado Creek Claim 2.
He owned Eldorado 2 claim, on Eldorado
a full mile of the creek.
He was known as the "Klondike King" and Pioneer.
The Government took one of his claims on the Eldorado away,
as they could only have one claim per creek.
they traded him one on Bonanza Creek for it.
turned out the one on Eldorado was next to worthless,
and the one on Bonanza was worth millions.
that is how luck followed him around.
In all ways but marriage, and this plus brandy ended his life.
His Will gave most of his money and
property to his son Frank Jr.
It was later contested by Josephine.
claimed to be $250,000.00 value plus,
she was going to court to obtain custody of Frank Jr.
and thus control the estate left to her son.
When Jr. was 18 she had joint custody with Mr. Scott.
Jr. was given $125 a month for his education,
and money for a new car.
Turned out they found safety deposit boxes
and his fortune grew and grew.
He owned property all over the country.
all this was inherited by his son,
who at one time lived near my house in Southside of Terrace!
found another article from 1906,
that said Frank Sr. was married and divorced twice by then.
3rd wife, Edna, he met 2 hours
before he married her in ca 1902.
(1898 actually)
She was a waitress at the Hotel Whitcomb, St. Joseph, Michigan.
She went back to the Yukon with him. (in 1901 census there)
Obviously money wasn't everything, as they divorced as well.
In an article I read on his death, he was
reported to marry a third time.
This was a 20 year old girl. This would be Edna.
It was reported he had a baby girl also, with one of these wives,
but don't see her mentioned in his will, or anywhere else.
His 3rd wife was living in the Northern Hotel,
in Dawson City, Yukon, when he
He telegrammed her to meet him
at the Grand Hotel in San Francisco
she arrived before he committed suicide.
His one habit was Brandy,
and this he drank
in large quantities it appears.
He had been drinking at the time of his death.
In his will it stated Frank Jr. was with
his mother, Josephine Gordon
and a Mr. Scott.
Turns out Mr. Charles B. Scott was Secretary of
his Estate.
He was from Gardiner Montana.
He was the Executor of the Will and Guardian of Frank Jr.
1920 he was living in Gardiner, as a Farmer, Own Stock Ranch
age 64 in 1920, b- ca 1856 in Iowa
his wife- Adelaide D. Scott, age 44, b- Montana
1930 he owned a Real Estate Office in Gardiner.
early 1900's he operated a Saloon in Gardiner.
Known as a merchant, and also had a freight business.
Unknown to me the real connection to Frank Sr.
In 1906, Josephine, her new husband
James Kelso Gordon,
her son, Frank Jr., C. B. Scott and his wife, Mrs. Scott
went to Dawson City to look at the Eldorado claim,
that belonged to Frank Jr. at that time.
Frank Jr. was 16, attending Bishop Scott
Military Academy, in Portland Oregon
a Mr. Frank Phiscater was living in James
Gordon's house
on the "south side?" of Terrace, it seems.
(turns out that it
was James Gordon's step-son)
I'm not positive but appears, Mrs Gordon lived here also.
Frank was James Gordon's step-son, age 49 in 1940, born in Montana,
with James, and Josephine, at Monohon WA in 1940
Frank was shown as a Trader, on the Stock Exchange
last name shown as Phispator in this census.
Apr 1, 1935 his residence was in Terrace BC, shown as single

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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That is the honest and proper way to do it!
I know there are other books written
about this area,
I don't intend to repeat history, but only to add to it.
My names and dates above are as close as I can find.
Please use these as clues in your own research. |