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Arthur Lee Clore
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George Albert Kerr
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Rev. Thomas Jabez Marsh
James Darius Wells
Frank Lazelle
Frederick "Fred" Hampton
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Frank Phiscator Jr. and Sr.
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Dr. William Percy Johns
Dr. Seymour Traynor
Daniel Joseph Dempsey
Edwin G. Russell
Adolph Butze
Frank Watrous Morse
George Alexander McNicholl
Joseph Frederick "Fred" Ritchie
Ernest Joseph Rowley
Allan Cameron Aldous
William Pitt Murray
Henry H. Brewer
Dr. Francis James Ewing
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John Theodore Phelan
Enoch Roscoe Lukens Jones
Hugh Bernard Ashton Birch
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I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
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This is not a history site going back to time
rather it is the more the European History from early 1900's .
I know the First Nation claim here, and their history
is written on many web sites, which is excellent.
I applaud recording their history.
On my Ext Link page I try and add links to these history pages.
My little page records a few names, and their history in this area,
as best as I can research.
It is a research tool for descendants of these folks,
whether they came from England, Ireland, Scotland, US, etc.
aka: Kitselas- Old Town
aka: Kitselas Canyon
Kitselas means "People of the Canyon"
Latitude- 54º 34' N
Longitude- 128º 27' W

Kitselas shown top of this 1915 map
Just above Durham

River View of Kitselas
Credit: Canada. Dept. of Mines and Resources /
Library and Archives Canada / PA-021442
The picture is copyright of them.
Kitselas located across the Skeena River
about 3 miles west of
Usk Station,
at mile 107 from Prince Rupert
Railroad fare in 1916- $4.30
Elevation 305 ft
1916 directory shows Kitselas as a thriving community
during the building of the railroad.
Lies at the foot of the Kitselas Canyon on the Skeena River.
Trail from Kitselas via Gold Creek,
connects with the Copper River Trail
about 30 miles above the mouth of the Copper River.
1919 a flag stop on the GTP
95 miles from Prince Rupert
and 13 miles from Kitsumkalum
Vanarsdol was nearest Post Office

Canoe Passage Kitselas Canyon
This is an old Postcard sent to me by Rebecca Cardinal
part of her Great Grandmother's Collection
Imagine not only sitting in this canoe, but taking a picture
at the same time, and this was early in the 1900's
This is before the railroad came into this area.
A great photo in a scary place.
I record tidbits as I find them
Billy Doyle according to Enoch Jones, used to grow 25 lb
He like others gave up their ranch acres back to the Government
Sept 1909- Thomas Crawford was working
placer claims
2 miles west of Kitselas. He was one of the first to join in the
1898 stampede for the Klondike Gold fields.
He was living in Chippewa Falls WI, when word came of Gold!
Mar 1898 he bought his ticket for rail to Seattle.
On arriving in Calgary, he changed his mind and went via Edmonton.
Many men on that train died on that trip.
It was called a "short cut" but was not an easy trip.
Nov 1909- Pat Burns & Co was to build a cold storage plant
Provincial Lockup
Charles L. Cullen- Provincial Constable
b- Mar 1872- ON
1911 census shows him in Stewart as a Road Foreman
2 Justices of Peace
Charles W. D. Clifford (Townsite Owner) ,JP
Charles William Digby
b- Oct 1842 in Ireland
d- May 10, 1916 in Vancouver, age 73
married Lucy Margaret Clifford, nee McNeill, May 24, 1888, Hazelton
b- June 7, 1864 in Victoria, BC
d- July 5, 1956, Oakhurst Nursing Home, Vancouver, BC
daughter of William McNeill, b- Scotland
and Mary Macauney, b- Victoria BC
Charles and Lucy's daughter- Harriett Mary Clifford
b- Feb 1891 in BC, baptized Fort Simpson
She was still alive in 1956 when her mother died.
Frank M. Whitlow, JP (see below)
Enoch Roscoe Lukens Jones
- Agent, Government Telegraphs
Publisher- Big Canyon Weekly
Charles Durham- Lineman
Albert Oldham Winter- Farmer and Telegraph Lineman
George Anderson- Logger
W. M. Bateman- Tobacconist and Soft Drinks
William Milton Bateman? (a guess only)
b- England
wife- Jane Hirst
He is described in Enoch Jones letters in none flattery ways.
He was a big man, known for his gambling.
It seems he ran a gambling place here,
as well as selling tobacco etc.
It is not known if he was related to the Bateman's
from Bateman's landing. It has been assumed he wasn't.
J. E. Bennett- Agent- Bornite Mining Co. Ltd., Mining
Big Canyon Hotel- John W. Paterson Prop.
Anthony Clement- Rancher
Edward Cullerston- Cook
David Erickson- Farmer
William R. Falconer- Farmer
Andrew R. Falk- Farmer (see below)
Foley, Welch & Stewart- Railway Contractors Branch Warehouse
Peter Graham- Miner
August E. Johnson- Miner
John Bruce Johnstone- Miner (see
Lakelse Lake Valley Page)
Milo Cecil Kendall- Miner (see
Lakelse Lake Valley Page)
Thomas Mitchell- Manager, Kitselas Contracting & Building Co
b- Feb 1859? Quebec
1911 shown as a Millwright, Sawmill, staying at Kitselas Hotel
Gibb Lee - Bakery and OK Mountain Restaurant
Bert Long- Rancher
James McBride- Miner
Alex Rod McDonald
Ronald McEachern- Labourer
General Store, also Prince Rupert- 2 owners
1- Joseph Ernest McEwen
b- ca 1872, PEI (age 39 when he married)
d- Mar 3, 1944, Vancouver BC, age 72
son of Hugh and Annie McEwen
Joseph married Olive Regina Shandish Summer,
June 15, 1910 at 821
Linden Ave, Victoria BC.
b- London ON, age 24 when she married
2- Joseph Edward Merryfield
b- July 10, 1880 Grass Valley CA, (baptized in Langley BC)
d- June 16, 1954, MSA Hospital, Matsqui BC, age 73
son of James Merryfield, b- Cornwall, England,
and Sarah Trezise, b- Cornwall, England
Joseph married Beatrice Black, Feb 13, 1904 in Vancouver BC
John McGregor- Miner
James McPhee- Labourer
Antonio Mirabelle- GTP Section Foreman
John W. Paterson- General Store
Joseph E. Patterson- Miner
Riverside Hotel- Raymond "Ray" H. Tafel prop.
(see below)
Joseph St. Aubin- Farmer
Sept 1909- Joseph "Joe" St. Aubin committed suicide in his
found by Billy Doyle and Jack Bell
D. C. Savary- Contractor & Builder
John Shannon- Carpenter
Thomas J. Thornhill- Miner
Richard Watson- Cook
James Darius Wells- Miner
Frank M. Whitlow- Farmer and JP- (see below)
Jan 1910- Found a George R. Naden was reported
drowned in a canoe
heading to Prince Rupert from Kitselas.
In Feb they reported he made it safe and sound!
He got to read his own death notice!!
Nov. 1909 I found a George R. Naden
bought 2 lots in Prince Rupert for $10,375.
Apr 1910 a George R. Naden won an alderman position there.
George was an MLA for Greenwood BC, before this,
came to Rupert to set up Realty and Insurance office there.
Became Deputy Minister of Lands in BC Govt. (1915-1928)
retired Minister of Lands
George Ratcliffe Naden
b- May 7, 1865 in Hartington, Derbyshire, England
d- Nov 30, 1953 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria BC, age 88
wife- Margaret Hogarth Naden, nee Dunn
b- May 20, 1867 in Thessalon, ON
daughter- Ester Stuart Naden
b- Oct 16, 1900 in Greenwood BC
1901 family in Rossland BC
son- Dr. John Ratcliffe Naden
b- Feb 10, 1902 in Greenwood BC
d- Jan 14, 1981 in Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver
Apr 1910- orders for 14 new buildings were given.
May 1910- Lumber was rafted down the Skeena for new buildings
1910- Big Canyon Hotel was here
1910- Big Canyon Weekly Newspaper changed it's name
to Inland Colonist, so there was a newspaper printed here.
June 1911 the paper moved from Kitselas to Hazelton
Frank S. White shown as a printer of a newspaper
in Kitselas in 1911
His dad was an orderly at the Foley & Stewart Hospital
Frank S. White
b- Dec 1885, in England
father- Frank White
b- Nov 1869 in England
brother- William G. White
b- Jan, in England
Waiter at the hospital
brother- Harold G. White
b- Dec 1901 in England
family immigrated in 1910
Additional info on Big Canyon Weekly paper
from Helen McRae:
Note you
have a mention of a printer of the Big Canyon Weekly,
did you ever hear of Enoch
R. L. Jones, the Owner? (see bio below)
A very interesting fellow, was in the Spanish American War.
He had a couple children while at Kitselas.
Enoch Roscoe Lukens Jones
web page
July 1910- a Town called Durham was being started
across the Skeena River from Kitselas
This later became called Usk. (see correction below)
received an email from Helene McRae apr 5,
correcting this old newspaper article above:
"One of the things on the Kitselas page is of Charles Durham
I have that his name was Carl
Joseph Halvar Dorum
but of course in English, Charles Durham
he was born on Aug. 21, 1861 in Molde, Norway
and died at Usk, B. C. on September 13, 1958. (Helene's
His planned Durham town was on DL 704
Railroad side of Kitselas Canyon - did not become Usk.
Richard Lowrie (Lizzy Kitselas' husband),
pre-empted the lot that become Usk.
There's a bit of confusion between your Newtown/Vanarsdol/Kitselas
and the Kitselas Canyon town
- the white people moved to Usk - 3 miles East of the Canyon,
Newtown would be about 3 miles West, more across from the Copper
Joseph Ernest McEwen
b- May 1874 in PEI
married Olive Regina Sandish Summers, June 15, 1910
at the home of Rev. W. Leslie Clay, in Victoria BC
b- July 1884, in ON
she was the 2nd daughter of James Summers of Phoenix AZ
Rev. Clay was a cousin of the groom.
They left via Seattle, Vancouver, to Kitselas,
where Joseph had a Retail Dry Goods business operating already.
1911 census he is still there.
Sept 1910- 61 boxes were added to the Post Office at Kitselas
in Dec 1910 the mail was carried by canoe from Kitselas to Hazelton
Sept 1910- F. Joyce reopened his Shoe Store in Kitselas
Frank Joyce
b- Aug 1860, in Ireland
immigrated in 1889?
shown as a Shoe Maker in 1911
Oct 1910- Olson and Bates had a Gold claim 16 miles from
Jan 1911- Ed Snyder ran a restaurant at Kitselas
Mar 1911- A. E. Simmons swallowed a $20 gold coin
May 1911- Frank Reid died at Kitselas- age 60
He was a Pro Boxer at one time.
He claimed he trained Jack Dempsey for several fights.
Samuel Christian
b- Oct 1862 in NB
Hotel Clerk
James D. Wells
b- Oct 1872, BC
American, Miner
Cyril Wiggett
b- July 1881 in England
immigrated in 1908, in Hotel Restaurant, Bar Keeper?
Gibb Lee
b- Apr 1874 in China
immigrated in 1902, Restaurant, Cook
Patrick McEwan
b- Nov 1884 in England
immigrated in 1910, waiter in Hotel
Joseph H. Potts
b- Oct 1889 in England,
immigrated in 1906, Waiter in Hotel
Daniel H. Wilkinson
b- June 1878, in England
immigrated in 1906, waiter at Hotel
Wick? K. McDonald
b- Aug 1858 in ON
Hotel Keeper
H. Toyota (Taylor?)
b- Oct 1887, in Japan,
immigrated in 1906, Student, Porter
Thomas Mitchell
b- Feb 1859, Quebec
Baptist, Millright, at a Sawmill
William Wallace
b- Sept 1876, in ON,
Stationary clerk at a News Stand
b- Dec 1878, Quebec
French, Hotel clerk
John Pauls?
b- Sept 1882, Germany
immigrated in 1907, Bartender, Hotel
? Gill?
b- July 1885, in England
immigrated in 1910, Freight Clerk, Warehouse
Daniel Beck?
b- May 1882, PEI
Timber Cruiser
Walter H. Blake?
b- 1876, in Ceylon?
immigrated in 1900,
August E. Johnson?
b- Jan 1867, in Sweden
immigrated in 1885, Miner
Edward Kilby?
b- Mar 1879, USA
immigrated in 1903, Baptist, Farmer
Francis Melthorp
"Frank" Whitlow
b- Apr 1877 in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
immigrated in 1897
son of John and Frances H. Whitlow.
Dry Goods Clerk, General Store
married- Elizabeth Matilda Whitlow, nee Durham,
Oct 25, 1909 at Charles Durham's Residence in Kitselas
b- Sept 1890, in Sudbury, ON, age 18 when she married
daughter of Charles J. H. & Margaret Durham
daughter- Violet Durham M. Whitlow
b- Mar 1910 in BC
she married Oscar Benhart Sather, June 24, 1933, in Usk
Thomas Hazle "Tom"
b- Nov 1877 in Ayr Scotland
d- Feb 8, 1939 in Prince Rupert BC, age 61
buried in Kitsumgallum Cemetery

Immigrated in 1910, Dry Goods Clerk, General Store
son of John McCubbin and Elizabeth Stevenson
Elizabeth buried in Kitsumgallum Cemetery

age 34, living in Nicholl (Pacific) BC, when he married
married Elizabeth Shirra Dougall, June 18, 1912
at residence of James Carmichael in Prince Rupert BC.
b- 1880, Kippen Scotland, age 32 when she married
d- 1951

buried in Kitsumgallum Cemetery
daughter of Robert Dougall and Janneth Shirra
Fred DeForrest
b- July 1852, in Quebec
John McCunley?
b- June 1880 in Scotland
Immigrated in 1889
Railroad Labourer
Hugh Ames Bigelow
b- Apr 24, 1861, in Kansas, USA
d- Oct 18, 1941 in Los Angeles, USA
son of ? Bigelow, b- MA, USA, and ? Steward, b- NY, USA
English ancestry
all 3 immigrated in 1897
Retail General Merchant
wife- Mary Bigelow , nee Miller
b- May 1865, in USA
German ancestry
wife's sister- Lulu Miller
b- Aug 1871 in USA
Bigelow was known as the
Kitselas "Banker".
He moved to California, and became a millionaire.
Per Enoch Jones he invested in Oil.
June 26, 1916- Hugh and his wife Mary entered Ketchikan AK,
on the Princess Alice, age 55, shown as a Citizen of Canada
May 1918, entered Port of Sumas, age 57,
last permanent residence, Smithers BC
shown as a Merchant.
1919 Hugh and Mary, living on S. Thompson Ave., in Tacoma WA
1920 in Tacoma ward, Pierce, WA, USA with wife, and Lulu Miller
1926 in Long Beach CA, USA with wife Mary M. Bigelow.
Joseph Coutts
b- Jan 1884 in Scotland
immigrated in 1909, General Sales Man, General Store
Edward Beaulieu
b- Aug 1860 (1862?) in Quebec
d- Apr 18, 1948, Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster, BC, age
Barber, retired in 1928
Living at CNR shops, Port Mann before he died.
John C. Stuart
b- Dec 1883, NS
Cook, Construction Camp
Louie? Paul Hart
b- Jan 1860?, in Germany
immigrated in 1881, Butcher, Restaurant
Thomas F. Harris
b- Oct 1880, in England
immigrated in 1903, Railroad, Labourer
Y. Sam
b- June 1869, in China
Daniel B. Kenney
b- Nov 1880, in NS
Restaurant Keeper
brother- Lambert H. "Bert" Kenney
b- Oct 1884, in NS
Waiter, Restaurant
brother- Edward Tourtelotte
b- July 19, 1888 in Clarks Harbour, NS
d- Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria BC, age 86
Freight Clerk, Warehouse
He married Leila Brooks, July 21, 1915 in Terrace
This the E. T. Kenney of Terrace Fame.
retired Lands & Forest Minister, BC Govt.
all sons of Daniel Kenney and Margaret Newell, both b- NS
John Johnson
b- May 1876, Sweden
Immigrated in 1910, Construction Camp Cook
William H. Irvine
b- July 1867, NS
Restaurant Bookkeeper
William A. Parker
b- Jan 1834, USA
immigrated in 1905, Restaurant Cook
Ray H. Tafel
b- Dec 1887, USA
both immigrated in 1908, German, Hotel Keeper
wife- Myrtle Tafel
b- Sept 1886, in USA
wife's daughter?- Hanner? Ricketts
b- Mar 1903, in USA
William Winson Noonan
b- Jan 28, 1884, St. John, Newfoundland
d- Oct 4, 1956 near Kwinitsa, CNR, age 72
buried in Telkwa BC
son of John Hyacinthe Noonan and Annie A. Winson
Dominion Telegraph Operator
in 1911
Lived in Telkwa when he died.
Operator, CNR Telegraph, over 50 years in the business
never did retire.
Married Annie Elizabeth Leaver, Nov 3, 1913, Kitsumkalum BC
daughter- Frances C. L. Bates, nee Noonan
Charles Warner?
b- Jan 1864, Denmark
Sailor, waiter, Restaurant
Maurice Sacker?
b- Feb 1886, Russia
immigrated in 1905, Jewish, General Retail Merchant
Harry Goldberg
b- Aug 1887 in Russia
Jewish Peddler
William G. Connon?
b- Sept 1875, Scotland
immigrated in 1885, General Store
wife- Adelaide
another Hotel Keeper
Joe Queside?
b- Dec 1884 Montenegro ?
he seemed to have a bunch of railroad men staying at his hotel
2 Constables shown:
Rod McDonald
b- July 1876 in Scotland
d- ?
Frank James
b- Jan 1871, in England
d- ?
with wife and children
Milo Cecil Kendall
b- Jan 16, 1873 in Toulon, Stark Co., Illinois, USA
d- ? ,bef July 1926, Drowned, but I don't know where, Yet!
He might have drowned in the Goat River area, Cariboo.
son of Zelotous (Zelotas?) Kendall, and Nancy Wolf
Immigrated in 1894
Naturalized in 1900
1901 census shown in
Lorne Creek, b- 1850, age 51, occupation- miner
He enlisted in WWI, Feb 12, 1916, in Prince Rupert, Reg #703723
Army, Canadian Infantry, 102nd Batt.
married Ida "Elizabeth" Holcomb, Jan 30, 1906, Red Oak Montgomery,
b- Feb, 1864, in Scott Co. Iowa, USA
daughter of Jededia Loomis Holcomb and Jan McMellen
1911 both living at Kitselas Hotel, in Kitselas
Terrace Area War Memorial
He had Placer leases that his wife sold after he drowned.
Nov 10, 1906 he was in charge of the Toulon mine at Kitselas
and had 7-10 men working all winter on it.
Shows as Toulon Mine Superintendent in 1914 Mining Report.
M. C. Kendall was Ferryman at Usk, in 1920
Pool Rooms
Charles M. Palmer
b- Mar 1883 in ON
owned a pool room here.
Harry M. Frank
b- Jan 1886, in ON
owned another pool room here
Steamers docked at Kitselas 1911 census
1911 census shows lots of steamers at Kitselas,
and their famous Captains.
Captain Ernest Forfar
b- Apr 12, 1876, in Liverpool, England
d- Apr 26, 1963, at Veteran's Hospital, Victoria BC, age 87
son of William "Bill" Jordan and Hanna Douglas Cox, both b- NS
married Laura "Imogene" Cox, Oct 5, 1926,
Turner St, Victoria BC
b- New York, USA, age 34 when she married
daughter of William Cox, and Laura Sugatt, both b- NS
Captain Jordan, Master Mariner, Steamer
SS Port Simpson docked in Kitselas
other crew shown as well
also SS Conveyor was docked in Kitselas as well
Captain not listed, lots of crew shown
I think the SS Skeena was also docked here
Captain Stewart Burr Johnson and his wife, shown at Kitselas
(see Mount Royal link on top left for his bio)
SS Distributor in dock as well, crew shown
Where did they dock all these boats at the same time?
and more men to come.
another Hotel, a rooming house, steamer
this was a pretty large settlement by list of men.
Foley, Welch and Stewart Camp 11 at Kitselas
GTP railroad contractors
Tunnel Camp #2 also there.
Jan 1912- Provincial government constructed a wagon road to
Gold Creek
to access the mines there.
Jan 1912- the Big GTP Railway Tunnel was finished at
and steel was soon to be laid to Skeena Crossing
Mar 1912 - C. W. Clifford sold his gold mining claim
Charles William Digby
Clifford (see link below)
Nov 1912- Fire Warden G. A. Kerr had his headquarters at
George Albert Kerr
Dec 1912- Gold strike at Kitselas reported ore as high as
Jan 1913- Golden Era Mines operated here
Apr 1916- Cave-in in a side hill cellar at the
Patterson Hotel
at Kitselas revealed 3 barrels of whiskey worth $1,000
Of course the Mount Royal accident occurred in the Kitselas
see link on upper left

Big Canyon "aka- Kitselas" Canyon
Credit: Library and Archives Canada / PA-
Only one left in the settlement
A. R. Falk- Mixed Farming
Directory shows A. A. Falk
Andrew R. Falk
b- 1851- 1852, in Norway
age 59 when married
d- Jan 15, 1929 in Hazelton, age 77 (possibly the right
son of Ronald Anderson and Louisa Falk
married Inga Myron, Dec 19, 1910 in Mr. Durham's Residence, at
b- ca 1872, Norway, age 38 when married
d- Mar 22, 1944 in Vancouver, age 77 (possibly her?)
lived in Yankton SD before she married
daughter of John and Mary Myron
It had a short booming life as far as European settlers.
Of course the CNR Railroad still runs thru here.
Most of the people moved to Usk from Kitselas
after the Sternwheelers quit running the river.
There is a National Historic site at
Kitselas Canyon now (ca2013)

Downtown Kitselas ca 1910
Photo from a Historical Info stand on
Terrace Grand Trunk Pathway
click to enlarge in new window
Names etc in Kitselas, from an article
in the paper
Kitselas Contracting and Building Company
the La Bakery
OK Mountain Restaurant
Big Canyon Hotel
Big Canyon Weekly
W. B. Bateman's Tobacco and Soft Drinks
Bornite Mining Company Ltd.
J. E. Bennett, Agent
Joseph E. McEwen
Merry Field General Store
Riverside Hotel
Hudson Bay Company
Dr. Traynor MD
Warehouse of Foley, Welch and Stewart
Described as the largest White settlement between
Port Essington and Hazelton
Rowe Family
In Enoch Jones letters he talks about a father and son
named Rowe, that had 160 acres each, behind Kitselas.
After they proved up the land in their names,
they went to Prince Rupert to set up a tin shop.
Both were Tin Smiths by trade.
In his letter he says the Rowe's were living in South Dakota
before coming to BC
I found a
C. O. Rowe
Manager Rowe's Plumbing and Sheet Metal, ca 1930 in Rupert
which fits the Tin Smith identifier.
1920 he was bidding on some school work in Rupert
1930 he was into mining the Rowe claim on Pitt Island, shown as
Charles O. Rowe
lived at 227 W 2 Prince Rupert in 1938
Frank E. Rowe
might have had another son Philip Rowe, but
not verified
Then Mr. Jones talks about a Arthur
another name to try and find.Then I got this email July 5, 2013:
name is Margaret (Rowe) Garney and I am writing to you from the town
of Cabot, near N. Little Rock, Arkansas in the US. My father is
Esla Alfred Rowe, born June 14, 1917 Davenport, Iowa and who passed
away Nov. 7, 1993 in St. Louis, Missouri.
pulled up your web page late last night in a search for
Arthur Fearon Rowe
land ownership in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada. Previous
to this, I was trying to find a town that appeared to be Korbelas in
handwriting on a 1909 travel manifest for Arthur Fearon Rowe. I
could not find a town by that name around Prince Rupert and I now
believe the town to be Kitselas, B.C., Canada because of your good
work. Up until this time, I have always been a little envious of
people who could go back to old books and find paragraphs written
about someone in their family history. I noted with particular
interest the paragraph you have near the bottom of your web page
about the Rowe family. Many of the names you mention, I have no
knowledge of. However, there is enough information in that
paragraph, based on what I do know, to believe you are probably
talking about my grand uncle, Arthur Fearon Rowe, born Oct. 27, 1877
in Elk Point, Union County, South Dakota and who passed away March
31, 1961 in Potterville, Eaton County, Michigan.
My father spoke of
his Uncle Arthur Fearon Rowe fondly. He stated he was closer to him
than his own father but that is another story. Arthur Fearon Rowe
(have his photo) lived in Elk Point, South Dakota until 1901, when
he moved to New Norway, Alberta, Canada. In 1909, he apparently was
residing in Kitselas, Atlin County, British Columbia. In July,
1909, he traveled from Prince Rupert, British Columbia to Seattle,
King, Washington. Between 1910-1912, he was living in Lansing,
Michigan. At the age of 33, his occupation was that of a
“Tinsmith”. I have him living in Prince Rupert, Atlin County,
British Columbia in the year 1911. My father left us a Tax Notice
of Assessment from Prince Rupert, B.C. that had been mailed to an A.
F. Rowe and Lyle Victor Rowe at Des Moines, Iowa on Dec. 31, 1926.
This tax assessment was for 160 acres, Rye 5, Lot 1748 (rural school
district Usk). It is displayed on on our family tree –
June, 1911, Arthur Fearon Rowe married Irene Viola Murray in
Charlotte, Michigan. This union produced two men, Robert Lee Rowe
and Donald Meredith Rowe. My sister, Elaine, of St. Louis, Mo.,
says Donald Rowe visited with my father and apparently brought
My sister just found a patent that was issued to Arthur Fearon Rowe
March 26, 1912 through Prince Rupert for an Automatic Friction
Clutch Bracket.
addition, my sister also found Alberta, Canada homestead records for
Arthur Fearon Rowe, Section 10, Township 45, Range 20 We note Henry
Hubbard Rowe and Lyle Victor Rowe also purchased land in the area
there as well.
In May, 1918, Arthur
Fearon Rowe left Lansing, Michigan again and arrived at the port of
Gretna, Manitoba in route to British Columbia. During the year
1918, I have him residing at Suquamish, Kitsap County, Washington. I
now believe his WWI draft registration card tells us he was employed
by Boeing Aero Plant Company in Seattle, Washington. In 1918, his
occupation was described as a sheet metal worker. By 1922, Arthur
Fearon Rowe was back in Lansing, Michigan and lived there through
1959. In 1948, Arthur Fearon Rowe established a business which he
called Lakerfill, Inc. and his product was Plyable Lak-Er-Fil. My
brother, “Jim” James S. Rowe, tried to find a patent on this product
in the United States. He did not find one. It is possible he had
this patented in Canada, as well. The business was owned and
operated by Arthur and his wife, Irene Viola Murray Rowe. Their
son, Robert Lee Rowe, was a clerk at Lakerfill and Irene’s mother,
Harriet Augustus Murray, assisted. They manufactured quick drying
colored glaze, paints and fillers. An advertisement published in
the Fine Furniture home furnishing magazine by the Furniture Capital
Publishing Company out of Grand Rapids, Michigan ran the following
in their July, 1936 Volume I, Number 3 edition: “Markets New
Putty” “Recently put on the market is a fast-drying putty called
Plyable Lak-er-fil. It can be planed, filed, sanded, carved,
drilled, tapped and nailed. Capable of glazing and staining to
match any wood, it is simply applied by a putty knife. It is being
marketed by A. F. Rowe of Lansing, Mich.” Again, the credit for
this discovery goes to my sister, Elaine R. Sheahan.
Margaret sent me more info on this family, but have edited it down a
There was a Leroy Leland Rowe family in
Usk as well

Kitselas Canyon, Highway side,
from McRae collection
Post Office History
Federal Electoral District: Comox - Atlin (BC)
Office Opened- Nov 1, 1906
Office closed-
Sept 9, 1917Feb 1910- Kitselas Post Office made into a Money Order office
Name of Postmaster |
Date of Appointment |
Date of Vacancy |
Cause of Vacancy |
Walker Paterson |
1906-11-01 |
1914-12-31 |
Resignation |
Durham |
1915-02-01 |
1917-09-09 |
Closed |
This reproduction is NOT
represented as an official version of the materials reproduced,
nor as having been made in affiliation with,
or with the endorsement of the National Archives of Canada.
The source of this material is the National Archives of Canada
Sept 1910, 61 boxes were installed in Kitselas
Post Office
Post Office was in John
Walker "Jack" Paterson's store
When this Office closed, Vanarsdol became the nearest PO
confused here as Postal Record says surname is
but other vital records say Paterson? with one t,
note in 1911 census, family name shown as Paterson
Headstone for his wife says Paterson
Wedding Certificate says Paterson,
but 1898 BC voter's list says Patterson, with 2 t's.
Then I found this ad, with one T
You would think he would want the correct spelling there?

John Walker "Jack" Paterson
b- Oct 1864 in Aberdeen Muie, Scotland, (1862 in 1911 census)
d- Feb 29, 1936 in Vanderhoof, age 72
Immigrated in 1868 per 1911 census
General Store Merchant in 1911
He was also Deputy Mining Recorder in Kitselas
He was age 46 when he married, living at Kitsalas Canyon
son of John Paterson and Elizabeth Walker
married to Eveleen Patterson, nee Fenwick, Nov 12, 1909, at Port
Essington BC
b- Sept 1880, in Westmoreland Rd., Newcastle upon Tyne, England
birth registered Jan-Mar 1881 in Newcastle upon Tyne
d- Apr 2, 1980 Florence Nightingale Private Hospital, Surrey BC, age
she is buried in Vanderhoof Municipal Cemetery
but her husband is not in the index there?
strange since he died there, but many years earlier?
Immigrated in 1907 per 1911 census
daughter of John Mack Fenwick,
b- Apr-June 1849 Newcastle upon Tyne, England
and Lydia Hills, who were married Jan-Mar 1873, Newcastle on Tyne, England
b- England
she was age 29 when she got married, living in Vancouver
they had a daughter-
Marjory Paterson
b- Nov 1910 in BC
Paterson's Postal Assistant was Mrs. James W. Graham
Joseph Halvar Dorum (see above)
aka: Charles Durham
b- Aug 21, 1861, Maldo, Norway
d- Sept 13, 1958, at Usk, BC
Charles enlisted in WWI, Jan
15, 1916
in Prince Rupert. Reg # 703334, rank CPL
shown as a rancher, in Kitselas, married
next of kin, wife- Margaret Durham
Received some nice emails from Helene McRae
from Terrace,
in Mar 2013.
Helene has worked on many history projects in Terrace.
She attached a short description on her family history in this area:
"My Grandparents
and family arrived at Kitselas Canyon in 1903,
My Mom just turned 4 and spent all her life in this area,
until she passed away in 1988.
So we are familiar with so many of the people you mentioned:
- the Stuarts, Dobbies, Clore, Ebring, etc. etc.
I note your map
on Terrace - my grandmother owned DL 362,
to the West of your map - It was surveyed by a Frank Greene from
Terrace Town Plan, Oct 1911
Thanks for your input, corrections, and encouragement Helene.
Kitselas "Big Canyon GTPR Tunnel" Explosion

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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note- these are not my web pages
Charles William Digby
Clifford, with Jack Patterson and Nels Anderson
built the Nicholl Hotel
at Nicholl, which became the village of Pacific.
On the bottom of my page below
is a link to a taped interview
part of which is Kitselas history
Arthur Lee Clore
Gladys Young Blyth wrote "Someone to walk
article on Kitselas in there
click here
Kitselas First Nations site
William Walker Wrathall autobiography
Dominion Telegraph operator
b- June 2, 1884, London England