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Stone Fort Mystery
A Russian Stone Fort near Terrace?
Supposedly near the top of a mountain,
on the Copper / Zymoetz River.
a Mystery that is either a Legend, or Truth.
Here is the story about this mystery,
which as far as I know exists, but location unknown.
As far as I know no picture of it exists.
This is where the internet comes in.
I am hoping a hiker, geologist, helicopter pilot, etc.,
have spotted this structure, and never knew what it was,
until reading this info below, from Helene McRae, Terrace.
When Bill (McRae) was visiting this old timer of Hazelton,
they got to talking about Kiska (Alaska way)
- a place Bob Allen was sent during the War
- the island was very bare of timber so people had lived in caves or
It was from this that Ward brought the story up
- Bill had not asked him about it.
The placer miner up Gold Creek was Bill Elder
- he had prospected the Copper with his brother.
Don't know what year but his brother drowned while up there,
tried to cross the river and was swept away
From conversation between Bill McRae and Ward Marshall
at Hazelton, B.C. in 2003,
when they were discussing Bob Allen,
a fellow that had been hauling poles in the area.
Ward Marshall was close to being 100 years old at the time.
Ward Marshall: Did he ever tell you
about a stone fort or something up the Copper River?
A fellow that used to wash gold up Gold Creek – he knew where it
He took Bob Allen there.
It was supposed
to be a Russian Fort.
The people at Kitselas wouldn’t let the Russian’s come up the river to
The people from the east of here, Burns Lake,
couldn’t get out to trade with the Russians.
The Russians built
a stone fort there
and they did trade with the people in the interior.
Bob Allen told me
about it.
He didn’t describe it too much.
Info above from Helene McRae, who also remembers her dad
about this fort.
The Russians had a Fort on the Copper River in Alaska,
which makes researching this one difficult.
So now it is up to readers of this page, to solve the mystery.
Have you seen info or heard this story before?
Supposedly there was an article in an old mining magazine.
Ward Jacob Marshall
b- July 10,1908, Langley, WA, USA
d- Apr 27, 2008, in Hazelton, BC
Transfer and Taxi Driver when he married
son of Thomas Harvey Marshall
b- Richland Centre, Wisconsin, USA
d- July 11, 1937 in Hazelton BC, age 78
and Myrtle M. Newman
b- ON, Canada
d- ?
Ward married Ada Jane York, July 9, 1931,
in home of Lewis York, New Hazelton BC
death cert says first name Ida?, another form Aida?
b- Nov 7, 1911 in Provost AB
d- Sept 10, 1979, Field St, Hazelton BC, age 67
daughter of Lewis Joshua York
b- Tweed, ON
and Mary Jane Maxwell
b- Bancroft, ON
they had a son Brian Eugene Marshall
who died Jan 26, 1951 in Hazelton BC
They also had a daughter while they were
living in Two Mile BC
Brother of Ward, Thomas James Marshall,
also lived in Hazelton
Robert Joseph "Bob" Allen
b- July 14, 1884, Peterborough, ON
d- Oct 26, 1968, in Wrinch Memorial Hospital, Hazelton, age 84
shown as a Farmer, Logger father-
Robert Allen
b- Peterborough ON
mother- ?, McDonald Married
to Florence McDonald
she died before her husband They
had at least one son, Robert Allen
Bill Elder
Think he became a pack train operator out
of Telegraph Creek
He stopped in Woodcock with a 40 horse pack train, July 1925
A Wilfield Elder is in my Memoriam pages
for WWI 
am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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