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22, 1974
North Route Service Center
Truck Stop, Avalanche
Prior to Tuesday, Jan 22, 1974, at 8 am
a Truck Stop, Gas Station, Cafe, Motel, Trailer Park, Complex
existed 28 miles West of Terrace, on Highway 16,
until a massive avalanche came down
and wiped out the whole Family Business,
sadly taking 7 lives with it.
This page is in honour of those that died
in this horrific disaster.
Record snowfall of over 5 ft in the week
before this
would have caused the avalanche
from the 5226 ft mountain behind the complex.
The complex was covered by 40 ft of snow.
400 yards x 100 yards in size.
More than 100 searchers, and some special
search dogs
participated in the search.
4 bodies, and a survivor, were removed on
the Tuesday,
the day of the avalanche.
Volmar Werner "Bill" Zobel,
a 30 year old Mail truck driver, from Prince Rupert,
was found alive, buried under 5-10 ft of snow.
Dave Newman, Okanagan Helicopters Pilot,
flew him to Mills Memorial Hospital in Terrace.
His Mail truck was found split in half.
He delivered mail from Kitimat, Terrace to Prince Rupert.
He was buried for over 5 hours.
During the pre dawn hours on Wednesday
they found 3 more bodies.
One of the dead, Alan Wayne Macdonald, age
a Highways Department Employee, who lived in Terrace
was operating a snowplow on the highway.
another deceased, Steven "Steve" Mintenko,
the Service Station Attendant,
and brother-in-law of Charles Daumont.
4th victim wasn't identified right away.
Missing Charles Daumont, owner of the station.
Later the body of Denise Daumont,
Charles Daumont's daughter was located.
she was age 18, and a waitress in the restaurant.
Denise's 2 year old dog, a Labrador and
Samoyed cross,
named "Lady", was found, 3 days later,
alive on top of the debris, by her brother.
A fellow in Burnaby took the dog in.
Body of Charles Daumont was found,
as well as Gerald Melvin Lagimodiere, age 27,
the Bartender in the Empire Hotel, Prince Rupert.
Newspaper accounts say his first name was Donald?
also Ted Armstrong, a Highways Grader Operator from Terrace,
and Hans Peter Engler, from Prince Rupert.
The grader and a truck were untouched.
Everyone was in the restaurant, when the avalanche struck.
The Daumont family had no insurance,
due to the isolation of the business.
Building loss was estimated at $90,000.00
the land was leased.
Mr. Daumont had worked for the Highway Department
for 12 years before building on this site.
Sad reading newspapers of the time,
The Daumont family had a real problem with looters.
Not sure why people think they have the right to steal
from folks that have not much of anything left.
This happened here, and many places after.
I know during flooding in Roche Percee SK
a year ago, looters were stealing TV's from
flooded houses. The lowest of the low,
when they turn to stealing from someone that is virtually helpless
to defend themselves.
Stanley Cup rioters ring a bell as well.
Not many years ago, they shot looters.
I'm thinking they should bring that action back!
7 Deceased
1. Owner- Charles Louis Daumont,
b- Aug 15, 1921, Edmonton AB
d- age 52,
son of Louis Andre Daumont and Margueritte
both born in Ares France.
wife- Anne Mintenko
2. Theodore Gerald "Ted" Armstrong
b- Jan 10, 1947, High Prairie AB
d- age 27
son of David Armstrong, and Ethel May
3. Stephon Joseph "Stephen" Mintenko
b- June 10, 1923, Arabella SK
d- age 50
son of Wasyl William Mintenko and Sadie
4. Alan Wayne MacDonald
b- June 25, 1951 Presque Isle, Maine, USA
d- age 22
son of Lorne Laughlan MacDonald and
Patricia Carey
5. Gerald Melvin Lagimodiere
b- Oct 31, 1946, Cold Lake AB
d- age 27
son of Louis Lagimodiere and ?
6. Hans Peter Engler
b- ? in Gladbeck Germany
d- age 25
son of Hans Peter Engler and Rennata ?
7. Denise Daumont
b- Jan 18, 1955 in Terrace BC
d- age 18
daughter of Charles Louis Daumont, and Anne

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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