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Shames BC

part of whole map on Kitsumkalum Lake site
Area, Railway Point
78 mi from Rupert,
Elevation- 103 ft above sea level
1669.2 miles from Winnipeg
Latitude- 54º 25' N, Longitude- 128º 56' W
Flag Station
Jack Sparkes was operating the pumping station here
ca Jan 1927
1921 Residents
John Oscar Peterson
b- ca 1902, age 19, in Sweden
CNR Section Foreman
Immigrated in 1919
Chancy Latta Sanderson
b- July 21, 1872, age 49, in Oxford, ON
d- Dec 25, 1940 in Vancouver BC, age 68
buried in Mountainview Cemetery, Vancouver BC
CNR Section Hand
Enlisted in WWI, June 8, 1917, living in Port Arthur ON
next of kin- sister- Mrs. Ida O'Neill, Fordville, ND, USA, age 14 in
Reg # 1013689, shown as a labourer.
mother- Sarah J. Sanderson, b- June 1841 in ON
brother- Charles Sanderson, b- Oct 1876 in ON
Mother, Chancy and Charles farming in Pierce Co, ND in 1900
father- Stants Saunderson, age 47 in 1880 in Canada, Carpenter
brother- Edward Sanderson, age 12, in 1880 in Canada
whole family in Fisher, Polk Co, MN in 1880
Chancy married to Elizabeth Sanderson
b- ca 1882, age 39, in Australia
Immigrated in 1919
You? Lee
b- ca 1889, age 32, in China
Immigrated in 1911
CNR Section Hand
Foun Sah?
b- ca 1904, age 17, in China
Immigrated in 1918
CNR Section Hand
William Daniel Parle
b- Oct 16, 1875, age 46 in England
d- Apr 10, 1953 in Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancouver BC, age 77
Immigrated in 1885
became Plumber and Steamfitter, lived in Slocan Valley
father- John Parle
mother- Mary Taylor
David "Dave" Wilson
b- July 6, 1881, age 39 in Esthonia, Russia
d- Sept 5, 1949, at Shames BC, age 69
buried in Kitsumgallum Cemetery
Immigrated in 1901
clearing his Pre-emption land
He also did mining in
Kitsumkalum Lake
Shows up there married with 2 children
In 1921 he shows up single.
He was a widower when he died, shown as a trapper
Murdock Sutherland
b- ca 1851, age 70 in NS
clearing his Pre-emption land
CNR Watchman
Richard Adolphus Gooding
b- July 6, 1883, Barbados, British West Indies
Dominion Telegraph Operator
Immigrated in 1902
July 16, 1946 he travelled from Canada thru Port of Buffalo New York
heading home to Barbados, via Miami FL
He was retired living in a hotel in Toronto

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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