I am an amateur Genealogist and Historian
I am interested in adding to existing history books and articles.
Most history books show first initials on folks in the article,
I research the full names, and their basic family information,
which hopefully helps folks find a long lost ancestor.
I started out with a very basic page on my home town, Terrace BC.
Added BC Tel History Pages, Kemano, Kitimat pages,
Vancouver Airport, BC Airlines, Vancouver Island logging photos,
and now Grand Trunk Railway Station pages.
Having these scattered around, I decided to add this Index page,
to compile all of them in one list.
Nation History
You will also notice a lack of First Nation
History in my pages.
I fully acknowledge they were here before the European's.
But I am not First Nation, and therefore leave them
to record and publish their own history.
I have enough trouble researching the European's,
in the last 100 years or so, never mind older than that.
Contributions to my Pages
If you want to contribute photos or information,
I am always ready to make additions.
My pages are intended to distribute history,
at NO Charge, and most important, No Ads.
Contributors are asked to send the name,
they would like to have printed online, for the credit.
The Photos stay Copyright of the donator.
I do add my Copyright info to protect their use.
Copyright Protected Pictures on my Site
I have now added a Stop Sign, to most of my pictures online,

With a Large "Copyright
Photo, Do NOT Copy" Notice in Text,
also directly on the picture, beside the Stop Sign,
for those that can't seem to see my watermark?
I do not think it will be missed anymore.
I am very sorry, the intention of my pages,
is NOT to Share these Photos, and Text,
for you to use on your Facebook Pages,
Google+, Or any other Public Viewed Web sites!
You can view these pictures on my pages, for free, all day long.
Why people think they have the right to steal these photos is beyond
The reason I want all the pictures, and various pages on this site,
is to encourage folks to not only learn about their local history,
but maybe even a bit about some other place in BC or even
Canadian History is great, we just don't know it.
If you want copies of these photos,
Contact your Local Archives, and pay their reproduction fee,
as I am sure they will have similar Postcards, or Photos.
As numerous copies of the same postcard was reproduced,
they will appear in other forms, on other sites,
with different writing on the back.
I don't include the back writing on all, as this eats up bandwidth.
If they don't copyright theirs, that is their business.
Most online are copyright, but there is some that are not.
Go find and use those, and leave my pictures here, where they
I do make some exceptions on sharing some of
the Photos,
for a special reason, with the donators permission,
But these Permissions are very limited.
My sources spend a lot of money buying these postcards,
and are kind enough to share them with the world,
for free, on my history site here.
Please Respect them, by not distributing stolen photos.
I do NOT use any pictures from online Archives
other than the ones I note under some pictures.
Ex: Library and Archives Canada.
I try very hard to NOT use information,
pictures, etc from any New Books.
I have used some info from old newspapers, or an old book.
But only as a last resort, and only if I feel the copyright has
If I have accidentally used any copyright material,
it will be removed within 10 minutes of being notified.
I encourage URL links to the pages,
where the photo is you are interested in.
Copyright Information
Page has instructions on how to do this.
New- On this BC Index
Page and my Saskatchewan Index Page
you will now be able to right click, and save any link,
from the Index on the left in those pages.
No excuses to do that now!
You will notice on my pages,
I add EXT Links at the bottom of the page,
to pages where the photos or information is,
that I think is pertinent to my page.
I can only ask others do the same with my pages.
I try and give as much credit
to others interested in history, as I can.
I don't ask for original pictures,
just a good quality scan is perfect.
Most folks send the originals to an archive,
after they send me a scan copy.
I encourage them to do so, to save the original.
Please Do Not Destroy old Photos or Negatives!
Go visit your Local Archives and Museums!
My little History pages only tell part of the story.
They will fill in the rest!
Also please note-
This is all the info I have,
I use existing online sources, I don't have any
secret sources, books, etc. here at home.
These pages are to help YOU find your ancestors
Sorry, I do not have time to do personal searches.

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