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Founder of

George Little House ca 2005,
built in 1914
Home of the Via Rail Station / Terrace Tourism Society Offices
Original home of the founder of Terrace, George Little.
It has been moved a few times before resting on this spot.

Photos from a Historical Info stand on
Terrace Grand Trunk Pathway
click to enlarge in new window
b- Nov 9, 1878, on a farm near Attwood, Huron, ON
(Attwood St in Terrace named after his hometown)
d- Dec 30, 1955, in Terrace BC, age 77

buried in Terrace Pioneer Cemetery
Father- John Little, Mother- Helen Lawrence Watt
(see below)
George was a man of numerous
General Store Operator, Post Master, Railway Foreman,
Sawmill Owner, Miner, and Financier.
but best known as George Little Town Maker!
End of the Century, he left Ontario to search
for gold in the Yukon,
during the 1898 rush. Not finding any gold,
He returned south to Kitimat, followed the Kitimat trail,
cut out earlier by Henry Frank, for 40 miles.
This trail was intended to be used as a tote road for the railroad,
which was originally going to go to Kitimat, not Prince Rupert.
Arrived at what would become Terrace, on snowshoes, Mar 10, 1905.
Heading originally to the Bulkley Valley.
He laid claim to thousands of acres,
and set about building himself a town.
Streets were laid out, some 80 ft wide,
Trees from Quebec were even planted on the sides of the streets.
In 1909 when the Grand Trunk Pacific was ready to expand to
Prince Rupert, he started a sawmill to cut railway ties for them.
In 1910 he started the first store here.
1911 shown in the census District #8, Atlin,
Enumeration Dist 32,
Skeena River, at Kitsumkalum, Page 13, June 17,
No 99, 102, Head, single, Nov, 1878, age 32,
born in ON, English,
Canadian Anglican, Rancher

In 1912 he went to Seattle to be married
to Clara Beste, on June 26, 1912.

they had 5 children

More views of George Little
Addition below from Maggie Baxter, Apr 2013,
with Thanks
- his mother was
Helen Lawrence Watt
2nd wife of John Little; it was also her 2nd marriage as her husband
Adam Watt had died early of silicosis (a marble cutter) leaving her to
bring twin children into the world alone. She is buried in Kitsumkalum
Cemetary as are her daughter from 1st marriage, the ashes of her
daughter (grand daughter of Helen) and 3 of her four daughters (great
grand daughters) - all within stones throw or so).

I am
an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives, etc.
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it takes
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