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Monckton Family in Northern BC
I know of at least 2 of the Monckton
worked and lived in Northern BC
Philip Marmaduke Monckton, BCLS
b- May 7, 1892, CapeTown, South Africa
d- Oct 4, 1965 in Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver BC, age 73
Cremated, Ocean View Cemetery, North Vancouver BC
Educated in England
1901 shown as a visitor, age 8, with
his mother,
in Felstead, Essex, England, with his mother's sisters.
Father shown at war.
Came to BC in 1908, per some sources,
One document says they landed in Quebec Sept 14, 1907
on the Empress of Britain, leaving from Liverpool.
1909- P. M. Monckton was living in
with a Mrs. Monckton.
Sept 6, 1913- He was working under
Mr. R. P. Bishop, BCLS,
and leaving Bella Coola on the Princess Beatrice, heading south,
where he was about to take his final examinations
for his BCLS diploma.
Mr. Richard Prentice Bishop was the
Head BC Govt. Surveyor,
b- Sept 14, 1884, Starcross, Devon, England
d- Feb 13, 1954 in Victoria BC.
May 25, 1915, living in Duncan BC
with his parents.
June 1915 he is shown returning from
Seattle WA,
thru Victoria Port, heading to his father John in Duncan BC,
his address is shown as Duncan as well.
Flight Lieutenant RCAF
Lieutenant The East Surrey Regiment, 1915-1919
1917 shown as Lieut. P. M. Monckton, 26th Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Vancouver
1921 census shows him on Porcher
Island, age 29.
Shown immigrating in 1907, Surveyor, BCLS.
Then I also found him on the Terrace
with his wife and son and daughter.
Indexed as Moulton family for some strange reason.
1924- Doing survey work in Kitimat
He named Mount Elizabeth in the area. (see link below)
Nov 1927 he reported that a highway
should be built
between Stewart and Kitwancool, and then on to Kitwanga.
He was working behind Stewart all summer before this.
He claimed this new road would enable the packers
to drive their horses to the Bulkley Valley,
where they would winter them for about $25.
He also seen the road as used by Americans
driving their cars thru BC to Alaska.
His vision became Highway 37 today,
which is a major access highway to the north.
Philip shown married, living in
Terrace BC, ca 1929
in a Peerage book from that date
May 31, 1930- he arrived in Ketchikan
Alaska, on the Princess Louise.
Shown as age 38, Surveyor, last perm res- Victoria.
Records show he made a couple trips there.
Newspapers in Terrace show him here
earlier as well,
leaving to spend the winter in Victoria with his family in Oct, 1928
Also as early as 1923 he is mentioned in Terrace.
Sept 1925 he returned to Terrace from Survey work in the Nass.
1935 a Prov. Govt Survey was
commissioned to survey the Stikine River area
and Mr. P. M. Monckton led the crew.
Mar 1941 he was surveying north of
on snow conditions and levels,
for a report to the United States-Canada Alaska Highway Commission
on building what became the Alaska Highway.
1947 he was surveying in the Kispiox,
Telegraph Creek, Atlin, areas.
1953- lived at 2199 Lafayette St,
Victoria BC,
1958 shown as a Civil Servant, same address, in Victoria BC,
where his residence was before he passed away in 1965.
He retired May 31, 1957
shown as H.C.L.S. Surveyor, Grade 3.
BC Government Surveyor
Nickname "The Wolverine" given to him by the Talhtan,
per BC Place Name book.
info below from Helene McRae,
from her history file:
"Although not officially a civil servant until 1941, most of Mr. Monckton's
professional career was devoted to Provincial Government assignments, mainly on
exploratory triangulation surveys in north western British Columbia. Place names
such as Terrace, Kitimat, the Skeena, Nass, Iskut, Stikine, Finlay and Kechika
rivers, Meziadin and Bowser lakes and Telegraph Creek give colour to his reports
to the Surveyor-General through the years 1921 - 1940, and indicate the broad
ambit of his activities.
G. S. Andrews, Office of the Surveyor-General & Director of Surveys and
Mapping, Dept. of Lands, Forests, & Water Resources, wrote a nice article on
him, war service, etc. in October 1965. Says - Philip Monckton's significant
contributions to filling in the large "unknown" blanks on the earlier maps
of British Columbia are commemorated by Mount Monckton in the Dease-Liard Region
of Northern British Columbian and by Monckton Creek in the vicinity of Zeballos.
Don't know how I got the write-up but it's interesting as he must have played at
big part in mapping this part of BC"
Philip married Lavender Annie Watts
Jan 19, 1918 in Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, England.
b- July 23, 1894, Leicester, England
d- July 9, 1987, Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancouver BC, age 92
Cremated- North Shore Crematorium, North Vancouver BC
1958 she is on voters list in Victoria
daughter of William James O'Hara, of St Albans, Co. Hertford, England
b- Ireland
and Eliza Deane Perrier
b- Cork, Ireland
Philip and Lavender had 3 children:
John Philip Monckton
b- Oct 11, 1919 in BC
d- Feb 26, 1943, age 23, during action in WWII
Groesbeek Canadian War
Flight Officer RCAF, Air Observer
Sylvia Margaret Monckton
b- Jan 21, 1921 in BC
married Lt/Cdr, RCN, Thomas Bruce Wilson, Apr 12, 1947
She had 3 children, 1 son, 2 daughters.
George Rupert Monckton, (later
12th Viscount Galway, Baron Killard
b- Oct 13, 1922 in BC
1940- Graduated grade 12 from, Mount Newton Center, Saanich.
Aug 24, 1941 enlisted in RCN
Rank of Lieutenant Commander (see EXT link below)
Tied with one other man, for most numbers of medals
during his service in the RCN.
1965 lived in Burlington ON
married to Fiona Margaret Taylor, in 1944,
daughter of Capt. Percival Walter de Putron Taylor, of Sooke, BC.
they had 4 children, 1 son, 3 daughters.
Philip's father- Marmaduke "John"
b- Nov 3, 1853 in Hemsworth Reg. Dist. West riding of Yorkshire, England
d- Apr 4, 1922 in Victoria BC, age 68
Apr 26, 1872- shown as a Civil Engineer, Manor
House, Southwell, Notts.
Worked on Ganges Canal, Etawah, N.W.P., India
June 1909 ad in Kelowna
M. J. Monckton
Irrigation Engineer
Assoc. Member Inst. C.E.
Member Concrete Institute
Late Irrigation Dept. of India,
and Cape Colony, and with the Central Ok, Co.
Agent for Steel Flumes in Kelowna

1910 ad in Vancouver
Mar. 1913- he was selling eggs for
hatching in Duncan.
These were various exotic breeds of chickens.
Mar 21, 1913- M. J. Monckton- Civil Engineer, from Duncan BC
Oct 1913 he is shown age 59 on the SS Virginian
returning from England, living in Duncan BC
Mar. 1918- he sold his house at Quamichan Lake,
Cowichan Valley, Duncan BC.
Aug. 1918- he had an ad to buy Milk
Goats, address RMD Sidney.
Marmaduke was the son of Edmund Gambier Monckton (1809-1872),
Colonel in the West Yorkshire militia,
and Arabella Martha Robinson, (b- ?, d- 1880)
who were married in 1845
John and Kathleen married in 1891
mother- Kathleen Swan Browne
b- Sept 29, 1866, Bengal India
d- Nov 13, 1953, St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria BC, age 87
Cremated- Royal Oak Crematorium, Victoria BC
Kathleen Immigrated to Canada 45 years before she died, ca 1908
daughter of James Brown, Deputy Surgeon-General, and FNU Dewhurst
both parents born in Ireland.
1911 census shown as surname Monchton?
Philip's Uncle-
Geoffrey Francis
M.E, was from
Saanich BC
b- Dec 27, 1865 in England per death cert,
but really correct date I think is
b- Apr 30, 1865 in Southwell Reg Dist., Nottingham,
d- Dec 28, 1927 in Victoria BC, age 62
took his mining degree in London England
He was a Fellow Geological Society of London.
Came to Canada about 1886, first to Sydney NS.,
1888 to Kamloops, 1909 Bellingham WA.
Death cert says he came to BC in 1884.
1901 Canada Census shown as Geoffry
Mr. G. F. Monckton was a Mining Engineer
in 1912-1914 at the mines in Kitsumkalum Valley
for Matt Allard, D. Wilson, and P. Chesley.
1911 Involved in Ross Coal claims at Groundhog Mountain
Per his death cert his nephew was Philip M. Monckton
who lived at Royal Oak, Victoria at that time.
Apr 1914- Geoffrey Monckton discovered a
skeleton near Savona Lake BC,
that he believed was over 15,000 years old,
which was then the oldest in North America.
The bones were seen projecting from a cliff near Kamloops Lake.
Unable to find anything more what happened with it, age etc.
Aug 8, 1896- Geoffrey was the First
Secretary, at the First Meeting,
of the
British Columbia Association of Mining Engineers
Sept 2, 1927- he was living in Prince
was a business visitor in Terrace.
So we now know Geoffrey was in BC
first, and probably the reason
his brother, and his family, came here in 1907/08.
All of the Monckton family came from
old English / Irish families,
with all the Viscount Titles, and Peerage, that go with that.
One of their ancestors was a 2nd
cousin,13x removed, to Lady Diana.
Another ancestor, Lt. General
Robert Monckton,
who was 2nd in command to James Wolfe,
at the battle of the Plains of Abraham,
was the namesake for Monckton, New Brunswick.
EXT Links
NOT my site
Monckton Peerage in Ireland
Pictures of Mr and Mrs P. M.
Monckton, Nelson BC, May 1958
Mount Elizabeth

I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
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