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54º 12' N, Longitude- 130º 16' W
Elevation- 19 ft above sea level
1735.4 miles from Winnipeg
10.7 miles from Prince Rupert
Hanson Pole Co. established a cedar pole landing area here
Poles were rafted to this area, to be loaded on trains.
my guess it was named after
John Theodore Phelan
(telegraph call letters- PH)
Superintendent of the Dominion Government Telegraph.
1910 he was a Train Dispatcher in Ottawa ON
There was also the Phelan and Shirley
Contractors on the GTP
John Theodore Phelan
b- Dec 5, 1859, Quebec City, Quebec
d- Oct 15, 1929 in St Joseph's Hospital, Victoria BC, age 69
son of Joseph (Lawrence?) Phelan and Margaret Phelan, nee ?
married Ola Marguerite (Etta?) Phelan,
nee Mix, Dec 24, 1888, in Carleton, ON
b- Sept 18, 1870, ON
d- Aug 26, 1924, Vancouver, age 53
daughter of Joshua J. Mix and Minnie Mix, nee ?
Harry Lawrence Phelan
b- Nov 5, 1889 (1890?) in Ottawa ON
d- Sept 25, 1949, Shaughnessy Hosptial, Vancouver BC, age 59
Electrical Engineer when he enlisted in one form
Nov 11, 1914 shown as a Law Clerk in another attestation form
He was a Captain in WWI. Reg # 75215
then 4 daughters
Ola Margaret Phelan
b- Sept 28, 1892
married William Dalton Tippens, Railroad Agent, Nashville, Tenn, USA
father's obit says she married a Harry Scott, living in Chilliwack
in 1929
Iona Lavina Phelan
b- Apr 19, 1894
married Augustus Bailey, lived in Berkley CA, in 1929
Malvena Marie Phelan
b- May 18, 1896
married John William E. Nicholls, Mining Engineer,
b- London England
He lived in Prince Rupert in 1929
Irene Simmons Phelan
b- May 18, 1897 in Ottawa ON
d- 1968
married Rowley Cruit, Mining Engineer, June 9, 1920 St. Paul's
church, Vancouver BC
b- ca 1890, Liverpool England, (age 30 when he married)
son of William Cruit, cattle importer,
and Annie Cummings
divorced Rowley
remarried William Gordon Stephen Mar 26, 1928 in Victoria BC
He was age 39, she was 26
Manager of J. M. Dent & Sons, a wholesale book store.
He lived in Vancouver in 1929
She was an author, She wrote under the name, Pamela Stephen
1901 family lived in Ottawa ON
Phelan family lived at 1800 Haro St.,
Vancouver, WWI period
Entered the Government service about 30 years
before he died in 1929
ca 1910- On Board of Directors of Canadian
Financiers Ltd.,
head office Vancouver BC
shown as Superintendent of Yukon Telegraphs
When his wife died in 1924 he went into a
comatose state,
unconscious for 6days, when one of doctors,
suggested they install a telegraph instrument by his bed.
"PN" his private telegraph call ticked off.
When the ticker ticked off
"Every day in every way" he opened his eyes and smiled.
Then the ticker reported he should drink a little milk,
and Phelan reached out and took his first drink in 6 days.
Enoch Roscoe Lukens Jones mentions writing to
for years until he died.
He would have been Enoch's Boss.

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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