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Terrace Child Development
Centre History
This is a history page of the Centre.
I am not connected with the Centre or Society today.
Back around 1987,
I was one of the members of
the Volunteer Directors of the Society,
and I did building maintenance work for a couple years there.
When I was on the Board, one of the Board Members,
read about a fund raising idea,
And so
the Tree of Lights in the Skeena Mall was started.
I went out with my children
and cut a live Christmas tree for the First Year's Event,
which was quickly changed the next year, to an artificial tree,
so we could leave it up longer in the mall.
Tree of Lights is still a fund raising event for them.
Centre is operated by a
Non Profit Society
and Volunteer Board of Directors
Established in 1974, at 4529 Olson Ave
by the Terrace Cerebral Palsy Association.
New Building under Construction, April 1977
Located at 2510 South Eby,
Terrace BC,
Near Cassie Hall School
It was built by H
& H Construction.
Karl Motz Masonry Ltd. did the concrete block work.
Manuel DaSilva was Chairman of the building committee.
Land was leased from School Board 88
by the Terrace Cerebral Palsy Association.
This group started the collection of funds
for the Centre to be built.
I don't think there is a Service Club, Business, or Individual in
that hasn't given money to the Centre.
Variety Club I know has donated more than one bus to the centre.
Kinsmen club donated the first 12 seat bus in 1975
Cost of the Centre
was $124,000
BC Government donated $80,000
Rest of the money was donated or fund raised.
The problem after the building was built,
was raising the money to operate the Centre.
In 1977, $2500 was required.
as time went on, costs went up, and it was harder to get the
Government Grants only covered a small amount.
It was the job of the Executive to raise these funds.
This is where the Tree of Lights and other events came about.
Grand Opening Ceremony
Sept 24, 1977 at 2 PM
In 1980, money was
raised for a new Hydrotherapy Pool addition.
This Pool became one of my main jobs to maintain.
I even painted the inside of the pool at one point,
and my knees are still sore from that job.
Dr. Geoff Appleton
was one of the people involved
in the creation of the Centre.
He was the Medical Director, Advisor,
and Member of the Board.
Nancy Clay was the
Director in 1977
1989 Staff
Administration Staff
Margot Hayes was
hired as Executive Program Director, late 1980's,
and I believe she served in that position for many years.
Monique Malenfant- Office Assistant
Sharon Rinaldi- Bus Driver
Ed Gregory- Janitorial Services
Service Staff
Margaret (Warcup) Dediluke
was the Physiotherapist.
Margaret was a very dedicated member of the team there.
She was Program Director in 1987
Elizabeth Haws was the Occupational
who specialized in fine motor development
Susan Lang Phillips and Sheila Pretto
were the Speech Therapists
Gayle Connacher was the Family Support
School Staff
Peter Braganza, Supervisor
4 teachers:
Jennifer Neil, Annie Franzmann, Karen Skog, and Julie Jacobs
Building Healthier Babies
Cherralee Roberts worked out of the Centre
This was a brand new program at this time,
and I remember we had trouble getting funding for it.
Today (2014) they operate this program
from their own building near the Medical Clinic Offices,
called "Family Place", on Park Ave.
In 1989 they had more than 170 children
All receiving various treatments.
Approx 80% of the operating budget
came from the BC Government,
Rest of the money was raised locally
It is a Multi
Purpose Centre
Speech Therapy
and more I encourage Donations to
be made to this Great Charity.

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
I do not charge for access to my pages,
I do not have any Ads on my pages.
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That is the honest and proper way to do it!
Note- Not my sites
Official Web Pages of the Centre |