NO Reproduction in Whole or in Part,
on ANY, and ALL of my Pages,
Including Text and Pictures,
May be made, without the express Written Permission
Web Editor, Doug Gent
© 2016
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see my
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for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
Please do not use any of the other watermarked pictures, as a link picture
A standard URL link to each of my pages is allowed:
This page for instance is
just copy the URL from your Browsers Link Bar above,
and paste that URL into face book, google plus, etc
Note- You do not have to ask me, to link to my pages.
I encourage links to spread the history of these areas.
I do not want the off site use of the watermarked pictures is all.
Prince Rupert BC
Historical Photos
Page 5
All Postcards below courtesy Grant
Walker, CA
** New**
I have
added "hotspots" on the Building Signs,
that I can read.
(note- some signs are illegible and no hot spot on them)
Also some of the buildings I have identified with a
hotspot around them.
Note- Not all buildings are identified.
Move your
Mouse over the picture, slowly, and you should be able to read
what the sign says, or the name of the building if there is a
hotspot there..
If you add my site to "Compatibly View settings" under the "Tools" button, in IE
you will see the words appear as you mouse over the pictures.
It may or may not work in some browsers.
If you don't see any words appear on the mouse over,
try clicking once on the sign or building, wherever a hand symbol appears,
and you will go to an index, below the picture, for the whole story.
using Touch Screens, sorry,
you need to click to see the write up below the picture
Another reason I hate touch screens!
Picture 1

Part of Business Section & Harbour, Prince Rupert BC Postcard
Corner Fraser St and 5th st in foreground
F. Button Photo
no 494
Note-This is a Copyright Protected Picture, with my visible Watermark
Please Do Not Use it as a Link Picture, Please Do not Download this Picture
It is not only illegal to do so, but morally wrong!
Stealing anything is possible, but is it right?
Savoy Hotel 614 Fraser st. shown at bottom
SS Prince Rupert or SS Prince George sailing away in
harbour heading to Vancouver
"Alberta Meat Market" sign just up from the horses and cartage
located at 312 5th st.
Peter Gamula prop. in 1921 he lived at 623 Fulton St.
"Rupert Inn" can be seen to the right of the ship, with 3 flag poles on it.
It has the 3 sections, building looks like an E from the top.
Empress Theatre was at 705 2nd ave,
Prince Rupert Amusement Co. Ltd shown as the owner.
Paul Aivazoff, Managing director (see archive page 7)
George D. Tite- Kaien Hardware Co.
Royal Hotel
corner of 3rd ave and 6th st
Return to Picture
1 above
Also at the back of the picture,
right below the bow of the ship
you can see a 3 story building, with some flag poles on top.
That was the Central Hotel on 2nd ave corner of 7th st.
It burnt down Oct 1947
St. James Hotel
Stork Block
Return to Picture
1 above
Picture 2

Prince Rupert Postcard,
ca 1910
Allen Photo
Postcard Courtesy Grant Walker, CA
Note-This is a Copyright Protected Picture, with my visible Watermark
Please Do Not Use it as a Link Picture, Please Do not Download this Picture
It is not only illegal to do so, but morally wrong!
Stealing anything is possible, but is it right?
Prince Rupert Inn and Annex, aka Grand Trunk Hotel, 3 peaks
on First Ave, and Centre St.
Return to Picture
2 above
Center st runs from left to right in this picture.
the small gauge railway tracks can be seen in the wooden walkway.
Also visible Little
building across from the hotel,
with 2 white signs, on each side of front door,
was Dr. John Oatts Reddie's Drug Store, on Center St.
1910 directory says it was on 2nd ave, near the Court House.
Was the hip roof building next to it the Court House?
Another view of this drug store on Archive page 4
Grand Trunk Wharf and Dock
Hot Baths .30
Return to Picture
2 above
Picture 3

5th Ave West, Prince Rupert, Postcard
No 70
Note-This is a Copyright Protected Picture, with my visible Watermark
Please Do Not Use it as a Link Picture, Please Do not Download this Picture
It is not only illegal to do so, but morally wrong!
Stealing anything is possible, but is it right?
Catholic Church visible at 635 5th Ave West, with Rectory on left of it.
Catholic Church was built in 1909
United Church behind the Catholic Church,
can be seen on left/ middle
Return to Picture
3 above
All Postcards above courtesy Grant
Walker, CA

Prince Rupert Catholic Church,
and unknown lady on a snowy 5th Ave. W.
note- photo incorrectly labelled Kitimat at the top
Photo courtesy Grant Walker, CA
Note-This is a Copyright Protected Picture, with my visible Watermark
Please Do Not Use it as a Link Picture, Please Do not Download this Picture
It is not only illegal to do so, but morally wrong!
Stealing anything is possible, but is it right?
Go to Historical Pictures Page

Return to Rupert Home Page

I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
I do not charge for access to my pages,
I do not have any Ads on my pages.
Please "link" to my
page from Facebook, etc.
Please do Not copy the pictures, or text on any page.
Please do Not ask to use pictures etc. on Facebook.
Want to add a link to my
see my
Copyright Information
for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
Please do not use any of the other watermarked pictures, as a link picture
A standard URL link to each of my pages is allowed:
This page for instance is
just copy the URL from your Browsers Link Bar above,
and paste that URL into face book, google plus, etc
Note- You do not have to ask me, to link to my pages.
I encourage links to spread the history of these areas.
I do not want the off site use of the watermarked pictures is all.
Duplicates online?
Note- You will see some of the same pictures,
on other Archive / Museum sites online.
(Without my watermarks, and copyright information obviously.)
Reason- Most of these photos were commercial postcards,
and multi copies were made and sold.
All have different writing on the back is the difference.
I don't include all the backs to save bandwidth, but have them in my data.