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Telkwa BC
Village of Telkwa
(Tel-kwa, Telqua are alt. early spellings)
(Where the Rivers Meet)
Range 5, Coast Land District
Located 60 miles East from Hazelton
Located on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
at mile 236 East of Prince Rupert
Elevation 1,650 ft

Telkwa ca 1917
Approximately in the Center of the Bulkley
Located at the junction of
the mouth of the Telkwa River (Tel-kwa, Telqua)
and the Bulkley River (Wet'sinkwha)
Before the bridge was built across the
The early Pioneers had a ferry here.
In 1907 they had to cross the Bulkley with horses or canoe.
there was no bridge or ferry at that time.

Celebrated their 100th Anniversary in 2012
In 1916- From Telkwa, Distance to:
North Bulkley- 34 miles
Hubert- 3 1/2 miles
Pleasant Valley (Houston)- 29 miles
Smithers- 10 miles
Burns Lake- 60 miles
1910- St. Stephen's Anglican Church built
Oct 1913- Branch of Union Bank of Canada at
Mar 1915- Broughton &
McNeil pioneer
Aldermere area, moved their Store, from Aldermere to Telkwa
1916 Residents and Business
the Police Constable from Aldermere, was moved to
A. Fairbairn- Provincial Policeman
Andrew "Andy" Fairbairn
b- Aug 26, 1887, East Linton, Scotland, (age 28 when he was
d- Aug 11, 1973, Ladysmith General Hospital, Ladysmith BC, age 85
Immigrated 65 years before he died
Provincial Constable, RCMP Officer,
Retired June 1952, after 40 years service
son of Thomas Telfer Fairbairn, and Jennet "Janet" Hamilton
married Alison "Alice" Porter, nee Affleck, Apr 27, 1915,
married in First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver BC
b- May 26, 1886, Pentland Mains, Midlothian, Scotland, (age 28 when
d- May 2, 1958, Ladysmith General Hospital, Ladysmith BC, age 70.
daughter of James Affleck, and Jane Herd
daughter- C. A. Fairbairn
His home built in 1913, is a Rental Guest House, ca 2014
W. A. Williscroft- Road Supt.
Walter Archer Williscroft
b- Feb 10, 1854 in ON
d- Oct 20, 1917
Killed in an accident, by a heavy beam,
at the Plant of the Foundation Company Ltd.
the Government Shipyard, in Victoria BC, age 62
He worked as Road Supt. in Telkwa area, for 10 years.
Supt of the Sawmill at Georgetown, near Prince Rupert,
prior to going to Victoria, then Telkwa.
buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria
son of George Williscroft, and Elizabeth Ann Archer
both born in Ireland
he was married to a ? McKenzie
W. Croteau- Farmer's Institute
William Croteau
He Operated the First Sawmill in the Bulkley Valley.
wife- Jennie Clara McMunn,
b- Colorado USA
daughter of George S. McMunn and Susan F. ?
They had a son- Stuart William Joseph Croteau,
b- Jan 17, 1915, Aldermere BC, age 23 in 1937
d- Sept 1, 1989 in Agassiz BC, age 74
1956 Stuart moved to San Francisco
William lived in Telkwa, and Jennie in Salem Oregon, in 1937
Beaton and Hoops- Bulkley Valley Transfer Company
James McRae, Livery
Telkwa Hotel- R. M. Burns, Proprietor
Robert Michael Burns
he was age 33 from New York, (b- 1875 in Dublin Ireland)
when he married Charlotte McDonell, Jan 9, 1908
at 610 Government St. Victoria BC.
son of John Michael Burns and Mary Ellen Burns
Robert Michael Burns, husband of Charlotte McDonell,
Charlotte was a daughter of Ronald J. "Jack" McDonell.
R. J. McDonell was a partner in the Ingineca Hotel in Hazelton in
with William J. McAfee, who came from Ireland.
1914- Ronald J. McDonell owned the Northern Hotel, on 9th Ave. in
New Hazelton
He was nicknamed "Black Jack McDonell" (alt- MacDonell)
Known as the "King of Saloon Keepers"
b- Mar 1854, in NS
Her brother, William S. McDonell operated the Telkwa Hotel in 1911,
but he died Apr 7, 1911 in Hazelton, age 22.
William S. McDonell, b- ca 1889
Charlotte and her husband then took over the hotel.
Charlotte Ann Goodacre Burns, nee McDonell,
b- ca 1890 (b- 1884 in Victoria)
d- Feb 18,1920 at Victoria BC, age 35
buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria BC
Her wedding was private due to her brother passing away recently.
She was divorced from a Mr. ? Goodacre when married to Mr. Burns
W. S. didn't die until 1911? another brother died young as
There was a James MacDonell that died May 10, 1911 in Hazelton
and he was age 19.
In 1911 there was a Lea H. McDonell,
shown as a Hotel Keeper, in Telkwa
b- Sept 1882 in BC
wife of Ronald J. McDonell, mother of Charlotte, was Mary Jones
I think she died Sept 19, 1897 in BC, age 36, born in Victoria BC
another brother of Charlotte- George Henry McDonell
b- 1883 in Victoria BC
married Lucia Mariano, Sept 11, 1911 in Vancouver BC
Telkwa Hotel burned to the ground, 2pm, Tuesday, June 3, 1930
Mr. and Mrs Slavin owned the Hotel at the time.
Everyone was at a picnic at Round Lake at the time
Loss was $40,000.
It was recently renovated and was the only hotel in town.
O. H. Benedick- Carpenter
M. Svenson- Contractor
J. M. Adams - Druggist
Oct 1, 1911 J. M. Adams opened the first drug store in Telkwa
He built a new building to house the pharmacy.
Joseph "Mason" Adams
b- May 18, 1878, Drayton, Wellington, ON, (age 31 when married
in 1909)
d- 1937, Del Mar, CA
living in Edmonton AB when he married
son of John Quincy Adams, b- in ON, age 39 in 1891
and Sarah Ellen Dales, b- in ON, age 38 in 1891
Ontario Birth Registration shows his name as Joseph Henry Adams.
where did the name Mason come from?
he is shown in 1891 census as Joseph M. Adams.
I know he was a member of the Masons.
married Bertha Louise Cooley, Oct 5, 1909, St. James Church,
Victoria BC
b- July 6, 1882, Toronto ON, age 26 when married in 1909
Lived in Victoria when married
daughter of Henry Cooley, and Laura Eliza Thomas
After they were married they lived in Edmonton AB.
They had 2 daughters by 1921:
Muriel Winifred Mason Adams
b- July, ca 1910 in BC
Doris Mason Adams
b- Dec 14, 1917 in Vancouver BC
d- Oct 12, 2006, Libby Care Center, Libby, Lincoln Co. Montana, USA,
age 88
buried in Milnor Lake Cemetery
married name Davis
Joseph's brother- James F. Adams
was in Telkwa, in 1921, age 35, Drug Clerk in Brother's Drug Store
d- Apr 11, 1925 in Hollywood Hospital, LA, CA, USA
another brother, Emerson B. Adams shown as age 5 in 1891
both brothers born in ON, all in Drayton in 1891
1911 Joseph Mason Adams, wife and daughter were in Hazelton
shown as a druggist there. He owned the Kodak Drug Store there.
He left there ca 1913.
In the early 1920's he set up his business in Smithers
He sold his business ca May 1927 to W. V. Tomlinson of Pr. Rupert.
J. Buxton- Blacksmith
Miss E. Mackay- School Teacher
Thorp and Hoops, Farm Machinery, and Farm
Thomas Justice "Tom" Thorp
b- Oct 3, 1869 in England
d- Aug 4, 1956, Houghton Private Hospital, Vancouver BC, age 86
buried in Smithers BC
- Mining Recorder in Telkwa in 1916
He came to Bulkley Valley area in 1908
His home was at West Ella, Yorkshire, near Hull.
He came from Mongolia to this area.
In 1932 he left for trip back to England
Mr. E. M. Hoops was to look after the firm of Thorp and Hoops
while he was gone
Mr. Thorp was Justice of the Peace in Telkwa in 1932
Real Estate man.
son of Robert Hayton Thorp and Ellen Acroyd
see EXT link below for a Robert Justice Thorp who came to Telkwa.
Beaton and Hoops- Lumber
Mrs. Skelhorne, Restaurant
Odin A.
Riegle Barber Shop
Odin A. Riegle
b- Dec 23, 1875, in Indiana, USA
d- May 18, 1950 in Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver BC, age 74
buried in South Whitley, Indiana, USA
his residence was in Smithers in 1950
father- William Shepherd Riegle
b- Feb 5, 1849 at McCaysville, PA, USA
d- 1935
grandfather-grandmother- Dr. Michael and Anna Binghan Riegle
mother- Anna E. Williams
b- 1852
d- 1924
Mother- Father married in 1873 had 6 children.
Odin married Leona E. Hunter
b- in Utah USA, age 31 in 1921
d- Mar 22, 1934 in Smithers, age 43
they immigrated to Canada in 1910
1910 he was a barber in Humboldt Arizona.
Odin and Leona had a infant daughter that died in 1915, buried with
General Stores
R. S. Sargent- General Store
Louis Schorn- General Store
b- ca 1854, Bavaria, age 67 in 1921 in Telkwa
immigrated in 1884
1921 shown as a miner
June 3, 1930 his residence, and Store house,
next to the Hotel, were destroyed in a fire.
His store was across the street from the Hotel,
and had metal cladding and it was saved.
see Telkwa Hotel fire above.
McNeil & Broughton (see Aldermere)-
General Store
On the Dominion Telegraph System
part of Yukon Telegraph Line
Ashcroft, via Hazelton to Dawson Yukon Territories
also GTP Telegraph system worked through
Sept 1917 Local Exchange installed in
for phone service to Telkwa
J. H. "Jack" Beaton
b- Gleneig ON
d- July 1934, Smithers Hospital, Smithers BC, age 55
Came to BC ca 1904, first to Kitselas,
then to New Hazelton, and finally Smithers.
Went into partnership with Ernest Mostyn Hoops.
Hoops ran the business in Telkwa, Beaton in Smithers.
He was survived by a wife and 1 son.
6 brothers and 3 sisters.

Telkwa ca 1927
Copyright and Credit: Canada.
Dept. of Mines and Resources / Library and Archives Canada /

Telkwa ca 1928
Credit: Canada. Dept.
of Mines and Resources / Library and Archives Canada / PA-021432

Telkwa ca 1928
Credit: Canada. Dept.
of Mines and Resources / Library and Archives Canada / PA-021433
Post Office Archive
Federal Electoral District: Skeena (BC)
Office Opened - Aug 1, 1910
Name of Postmaster |
Status |
Date of
Appointment |
Date of
Vacancy |
Cause of
Vacancy |
Frank L.
Charleson |
1910-08-01 |
1913-06-21 |
Resignation |
MacDonald |
1913-07-15 |
1913-09-10 |
Resignation |
Collis Ormsby Redd |
1913-11-01 |
1914-10-01 |
Resignation |
Ernest Mostyn-Hoops
1914-11-01 |
1915-05-31 |
Resignation |
Albert Edward
Campbell |
1915-07-15 |
1917-02-19 |
Resignation |
Harold H.
Phillips |
1917-07-15 |
1945-10-24 |
Resignation |
Robert James Phillips |
1945-12-01 |
Acting |
- |
" " |
1946-02-14 |
1953-02-09 |
Resignation |
Mrs Ivy May Nelson |
1953-05-01 |
Acting |
- |
" |
1955-08-01 |
1961-07-26 |
Resignation |
Mrs Elizabeth Small |
1961-09-01 |
Acting |
- |
" |
1962-09-06 |
1974-10-23 |
Retired |
Mrs Flora J. Dan Tine |
1974-12-03 |
- |
- |
This reproduction is NOT
represented as an official version of the materials reproduced,
nor as having been made in affiliation with,
or with the endorsement of the National Archives of Canada.
The source of this material is the National Archives of Canada
Post Master Bios
First Post Master
Francis Langelier "Frank" Charleson
b- May 18, 1882 in Quebec City, Quebec
d- Dec 29, 1951 in Tacoma WA.
Merchant in Telkwa in 1911
son of John Baptiste Charleson and Ellen Ebbs
wife- Mary "Camilla`` Charleson, nee Higgins
b- Feb 1887 in USA
d- 1969
Immigrated in 1908
son- Francis Joseph Charleson
b- Nov 1908 in USA
son Donald Alexander Charleson
b- May 1911 in USA
daughter- Mary Dorothy Charleson
b- June 1912, possibly in Telkwa
daughter- Ellen Alice Charleson
b- 1916
daughter- Cecelia Charleson
b- 1920
James MacDonald
Collis Ormsby Redd
b- June 6, 1874 in Kentucky, USA
d- Jan 1966 in Washington DC
Manager of R. S. Sargent`s General Store
wife- Annette Redd
1918 living in Seattle WA.
age 43, Canadian Citizen, shown as a farmer from Telkwa
travelling to Seattle from Vancouver, May 1918
1940 he was living in Washington, DC, single, age 65
shown as a publication writer.
His mother Emma Loche was living with him, age 85
father- F. E. Loche (alt Loch)
mother living in Hermiston Oregon ca 1917
Ernest Mostyn Hoops
b- Sept 27, 1878, Rossheen, County Donegal, Ireland, age 34 in
d- July 1, 1864 in Port Angeles, WA, age 85
Lived in Aldermere BC when he married in 1913
Broker, Insurance Agent in 1913
son of Dr. Samuel Evans Mostyn-Hoops
b- ca 1854, in County Leitrim, Ireland, age 52 when he remarried in
d- Feb 15, 1937 in Victoria BC, age 83
and his first wife, Harriett Anna Robinson
married Theresa Kelly, May 11, 1913 in RC Priest Residence, Prince
b- Rilbegin, Westmeath, Ireland, age 31 in 1913
daughter of Thomas Kelly and Maria Scally
Oldest brother- Dr. Albert Launcelot
b- June 6, 1876 in Ireland
d- Nov 16, 1940
brother- Brabazon Newcomen Mostyn-Hoops
b- Mar 2, 1883, Gresford Wales, age 32 in 1917
d- Nov 29, 1951 in Vancouver BC, age 68
shown in Livery business in Telkwa in 1917
married Doris Mary Campbell
b- New Westminster BC, age 18 in 1917
daughter of Albert Edward Campbell and
Emilie Blanche Grant
sister- Eileen Constance Mostyn-Hoops
b- Sept 14, 1885, in Wales (Ireland in one record)
d- Feb 7, 1963, General Hospital, Vancouver BC, age 75
Occupation Nurse
Father- Samuel remarried Jennie Elizabeth Dunlevy, nee Huston, a
married Dec 26, 1906, St. Joseph's Mission
b- in San Francisco, CA, age 52 in 1906.
d- June 2, 1925 in Victoria BC, age 70
daughter of G. Huston and Elizabeth Huston, nee ?
Dr. Samuel was living in 150 Mile House when he remarried
Mar 1902 Samuel was appointed as Coroner for the Province.
remarried 3rd time- Frances Elizabeth Larken, June 23, 1926 in
Oak Bay, BC
b- ?
d- Mar 3, 1947 in Victoria BC, age 86
Grandfather- Rev. S. E. Hoops
Grandmother- Jemima Eleanor Hoops, nee ?
Link below for picture of the Hoops family
Albert Edward Campbell
b- Quebec, age 24, in 1892
Book Keeper in New Westminster in 1892
son of Alexander Dougall Campbell, and Eliza Jane Campbell, nee
married Emilie Blanche Grant Mar 1, 1892, New Westminster BC
b- NS, age 21 in 1892
daughter of Angus and Mary Ann Grant
Harold Herbert Phillips
b- Sept 1885 in Brighton England
1974 in Telkwa BC
married Violet Grace Emery, Aug 3, 1912 in Vancouver, BC
b- Nov 23, 1883, in England
d- Dec 9, 1972, Vancouver BC
buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver BC
daughter of Thomas Emery and Susan Brier Bird
son- Robert James Phillips
b- Oct 14, 1914 in Hazelton BC
d- June 19, 1991, in Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver BC, age
Married, Operated a General Store in Telkwa
served in WWII son- M. L. Phillips

I am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
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BV Museum in Smithers are the experts for
history in this area
Telkwa Museum is another source
Walking tour guide for Telkwa
Best Photos of old buildings in Telkwa
Telkwa History
CNR map, showing Hubert etc.
History book
Rubber Boots for Dancing and other Memories
of Pioneer Life in the Bulkley Valley,
by Nan Bourgon
and edited by Marjorie Rosberg. Smithers, B.C.
Tona and Janet Hetherington, 1979. Pp. 138
Egg carton patent drawing
BC Archives photo links, Note- NOT my
In front of the Telkwa Hotel,
First car through the area, Perley Evans Sands in his E.M.F.
Flanders 20
Oct 3, 1911, A-09529
see my Hazelton Page also
Telkwa Public School- B-01760
Telkwa before 1912- B-01773
1912- Telkwa- B-01774
3 bridges near Telkwa- B-01776
First through train from the east, Sept 3, 1914- A-09530
1960- Aerial of Telkwa- I-20916
and many more on there