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Rev. Thomas Jabez "Tom" Marsh
b- June 1866 in Clarksburg, ON
d- Sept 4, 1930 in Prince Rupert, age 64

buried in Kitsumgallum Cemetery, Terrace
married Jane Alberta Deacon, June 1, 1897 in Lindsay, Kenora, ON
daughter- Etanda (Etonda?) (Etauda?) Anna
Lila Marsh
b- 1900 in Hay River NWT
d- May 8, 1968, Vancouver
she married James Farquhar, July 9, 1928, Vancouver BC
he was born in Edinburgh, Scotland
an Accountant in Prince Rupert when he married.
She was a teacher in Terrace when she married James
son- William James Marsh
b- Dec 8, 1902, Collingwood, ON
d- Jan 13, 1903, in ON as an infant
buried in Thornbury Clarksburg Union Cemetery
son- Thomas Brown Marsh (Jr)
b- Nov 24, 1906 in Toronto, York, ON
Thomas was a recent Graduate of Wycliffe
College in Toronto in 1892
1892 Thomas arrived from Toronto, to the Diocese of the McKenzie
became Anglican Minister in Hay River NWT
(1893 - 1907)
He even drew the plans of the Church there.
He was part of the controversial Residential School System at that
brother of Rev. Charles H. Marsh, age 36 in 1891 b- ON
his brothers wife- Emily? C. Marsh, age 33, b- Quebec
1891 Thomas is shown as a Divinity student.
father William Marsh, widow in 1871, b- age 80, in England
siblings beside Charles in 1871,
all in Township of Collingwood, North Grey Co. ON
George, age 18, Susan "Susie", age 14,
Minnie, age 12, Emma, age 10, Fanny, age 6
all born in ON
mother- Mary Marsh, nee ?
came to this area in 1908.
end of July 1926 they were leaving Terrace due to his health reasons
they built the first Anglican Church and their house in Terrace.
When he retired $860 was collected for the couple.
a lot of money in 1926.
St. Matthews Church he built in 1913
It was located on corner of Atwood and Lazelle
where the cement prison of Telus resides
where I worked in for years until I retired.
in the 1950's it was moved to Lazelle and Eby corner.
and it was later moved to Kitwancool, where I think it still is.
He performed many of the marriages in
Terrace and area.

History Story from Kitsumgallum Cemetery Sign

Marsh Memorial Church, at Usk

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
Use my info as a clue to do your own research.
I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
If it works on just one person, per page, it is worth the time it
takes me.
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