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Terrace BC
Skeena River Photos

From Lookout off Highway 16, a short distance West of Terrace
Views of
Skeena River
all taken 2005 by myself
Please Check out some Terrace Pictures below
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Thumbnails below
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Placing your mouse over the picture
you will see a brief description on some
Dudley Little "New Skeena" Bridge
opened ca 1975
Actually 2 bridges built, photo above first part described below
One from Thornhill 4 way stop, on Yellowhead Highway 16, to Ferry Island
Other from
Ferry Island
to Terrace, joining with Keith Ave. (Highway 16)
Official opening by NDP MLA Frank Howard.

Old Skeena Bridge
opened July 1925
Metal Rivet- Connected Pennsylvania Through Truss,
and Deck Truss Construction types used.
Before this bridge, a small Car Ferry went from Thornhill Creek,
to Ferry Island, then across a one lane wooden bridge to the Terrace
The Railroad bridge, built ca 1953, in the foreground in this picture,
was added later, to complete the railroad to Kitimat when Alcan was
Last spike to Kitimat, July 8, 1955.
The old Skeena bridge was completely renovated in 1953,
when the railroad bridge was constructed beside it.
When I came to Terrace in 1969, it had a wood planking deck,
which required changing quite often, as the wood would deteriorate,
and I remember driving on nail heads after a while.
Highways then installed an Iron Wood deck, and it lasted many years.
Last addition a few years ago, was a metal grating deck.
The curved bridge was also widened at this time.
when the New Bridge was built I lived in the trailer court,
which was where the Tom Thornhill memorial is today.
I believe it was called "Riverside Trailer Park".
The owners rented small cabins/motel units as well.
It was one row of trailers, with the backs facing the river,
and the fronts facing Queensway.
My trailer a 8ft by 30ft was located where the cement pillar
holding up the new bridge, is today.
We were only given a short time (1 month?) to move our trailers.
The land was expropriated by the Government, and we were gone.
I called a tow truck, and had mine moved across the old bridge,
and into "The Motel" Trailer park on the opposite side of the bridge.
I remember them hauling even this short of a trailer, was a chore,
and there wasn't any clearance going around the 2 bends.
I wasn't sure if it was going to make it, but others were hauled in this
My trailer sat in "The Motel" with the back to the ball diamond.
No more trailers for me, ever!

Skeena River 30 miles west of Terrace BC, ca July 1988
photo courtesy Ron Anderson, Terrace

Photo from a Historical Info stand
Grand Trunk Pathway, Terrace
click to enlarge in new window
Kitselas Mountain

Can you see the Long Eared Rabbit?
Outlined with trees!
Photo courtesy McRae's in Terrace
Archive Pictures Skeena River, Mountain

Skeena River Postcard, ca 1941
Note train along river, smoke from engine visible

Mountain Range, Terrace Postcard, ca 1941

Skeena River View from the Train

High Water, Old Skeena Bridge
before the railway bridge to Kitimat was added
Postcards above courtesy Grant Walker,
Studio City CA

am an Amateur Historian, and Genealogist.
I use every source I can find, old newspapers, census, archives,
I do a quick search for the names on these pages.
Therefore I do NOT profess to have 100% accurate information.
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I am not related to these folks, nor do I have hidden info.
I encourage everyone to visit their local Museum,
or buy a local history book for more info.
I attempt to connect people with their ancestor in these places.
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