NO Reproduction in Whole or in Part, on
ANY, and ALL of my Pages,
Including Text and Pictures,
May be made, without the express Written Permission
of Web Editor, Doug Gent
© 2016
Want to add a link to my
see my
Web Editor Page
for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
All my pages are now Right Click, copy and paste, disabled.
I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start to policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me or anyone,
and we all loose.
If you see one of my pictures on facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it.
All the
External Links
on this web page, are NOT my web pages
they are only placed here for your interest
in Kitimat-Kemano history and pictures
View Larger Map
the Google map above shows the townsite of
Kemano, top middle,
From the "K" in word "Kemano", you can still see the clearing
for the tramway going up the side of Mt DuBose.
Bottom left corner is the location of Wachwas Camp
running just north of Wachwas Creek, along the bottom of the map
is Seekwyakin Creek.
From the "o" in word "Kemano" is Horetzky Creek, running to the right
Powerline runs straight north, from almost dead center of the top of the
Kemano river runs south to the beach, at the bottom left corner.
The Kitimat Museum and Archives, has numerous
Information, and Stories, on Kitimat and Kemano.
This is an add on to their stuff, not designed or created to replace it.
I encourage you to view their site,
click here to view
The newspaper of the Saguenay-Kitimat
Construction Co.
was called "The Sagimat"
Company newspaper for Alcan, "The Ingot"
Royal BC Museum has some info and pictures
check them out here
Kemano is built on Haisla First Nation
Traditional Territory,
here is their web site
Kemano is located at the site of the Henaksiala
on Kemano Indian Reserve No. 17.
Most of the Haisla today live at Kitimaat Village,
located across the Bay from Alcan's Smelter.
They still fish Oolichan at the mouth of the Kemano River,
near the Kemano Beach area.
Union History of
Kitimat and Kemano
great photos and history of this project

Oct 13, 1952,
Life Magazine, Page 73-77

Aug 23, 1954,
Life Magazine, Page 48-50, 52, and 54

Nov 1951-
Popular Science
Page 98-101, 259
Kemano and Kitimat were highlighted in a Sept 1956
of National Geographic Magazine.
Haven't found this issue yet to read for myself.

See my Jim Hanna photo section
for a brief bio on the author and photographer
in this sept 1056 issue of NG

Dec 1953, Popular Mechanics contained an article
called Building Canada's Colossus,
written by Richard F. Dempewolff
the most detailed article I have found
and now you can read it yourself online.
Click here
A bit of Kemano info can be found in
the June 1952 issue of Popular Mechanics

You can read it online here
Page 104-107 & 246
real good article on Okanagan Helicopters, Copter King, Carl Agar,
was printed in Popular Mechanics, Feb 1957, of all places.

You can read it online here
start at page 137, 140, then 278, 280, 282, & 284
there is some neat stuff about Kemano in there as well
Building the Nechako Reservoir-
link to a
short CBC Radio show
BC Archives has a few photos of the Kemano river,
and the building of the road from the beach to Kemano
try this link
Mr. Steven "Steve" Butte's story
sorry to write he passed away Nov 11, 2010 in Australia
Alcan 1959 report
great photo on front, loading ingots at Kitimat dock
view it here
You tube video helicopter landing on aerial transmission
helicopter pad
view it here
Book your room on the "Delta
Book of Kitimat/Kemano
"Three Towns: A History of Kitimat"
by Janice Beck
photos from Kitimat Museum and Archives
printed in 1983, 4th edition 2009.
note- because these are
NOT my pictures/Web sites
the links can move, change etc,
and I have no control
over any of them.
If they don't work, you can let me know,
and one day I'll remove the dead ones.
End of the show, thanks for viewing it.
Mr. Thomas Raymond "Bud" Walker