Site Index
Kemano Beach
Kemano Tunnel
M-K Tramway
Kemano Powerhouse
Kemano Townsite, Camp 5
Wachwas Camp
Company Phone Book 1954
Workers in Memoriam
Alcan Smeltersite
Labour Management Committee
Kitimat Townsite
Nechako Reservoir
Ootsa Lake Lodge
Ray Edwin "Rep" Powell
McNeely "Mac" Dubose Jr.
G.G. Massey's
Visit 1954
T.R. "Bud" Walker
Morrison-Knudsen Co.
Crawley & McCracken Co. Ltd.
Horetzky (Peak, Creek, St,)
Jeff Watts Photos
Jeff Watts Bio
Kemano Boy Scout Troop
Various Photos, ca 1954-56
Jim Hanna Photos
Various Photos ca 1954-56
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In ca1955, Thomas Raymond "Bud" Walker,
Assistant Personnel Director
Saguenay-Kitimat Construction Co.
wrote this 7 page Labour Relations policy
for the new company in Kitimat.

John MacKenzie was the Workers Rep
Bud Walker the Management Rep
first meeting of the Labour-Management Meeting
Mr. Reg Jackson was the Canadian Government Rep
coming to Kitimat.

First class to take Job Instruction training
standing- l/r- Mike Michie, Paul Lanier, Ralph Featherstone,
Ernest Fudge, Dick Steacy,
seated- Bud Walker, Bill Johnson, Ed Dede,
Mel Carrico, and Lionel "Al" Brown
May 1, 1957
Labour-Management Committee
with Reg Jackson as their special guest
in the card room of the S.R.A. Lounge.
Bud Walker, Jack Stone, Maurice Guay, Howard Bush,
Reg Jackson, Chuck Nickel, Mike Eayrs, George Henderson,
Bill Gallacher, John Mackenzie, Gordon Hirtle, and Ed Thomson

Maurice Guay, R. Wilkins, James McKay,
Bob Hood, Bud Walker.

Pamphlets in the Sagimat newspaper

Construction Manager H. C. Jenkinson, Reg Jackson,
Assistant Building Supervisor, Gordon Hirtle
First J.I.T. course
Personnel Dept personnel
Mel Carrico, Ralph Featherstone, Dick Steacy,
Lionel "Al" Brown, Ernest Fudge, Paul Lanier, Ed Dede,
Mike Michie, Bill Johnson, Bud Walker

Assistant Personnel Director, Bud Walker and
Safety Director Bill Johnson attending
first J.I.T. course in Mar 1957
Oct 5, 1957, the United Steelworkers
of America
voted to accept a 3 year contract with Alcan,
which affected 2900 employees, at Kitimat and Kemano.
Highest paid classification, electrician first class, got $2.60/hr
Today I believe all employees are
of Canadian Auto Workers, Local 2310 (CAW)