Site Index
Kemano Beach
Kemano Tunnel
M-K Tramway
Kemano Powerhouse
Kemano Townsite, Camp 5
Wachwas Camp
Company Phone Book 1954
Workers in Memoriam
Alcan Smeltersite
Labour Management Committee
Kitimat Townsite
Nechako Reservoir
Ootsa Lake Lodge
Ray Edwin "Rep" Powell
McNeely "Mac" Dubose Jr.
G.G. Massey's
Visit 1954
T.R. "Bud" Walker
Morrison-Knudsen Co.
Crawley & McCracken Co. Ltd.
Horetzky (Peak, Creek, St,)
Jeff Watts Photos
Jeff Watts Bio
Kemano Boy Scout Troop
Various Photos, ca 1954-56
Jim Hanna Photos
Various Photos ca 1954-56
External Sites
External Links
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of Web Editor, Doug Gent
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Ootsa Lake Lodge was built to house
some of the workers on the Nechako Reservoir
These pictures were taken to show the conditions at the camp
Basic and clean accommodations

Outside views

Lounge area

Hallway and bedroom views

Closet views
