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Minard Saskatchewan
Unincorporated Area
Established Thursday May
1, 1913
Origin of the Name
Minard is unknown to me.
I would assume named after a member of the GTPR
but nothing found to prove it.
I did find a small
article that said a Minard was born in Wilcox
May 6, 1911, and the land commissioner Ryley lived there
when he first came to Canada
There was a Minard farmer in Weyburn area.
1911, found a Frank Minard, born Feb 1860, in US,
living on Tsp4, Rge 6, with his family
1911 another Minard family in Estevan
There was a Minard Farm,
6 mi east of Kingsford.
There was a Minard's liniment in 1908.
There was a Asa R. Minard, president of
American Club of Toronto in 1915.
Where did the name came from? good guess?
Located on
SW Sec 17, Township 5, Range 6, W2
Latitude 49° 23' 00" N
Longitude 102° 47' 02" W
Elevation 1939 ft
Located in RM of
Browning #34
1 mile West of Lampman
Lampman was founded by the CPR
and won out in the battle to survive in this area.
There wasn't even a Post Office here.
Another area named Luxton was approx 1 mile south
Located on the
Northgate-Regina CNR Line
115 miles SE of Regina
Originally the GTPR, see history below.
Proclaimed to be the
only town on Canada's
3 Transcontinental Railways
Canadian Northern Railway's station
was close to the GTP station
and the CPR survey ran between the 2.

Another map showing block #'s
click to enlarge

Minard 1927 map

Ad by Transcontinental Townsite
Company Ltd
see below

Ad by Minard Development Co. Ltd.
British Canadian Securities Ltd
The ads paid off, in a
single day all the lots were sold.

Aug 4, 1913 lots in
Chamberlain Place
across the tracks from the GTP townsite
went on sale.

1913 map shows GTP main townsite,
with big black arrow pointing to the dark line area.
Canadian Northern Railway runs along bottom, then up
on a 45 deg angle to the Lampman CNR depot
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway runs on an angle, l/r.
GTP is in center of the map, bottom middle of the GTP block
The Highway today runs E/W along the bottom black line
just south of the GTP depot shown

This the view looking NW from the Highway
showing the abandoned GTPR tracks, heading to Regina
the grove of trees would have been the location
of the GTP Depot., access road on right.
May 15, 1922
Grand Trunk Pacific were negotiating
with the town of Lampman
and the RM of Browning #34
to move their station from Minard, 1 mile away,
to Lampman
Grand Trunk Railway
Brief History

Originally this area was
located on
the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad (GTPR),
incorporated Oct 24, 1903,
a subsidiary of the Grand Trunk Railway, (GTR)
referred to as the "GTPR
Regina Boundary Branch Line"
GTPR station at Elev 1841 ft
Railroad built by
Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company (GTPRBL)
which completed the connection,
to Prince Rupert BC from Chicago.
This Railroad connected at Northgate* SK.,
with a new branch line from Niobe, ND.,
built by the Great Northern Railroad.
(*note some old newspaper articles called it Northport)
Feb 6, 1912
Seward T. St. John** Secretary and General Manager
of the Transcontinental Townsite Company Ltd.,
located at 268 Portage Ave.
and also shown as 604 Sterling Bank Bldg., Winnipeg MB.,
who was in charge of the GTP Development Department,
announced the building of 15 new towns,
on the Regina Boundary Line.
A contract had been awarded to a Minnesota firm,
to build General Stores in various towns along the line.
They wanted to make sure the area the train went thru
would be well served and used by the settlers.
At this time Elcott was still not a name chosen yet.
They had picked the following names:
Innes, Cedoux, Huntoon,
Rainton, Beliot, Sander,
Minard, Breeze, Steelman and Deborah.
The Post Office required a name that was not the same
as any other town in Canada at the time.
Trains #7 and #8, left Regina at 1pm, Mon, Wed, and Fri.
arriving in Regina Tues. Thurs, and Sat. in 1914.
Times changed a little bit a few years later.
1923 this all became part of the CNR
By Mar 20, 1915
the Transcontinental Townsite Co. Ltd. was in receivership
and Mr. St. John was hauling the books into court.
**Seward Thaddeus St. John
b- Apr 20, 1865 in Eldora, Hardin Co., Iowa
d- ?
shown as a homesteader at Wilcox SK, 1901
also shown as Real Estate Agent there when he was
a shareholder in the Canadian Central Railway Company.
1900 living in Omaha City, Douglas Co., Nebraska, single
father- James McKie St. John, b- ca 1831 in NY
mother- Diantha Ellsworth, b- ca 1838, in PA
He married Stella Wilson, June 29, 1900
she was born in Roseland, Adams Co., Nebraska
Mar 17, 1913,
An article stated 600 men will
be working on this line that summer.
Branch expected to be in operation end of 1913.
Steel was already laid for 106.9 miles to Hill Hall.
grading was done as far as Frobisher, 136 miles from Regina.
and 90% of the grading was done to the border from there.
Sept 6, 1913
Government Railway Inspector,
approved the line for use.
Vice President and General Manager of the GTPR,
Edson Joseph Chamberlin***, was expected
the next Thursday or Friday to officially inspect the line.
***Edson Joseph Chamberlin
b- Aug 25, 1852
Lancaster, New Hampshire, USA
d- Aug 27, 1924 in Pasadena CA
May 24, 1912 he
became President of the Company
after Charles M. Hays died on the Titanic in 1912.
Sept 1917 he resigned, and remained as Director.
Howard G. Kelley moved up from Vice- to President.
Dec 4, 1913
A Grand Trunk Special train of Regina Business men
with train executives, were the first to travel on this line.
ca 1914
Mr. G. U. Ryley**** was Land Commissioner for the GTPR
they named a village in Alberta after him.
He was in Winnipeg at this time
but I believe he was from Ottawa, married
This was the guy that named all the towns/stations
Corrections to Mr. Ryley sent Jan 8,
Hopefully I now have the correct info below
This is a
Biography of G. U. Ryley
via the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors
****George Urquhart Ryley
b- June 16, 1853 in Hamilton, ON
d- Apr 16, 1927 in Ottawa, ON, age 73
buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, ON

photo courtesy Beechwood Cemetery,
via person that sent corrections
married Eleanor Wallace
Apr 14, 1881 in Toronto, York, ON
b- Jan 8, 1858
d- Feb 1, 1945
daughter of Samuel and Kate
father- John Proud Ryley
b- July 1, 1825, in Birmingham England
mother- Elizabeth "Eliza" Jane Ryley, nee Urquhart
b- ca 1836 in Kingston, ON, age 45, in 1881
Eliza's paternal grandmother was from the Drouillard family
that settled in 1700s at Fort Ponchartrain of New France
which is now the Windsor-Detroit area.
Eliza's paternal grandfather was from the Urquhart family of Scotland.
G. U.
Ryley's address was 644 Rideau St. Ottawa, Ontario at the time of his death
3 younger siblings of George:
Edmund U. Ryley- b- ca 1857 in ON, shipping agent
Alfred Golde Ryley- b- ca 1859 in ON, accountant
May Dickenson Ryley- b- ca 1871 in ON
2 children born in Ottawa
1881- Surveyor, living in Collingwood, Simcoe N, ON
George had land grants on
Sec 28 and 30,
Tsp 71, Rge 3, Meridian 6 |