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Photo by Bruce Moss
Morrison-Knudsen Company of
Canada Ltd.
in front of Project Offices building,
at Camp #5 Kemano
Sept 28, 1955
Caption for picture above,
from Jim Hanna
left to right:
Larry Bitterly - Crusher Supt,
Tom Hooper - Carpentry Supt,
Ray Reed - Special Assistant to Project Manager,
Doug Ellis - Chief Accountant,
Rollo Caesar - Senior Engineer,
Glen Bates - Turbine Inst. Supt,
Frank Thompson - Cost Engineer,
Don Nelson - Rigging Supt,
Lee Lowry - Electrical Supt,
Nick Guild - Payroll Chief,
Jack Delaye - Project Mgr,
Herb Wilkinson - Transport Supt,
Sam McFarland - Concrete Supt,
Howard Smart - Personnel Mgr,
Bill Sadgrove - Plumbing Supt,
Herman Echols - Asst Project Mgr,
Eino Palo - Re-steel Supt,
Gus de la Torre - Warehouse Mgr,
Adolf Rohe - Machine Shop Foreman,
Ernie McPhalen - Penstock Supt,
Earl Edwards - Safety Engineer
If this photo happens to be Copyright,
of Mr. Bruce Moss,
and he does not want it to appear here,
please let me know, and the photo will be removed ASAP.
Click forward arrow below
for some more great photos
from Jim Hanna, ca Feb 2012