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NO Reproduction in Whole or in Part, on
ANY, and ALL of my Pages,
Including Text and Pictures,
May be made, without the express Written Permission
of Web Editor, Doug Gent
© 2016
Want to add a link to my
see my
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for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
All my pages are now Right Click, (copy and paste), disabled.
I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me, or anyone,
and we all loose.
If you see one of my pictures on Facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it.
Town of Outlook
In RM of Rudy
Incorporated as a Village in 1908
Incorporated as a Town 1909
Located at
Township 29, Range 8, W3
Lat- 51º 29'
20'' N,
Long- 107º 3' 10'' W
The pictures
below were sent to me
by Mr. Kenneth J. Friedt.
All 3 were taken
in 1912
Ken bought some old negatives,
at a garage sale, and after developing,
this was a small sample of them.
Sad to say the photographer is not known.
All we know is he worked on the Railroad,
and was very likely part of the engineering, surveying team.
Ken sent the
negatives to the SK Archives,
for safe keeping, but before he did that,
He shared them with me.
Most of his pictures can be seen in my Roche Percee Pages.
Ken Friedt ca:1910 Photos
But now I am finally getting around to making pages,
for the few places that were not Roche Percee photos.
Hope you enjoy them.
Normally I thumbnail the pictures,
but with only 3, I left them full size.

Negative no 67, Nearer View, Outlook Bridge,
Apr. 27, 1912
As of 2003, this
old CP Railway Bridge, is now called the Skytrail Bridge
Built by the CPR, it served from Oct 23, 1912 until Mar 16, 1987
It was converted to the longest pedestrian bridge in Canada,
and is now part of the Trans-Canada Trail.
the Bridge crosses the South Saskatchewan River.

Negative no 69, Outlook Bridge, Apr.27, 1912

Negative no 68, Motor Car, Mr. Moon & M.E.,
Outlook, Sask., April 27,1912
No idea who these 2 guys are, do you?
Ext Links
Note- these are not my sites,
Links may or may not work in the future.
I do not control the content on these pages.
Town of Outlook
Museum |