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1939 view of 1200 block,
North side of 4th St.
looking east from 13th Ave.
I spent quite a bit of
time researching the places in this photo
for another project, so figured I wouldn't waste the research
and add it here, in case others need it one day.
As you can see, lots of unknowns.
and I am sure lots of names I haven't seen yet.
That other project, described
above, was a secret, but now it is done
I can discuss it here.
Started in March, and was completed Nov 14, 2010
Artist Linda Gudmundson, and her husband, have completed a Mural,
based on the 1939 postcard above, with some research from below.
The Mural is on the side of a building in Estevan, at 1123 4th st.
It was commissioned
by Seiver, Veermersch & Fonstad,
Professional Accountants in Estevan.
Now it is in full color, looks life like now! great job Linda
it is now my computer's background!

Buildings from Left to
Right, on 1939 photo above,
on the North Side of 4th St.
between 13th Ave on Left, to 12th Ave.,
3/4 of the way down the picture,
are described on this page.
all pictures noted below,
are in Vol. 1, "A Tale That is Told" Estevan History Book.
Most of the info researched from there,
as well
as the Central School History book,
Census, Cemetery Records,
Estevan Mercury, FreeBMD,
and other sources.
Part of 1955 Central School
History Book Map below
for reference purposes only, for Lot #s below
I also show the Civic Address after this # for today's reference
The map
below has Mouse over Hotspots
which when clicked on, will take you to the history of that lot
as far as I have been able to research it at this point at least.
You can also use the Civic Address table below
which will take you to the same place.

Click on Civic
Address in Table below
to view the history of that lot
North Side of 4th St. in Estevan
Lot 35- 1239 4th St.

1947 view

Click to enlarge
Rear of Art Concepts on right, 2009
West Side and rear of Orpheum Theatre visible
not shown in 1939 picture above,
Shown on Picture, page 486
Young’s Shoe Repair (1919)
operated by Mr. John "Jacob" Young
b- 1882 in Austria?
d- June 7, 1942
buried in Estevan City Cemetery
immigrated from Austria to US, July 1914
Then to Lampman SK. Canada
Coming to Estevan Oct. 1914
Dr. Inglis and Barrie Offices (1955 history book)
Tasty Bakery (1980)
Art Concepts (2009)
to Map Index
36- 1235 4th St.
Orpheum Theatre, first building on left in 1939 photo

from 1939 photo above
The Theatre
was opened Apr 6, 1914
My Estevan
Theatre History page
From Larry Preddy, Mar 2010-
"it was operated by Duane
(same person who built the Pepsi plant)
until about 1961 when Frank Mus purchased it
and operated it along with his sons,
Earl & Chuck until about 10 years ago
when Earl & Chuck sold it to
Allan & Jocelyn Dougherty who operate it to this day (2010)"
1900- First couple lots were Marshall H. King's Lumber yard
ran all the way north to 5th St.
He was Mayor 1911-1912.
He died in 1912
He married
Alfretta Susanna (Allie) (Ally) Stockwell, nee Perry
the widow of J. R. Stockwell,
who owned the first Hardware store in Estevan
Their history is shown below re the Perry hardware building.
to Map Index
37- 1233 4th St.
Built in 1929, rented for a few years, Unknown tenant
then became "Opal News" until 1933
changed to "L. J. Taylor News" (1933-1948)

Owner / Operator, Lewis John (Louie) Taylor
b- Oct 27, 1879 in Yorkshire, England
d- Aug 12, 1965 in Coquitlam BC, age 85
buried in Estevan City Cemetery
wife- Lillian Anne Taylor, nee Foster
b- Feb 1884 (1882?) in Yorkshire, England
d- Dec 26, 1963
buried in Estevan City Cemetery
both shown as store clerks in Estevan in 1911
Store bought in 1948,
and Operated by Mr. Frank and Flossie Mather
as "L. J. Taylor News" for a few years,
then changed name to "Mather's News" (operated ca 1950-1967)
Frank Mather
b- July 22, 1911 (probably in Estevan)
d- Oct 11, 1983
buried in Estevan City Cemetery
Mr. Mather was seriously wounded in WWII
Mather's News Stand (1955 history book)
Business sold to Mr. George Friess, (1967)
became Book Store
operated by Mr. & Mrs. Ken Raine (1980)
Bark "N" Dales boutique, (early 2009)
empty (mid 2009)
to Map Index
38- 1231 4th St.
Aristocrat Beaute Salon (1938)

(as early as 1939 and later than 1955)
part of same building on Lot 39 below, or 37 above, I think?
Aristocrat Beauté
Salon (1955 history book)
Empty (2009)
to Map Index
39- 1229 4th St.
building to left of the new light poles at that time.

Unknown in 1939
Same building as lot 4 above, I think?
Manlove and Bannatyne,
Insurance Office (1920)
May 1920, David Bannatyne was in partnership
with Colin A. Manlove
(1925) David Bannatyne owned the business alone
"Bannatyne Insurance"
Picture page 329
Alex Ott & Sons (1955 history book)
Alexander Ott (Sr)
b- 1896
d- July 17, 1979
buried in Estevan City Cemetery
his wife Pauline Hirsch, d- Apr 17, 1941
They had 2 sons
Access Communication, (2009)
Access Communications moved to the old liquor store on
6th street 2010
to Map Index
Light Standard

1939, SE corner, 4th st and 13th Ave.
on the corner, in front of the old Post Office, Customs Brick building
Part of the new lighting system at that time
52 light standards, cost $2912 in 1913.
Called the "Old White Way"
1- 150W bulb in the middle,
and 4- 60W bulbs on each pole.
by Mercury Vapour lights, May 26, 1954
Sold to the City of Brandon,
and a shame they were not kept.
40- 1227 4th St.
building right of the light pole-
single story- flat sign on building, plus sidewalk sign.



1955, not much of a picture
but the sidewalk sign has now changed
sign in front said "Bastian's Fashions and Tailors" (1955)
1939- Flat sign
on building, said "Modern Cleaners"
Sidewalk sign, said "Bastian's Fashions"
This was "Bastian’s Fashions".
(as early as 1939 and later than 1955)
Owned by Wilfrid Bastian, born ca1912.
Wilfrid Bastian's "Modern Dry Cleaners and Tailors" in 1920,
but in 1939 this was, Louie Rieder's (Reider?) "Modern Dry Cleaners”,
All I can find is they were a Jewish family in Estevan.
Cleaners were in the back of the Clothing Store.
1930 era photo, page 481, shows a delivery truck
sign "Modern Dry Cleaners and Tailors"
bought by Tisdale's in 1964
still called "Modern Dry Cleaners"
Donaldson's Men's Wear (date?)
Became Frank's Men's Wear,
when it was sold to Frank John (late 60's-50''s?)
changed name,
now "Frank's on Fourth", (2009)
Talked to Wilfrid's brother Donald N. Bastian Aug 2010,
and he told me some of the history of this store.
Their father Josiah Bastian owned the Red & White Store in the next
block east.
to Map Index
41 1225 4th St.
Rectangular building- flat sign, 2 story-
3 windows top floor
Estevan Meat Market (1930's?)
Operated by John Tucker
picture page 481


building 1939

Ott's Plumbing and Heating Building
(before Macovichuk, exact date?)
picture below looks to me like top sign
says "a name" then "Electric"
so possibly an electrical shop in there then?
Macovichuk Building
(before Matte Mitchell, exact date?)
Matte Mitchell Building (date?)
Housed the Tisdale Dry Cleaning plant, (until 1961)
moved from the Turner building
which was originally in Tisdale's store above.
Perth's Dry Cleaners took over this business
Tisdale Dry Cleaners (1955 History book)
Jenny Joans, a Women's Clothing Store,
to Map Index
42- 1223 4th St.
2 story plain- no sign visible,
a small window above the door
2 windows top floor.

ca 1903

1939 view from picture above

called Hobbs Boarding House,
built in (1892? or 1893?)
owners, Billy and Miss Hobbs, his sister.
William James (Billy) Hobbs
b- Sept 25, 1855
d- Oct 21, 1935, buried in Estevan Cemetery
Anna May Hobbs
b- Jan 9, 1854
d- May 18, 1947, buried in Estevan Cemetery
Somewhere along the line I think the business
called Mathieson’s (Matheson's?) boarding house,
also Mathieson's White House.
Can't find much info on the Mathiesons here
(caption on picture page 481)
Simply called "Boarding House" (1955 history book)
Building tore down in 1958,
Toronto Dominion Bank, built new building on this lot,
it opened Apr 14, 1958.
they moved later to corner of the next block west. 1301 4th St.
Update from Larry Preddy-
Ron Fichtemann had a florist shop where Melle Jewelers
is now for a while before Melle's.
Paul Melle owned the building then
Melle Jewellers, (2009)
to Map Index
Lot (no # on map)- 1221 4th St ?
Big Tree, and what I think is like a walking lane,
in the middle of the block.
Obviously now divided between
the 2 lots on each side today.
1955 map shows it as empty.
This 1939 picture also shows a space there, for that big tree
to Map Index
43- 1219 4th St.
Awning, flat sign not visible-
known as "City Bakery"

"City Bakery" 1939, from photo above
built by Fred Mathieson in 1909
operated by his son E. Mathieson, until 1949
Can't seem to locate this family in any census?
Bought by George Symons in 1949

Became part of big Woolworth store,
see next 2 lots
Haselhan had a shoe repair shop
in this area, until he retired in 1928
Same location as Saan Store in 1980
Exact lot or building I don't know.
"City Bakery" (1955 history book)
to Map Index
44 -1217 4th St.
Now the 2 story light coloured building,
with the cross shape roof, on lot 12
was the Original John "McLeod Meat Market", built in 1892

Owned and operated by one of Estevan's Founding Fathers.
John Mcleod
Their meat market was downstairs, and they had rooms above.
Their son Lawrence McLeod was actually born in one of those rooms.
On the left was actually a 2 stall, open barn, or garage,
which was attached to the meat market.
The garage and this building are quite noticeable
in all the first Estevan pictures.
L.A. Duncan operated a business out of this building on Lot 44 (ca
per Mrs
John McLeod's memoir written in 1939
I show him in Lot 49 building as well, maybe later he was there.
"McLeod Meat Market" moved to their new brick building, lot 49, in 1912

1905 view of this double store
Mr. Boakes in the white coat.
At this time the store had a solid wooden awning on right
and there is a retractable one above the door and window.

ca1910/11, Mr. Boakes on left
here a remodelled front is visible,
looks like a new window on left, and probably right
and a nice new sign.
1906 the McLeod's rented their Meat Business
to Joseph Davies (Joe) Partington
at this location.
Mr. Partington then moved to their new building (lot 49)
and was the butcher there as well.
J. D. Partington
b- Jan 1874 , Reg Dist. Birkenhead, in England
d- Nov 15, 1955, age 81, in Vancouver B.C.
J.D. Partington was a member of the Masons.
and is buried in the Masonic Cemetery, Halifax St, Burnaby BC
He immigrated to Canada in 1887.
Served as Estevan Councillor, elected in 1912.
An early Homesteader on NE Sec 36, Tsp 2, Rge 8, W2
date of entry May 30, 1899, receipt, Mar 2, 1904
had 2 sons, 1 daughter,
all children born in SK. as shown in 1911 census.
His wife- Elizabeth Partington, nee Bell,
b- Mar 1873, in England,
d- ? (found an Elizabeth who died in Nanaimo BC, Nov 5, 1952,
but age shown as 84 which doesn't fit, but still think it could be her)
Their mother Elizabeth, nee Bell, immigrated in 1904.
Their oldest child, and only daughter,
Ruby Elizabeth (Parky) Partington,
b- July 10, 1905, in Roche Percee,
d- June 26, 2008, Bellevue, WA, USA, 2 weeks from age 103
Ruby also attended ECI, graduating 1921, age 16.
Ruby taught school in Bienfait in 1925.
This family also appears in the Shand history book.
Ruby and her brother, Davis Partington, were teachers there.
Ruby was also a teacher in North Portal.
and Davis in Taylorton.
Ruby was also a teacher at Short Creek School, 1922
and last one teaching at Minto School.
I also found her teaching at Lambton School #767,
5 miles south, 1 mile east of Bengough.
And at a Tyvan School #1269, ca 1930-33, North of Weyburn.
One article says she earned $6 per month teaching school at age 16!
She married a James (Jim) Forrester in Vancouver.
Ruby lived to be 103, died late June, 2 weeks before her birthday.
Her nickname was "Parky"
She earned her BA degree in Winnipeg Manitoba in 1935
Ruby enlisted in 1938, and served in WWII,
Army, Radar Specialist, on Vancouver Island.
Ruby and Jim moved to Bellevue WA, USA.
She continued to teach, he worked for Boeing.
Member of Bellevue Sister City Association,
She even went to Taiwan, and taught English, for a year there.
She volunteered on the ski patrol at Snoqualmie up until age 86
when she had knee surgery.
Ruby was heavily involved in the Audubon Society,
and an active Rock Hound.
She credited her grade 1 teacher in Estevan for the interest in birds.
Imagine how many children she taught?
Their oldest son
Joseph "Davis" Partington,
b- Aug 25, 1906, in Estevan,
d- 1988
Davis attended ECI, graduating in 1925,
Davis married Helen Northfield.
their 2nd and last son
Edward Partington
b- July 1910
d- Apr 29, 1920, age 10
and he is buried in Estevan City Cemetery.
The McLeod's supplied the meat wholesale to Partington's store.
So maybe Mr. Boake's ran the grocery store,
and Mr. Partington ran the Butcher shop? I just don't know.
"The City Grocery"
Mr. Charles Richard Pribble Boakes
owned this Grocery store
ca 1905, 1910, 1911 depending on which book you read
until 1916,
when he went working for the railroad.
In 1911 he was boarding with the Rooks family.
Next door was the Partington family above.
Mr. Boakes immigrated in 1905
b- June 29, 1876, Kent England
He came from Kent England
His wife was Alameda McDonald.

July 12, 1911 Mr. Boakes returns
married to Estevan
Became John Mitchell’s Meat and Grocery store, (date?)

Mitchells Meat and Grocery (1939)
1939 Sign says "Groceries" (small letters on left)
"Mitchell’s" (middle full size),
"Flour and Feed" (small letters on right)
To the left of this sign above a door or window
was a Robin Hood Flour sign
The 2 story building with the cross shape roof
is the right side of this business.
The sign went across half of this building, and half of one on left
became Symons "City Grocery" in 1949,
See Picture, page 30
History book says Symons bought
adjoining business of "J. Mitchell Grocery Store".

Symons Grocery 1955
In 1957 this was all sold to "Woolworths".

1963 July 1st parade
This would have meant the demolition
of some old Estevan Buildings
later became the "Saan" Store.
then "Liquidation World" early 2000.
House of Stationary, (2009)
to Map Index
Great White Way,
Light standard, in front of Mitchells
45, 46, 47- 1215 4th St.

1215 4th St.- ca 1905
2 story, flat roof, flat sign, 2 windows top floor,
in 1939 picture above,
note no awning in 1939
Unknown business (1939)

Lot 45-
Rook's Insurance & Barber shop (1955 history book)
Lot 46-
Turner Electric (1955 history book)
Started in 1947 on 4th st.
operated by Victor Bernard (Bern)
b-1895 at Dunkirk Hill, Kent, England
d- Sept 2, 1979
Served at Vimy Ridge
Turned over to his son Kenneth Turner in 1960
Lot 47-
Stork Club (1955 history book)
not real positive if I have Rooks, Turner, and Stork Club, in correct building.
but Central School History book shows this location for them
Coffee Comfort, (2009)
to Map Index
48- 1213 4th St.
2 story, flat roof, flat sign, and also one sticking out I think,

ca 1903
This is another old building in Estevan
had an awning in 1903 era.
Still there without awning in 1939

B & G Meat Market (1955 history book)
Streetwear, (2009)
to Map Index
Lot 49- 1211 4th St.
Getting into 3 taller, 2 story, brick buildings now,

Building in 1939
probably L.A. Duncan's Real Estate and Insurance Office then
McLeod’s Meat Market started on lot 49 in 1892.
built the brick building, as it stands today, in 1912
operated by one of Estevan founders, John Mcleod.
Later his son Norman L. McLeod.
From Mrs John Mcleod's memoirs
Mr. Parington ran this shop for a number of years,
until he retired and Major Wellock took it over.
Major Wellock supposedly went into partnership in 1915.
So now we know where Wellock's Meat Market was first, also.
1925 Wellock's moved across the street at 1225 4th st.
They were still there in 1955.
Major Preston Wellock came from England in 1907
He resided at the Mcleod farm, and worked at the Meat market.
b- May 1882, in Bewerley, in Reg Dist. Pateley Bridge,
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England,
d- Feb 2, 1954, buried in Estevan City Cemetery.
Note- His birth name was Major, this is not a rank.
At one point in time this building was sold
and operated by Robert Coxen
until he also moved out of town.

Became Walkaway Shoes,
after the Wellock Butcher Shop.
L.A. Duncan’s Real Estate Office (Insurance also?)
opened in 1910, operated till Oct 13, 1949

Louie Alexander Duncan operator
b- Apr 24, 1870, in Elma Tsp, ON
d- Oct 13, 1949
came to Estevan in 1902
brother of P.C. Duncan
Still not 100% sure if this was not in the Lot 14 above.
Radio Shack (1980)
shown as McBride's Grocery (1955 history book)
2 Dames Paint Store, (2009)
know a Peter Cummins operated a butcher shop
in the 1920's where House of stationary was
need to pin that address down.
it could be this, or next couple?
to Map Index
50- 1209 4th St.
middle 2 story brick, awning,
West side of the building.

West (left) and East (right) side
of the Perry Brother's building.
originally built in 1911 as "T. M. Perry"
Used as their floor covering section,
Extended back to lane in 1919

West and East section, Perry Hardware,on left
Stone Building business in middle,
Bank of Montreal on right
McBride’s Grocery, (1925-1955)
Bill Mitchell first Manager
Bought by Elmer Chapman later,
operated until he retired
It was in the West side of Perry's hardware building
Picture, page 481
then obviously moved to 1205 4th St.,
see Larry Preddy's update on Lot 50 below.
I imagine the move was when
Elmer Chapman purchased the business.
Bank of Ottawa was here as well (date?)
Great White Way Light standard in front of this building.
See Picture, page 485
J. E. Wright was a Dentist in an office
above Perry Hardware
not sure if East or West side?
He became the First Commanding Officer
of the South Saskatchewan Regiment., rank Lt. Col.
Update from Larry Preddy, Mar 2010,
"Peter Cummins Butcher Shop could have been in the
just to the left of the Perry block
which was later joined to Perry's hardware
by a doorway for their carpet sales
but I don't know for sure.
I do know it was a separate building at one time."
Aero Advertising, (2009)
operated by Vern Symons
Sells Promotional Materials
to Map Index
50- 1207 4th St.
Last taller brick, 2 story,
East Side, Perry Hardware Section,
Built in 1907
Extended back to lane in 1919
Previous to 1907 this was a vacated Implement building.
called "Yardley and Lee Implements"

First the awning of building to the west (lot 48) is visible,
next is this lot, showing the old Yardley and Lee Implement building,
and next door to the east, is the old stone hardware store,
and then a side portion of another old store, in the next block is
see next lot for complete info on Perry hardware.
Perry Hardware (1955)
Empty, (2009)
to Map Index
51- 1205 4th St.
Stone building, with renovated front today

First the awning of building to the west (Lot 48) is visible,
next is old Yardley and Lee Implement building (lot 50),
and next door to the east, is this old stone hardware store,
and then a side portion of another old store, in the next block is
Right beside Bank of Montreal
"J. R. Stockwells Hardware" (1892)
First Hardware Store in Estevan
25 ft x 40 ft Stone construction.
One of the oldest buildings still standing in Estevan
owned originally by James Robertson Stockwell
b- Sept 4, 1866, in Danville, Richmond, Quebec
d- June 1,1900, in Estevan, of TB
buried in Estevan City Cemetery
His father- John Putnam Stockwell
mother- Lovina Burbank
They had a framed living quarters in the rear.
Mrs. Stockwell operated it until the Spring of 1903.
Alfretta Susanna (Allie) (Ally) Stockwell, nee Perry,
who James married in 1895, was born Mar 8,1873, in ON.
She died Aug 1953, buried in Estevan City Cemetery
Stockwell's had 3 children, all born in Estevan SK,
Violet Levina Stockwell, b- Feb 29, 1896
Clifford Howard Stockwell,
b- Sept 26, 1897, d- April 26, 1987 in Ottawa, ON (see Note below)
and Winnifred Mary Isabel Stockwell, b- Mar 14, 1899
1903 Ally entered into partnership with her brother Truman.
She remarried to Mr. Marshall Henry King in 1907.
He died in 1912.
Truman M. Perry, bought the entire business,
became "T. M. Perry" (1907)
Truman Matthew Perry owner.
b- Dec 9, 1878 in King Twp, York
d- Sept 27, 1947
buried in Estevan City Cemetery
1907 they built the East side of the Brick building
at 1207 4th St. ,which was a vacated implement building.
called "Yardley and Lee Implements"
A tin shop was moved from this stone building to next door,
(Lot 17 above), to the upstairs there.
1919 all 3 buildings were extended back to the lane. (Lot 16,17 &18)
1919, The Tin Shop was moved back to the rear of this building.
1916, Thomas "Albert" Perry, their brother, became a partner.
Thomas "Albert" Perry
b- Sept 20, 1886 in Schomberg,
King Twp, York Co.
d- July 4, 1976
Name was changed to "Perry Hardware Company".
1935, became "Perry Hardware Limited".
1947 Albert Perry became sole owner.
1958, sold hardware section to son, Donald (Don) A. Perry.
b- 1917, d- Apr 21, 2004
Don served in RCAF WWII
Graduated from ECI in 1936,
Don's Story
was included
in the Estevan Mercury ECI Reunion 2000 Paper.
became Perry Hardware (57) Limited.
Son Allen Perry, had Perry Plumbing and Heating Limited.
Allan Perry is also deceased, d- 2004.
He also attended ECI.
I believe he also served in WWII, Rank, Lance Corporal
Perry Hardware had the first telephone installed in the district.
Richard Perry their father, was a farmer and auctioneer,
b- 1837 in Lloydtown, King Twp. ON
d- Jan 9, 1916
The family came west in Mar 1892.
Other business names on this lot
"Easterbrook and Son’s Meat Market", (1939)
See Picture, page 484 and 485, for detail of it.
operated by
George Easterbrook and sons,
Ernest Charles, and George (Jr.)
All 3
shown as Butchers in 1911 census,
Easterbrook family from Milton Abbot, Devon, England
George (Snr) Easterbrook
b- Feb 1860, in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock, Devon, England
wife- Eliza Jane Walkem, b- 1859
married bet Oct-Dec 1882, in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock,
Devon, England
6 children:
Alice Maud Easterbrook
b- bet Oct-Dec, 1884,in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock, Devon,
George (Jr.) Easterbrook
b- Apr 1886, in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock, Devon, England
Florence Easterbrook
b- bet Jan-Mar, 1888, in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock,
Devon, England
Ernest Charles Easterbrook
b- May 1889, in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock, Devon, England
Mabel Easterbrook
b- bet July-Sept, 1890, in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock,
Devon, England
Sophy Easterbrook
b- bet July-Sept, 1892, in Milton Abbot, in Reg. Dist. of Tavistock,
Devon, England
they had 5 boarders staying with them in 1911 in Estevan
only the 3 males were there in 1911.
I believe the 3 males of the family immigrated in 1906,
from Liverpool to Montreal
"Patten Printing and Stationary" (1955)
Operated by
Howard Wilbur Patten,
b- 1892, d- July 26, 1945
and probably his son,
George Wilbur Patten,
b- 1916, d- Dec 20, 1962.
both buried in Estevan City Cemetery
Howard was a Macoun Town councillor 1923-25
George was a great athlete at ECI.
Howard Patten printed a weekly paper in Estevan
starting in 1933 to 1936,
named "The News" in this building.
Howard came from Macoun SK,
where he published the Macoun Post.
Owned by a Mrs. Coles (from ?, until 1963)
bought by William C. King (1963)
File updated by Larry
Preddy, Mar 2010,
"McBride's Grocers was at 1205 4th street,
not on the west side of Perry's
but on the east side between Perry's, and the Bank of Montreal.
Elmer Chapman operated it until White Cross Drugs purchased it in
I know this because I worked there.
The front part of the building
(approx 3/4 of the length was the old building).
The back part of the building was part of the Perry's Hardware
at one time as there was just a beaver board wall between the 2.
I don't know when the wall was constructed
to separate the building from Perry's.
The brick wall in the back of the building is a common wall with
Still was White Cross Drugs
Loving Touch Florist (2009)
to Map Index
after some trees
52, 1203 4th St.

Click to enlarge
Originally Dr. Ernest Harold Scott's
Drug Store, Post Office, and Town Library were located here,
in a 2 story building that stood on this corner.
It burnt down Feb 23, 1909,
same time as the Kelly House across the lane,
to the north, behind it.

1955, view looking west
Bank of Montreal on right
small Stone building in middle
large brick buildings, west and east side of Perry's building
Bank of Montreal, 1203 4th st., (2010)
but in the 1939 picture, too early for it,
The Bank of Montreal, was built in 1948 there.
This was an empty corner lot for years
nicknamed "Bums Roost"
to Map Index
Other photos for Ref- page 481, says 1200 block 4th St.
Next block, after 12th Ave. , the building with the 2 little tabs
on the corner of the roof, and little triangle in the middle,
was Quist’s General Store, page 482
Note- Map in the Central
School History Book,
History and Municipal Govt section,
has a map and index for 1955
My Lot #'s 1-19, correspond with their lot #s, 37-52 inclusive
*Note- Another very
famous person born and raised in Estevan,
Clifford Howard Stockwell, the only son of James R. Stockwell,
went on to become a very highly regarded Geologist in Canada,
and received many awards and acclaim for his research.
Also known as an Explorer for his travels in 1932 to Great Slave Lake.
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1947 colourized postcard
of almost the same view in 1939 photo above
This photo shows the little building on the left of the Orpheum
lot 36 in the descriptions above
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