My Genealogy and History Page of
 Eastern Collieries of Bienfait Ltd.


 NO Reproduction in Whole or in Part, on ANY, and ALL of my Pages,
 Including Text and Pictures,
 May be made, without the express Written Permission
 of Web Editor, Doug Gent
© 2016

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 ** WARNING **
 Old Abandoned Underground Coal Mines can be Very Dangerous,
 Due to Collapse, and Mine Gases (Noxious and Flammable).
 Extreme Care should be taken around them, due to Falls, Sudden Ground Collapse, and Bad Air,
 and in NO Circumstances should People enter into ANY Mine Openings, or Associated Caves.

 The Material Contained on my Sites, is NOT to Encourage Personal Investigation of these Mines,
 But only as a Historical Record of these Long Abandoned Mines.
 Please View these Mines from a Far, Safe and Legal Distance.
  Always Observe Private Property Rights, and Obey ALL Warning Signs. 

Then this gem was found in a box by Donna Wallace Kranyak
and sent to me July 16, 2009.

Here we can read about the history of this mine,
operation of the Tipple, capacity of the loaders, scrapers, etc.
3 page article from a magazine called
Western Canada Coal Review,
November 1945 issue.
Pages 7-9

On Page 9 it mentions my Uncle Jim Gent was Superintendent of the mine,
working there for 18 years minus 2 in the army.
Also shown in one picture is my Uncle Herman Widdifield,
shown as a mechanic at the plant.

Thanks Donna!


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No Reproduction in Whole or in Part may be made
without the express Written Permission
 of Doug Gent

Page created by Doug Gent © 2016
Created July 16, 2009

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