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Boundary Dam Power Station

Boundary Dam Generating Station Postcard, shortly after opening
courtesy Grant Walker, CA
Sask. Power Boundary Dam
ca May 2003
taken by my brother Don Gent
Boundary Dam is
Sask. Power's largest
Thermal Generating Station
and the largest lignite
coal-burning station in Canada.
Cost $27 million to build
one record says $40 million dollar project.
Dam located on Section 5, Township 2, Range 8, W2
Dam clearing tender sent out for 800 acres to be cleared.
deadline Friday Feb 1, 1957
1600 acres was to be inundated with water.
Coal fired station located
near Estevan
It has six units
with a combined generating
capacity of 813 net MW
-two 62 net MW units
commissioned in 1959
-two 139 net MW units
were added in 1970
-one 139 net MW unit
was added in 1973
-one 273 net MW unit
was added in 1978
electrostatic precipitators
were added on all units in July 2003
Tenders requested July 1956

Work on the Dam site
for Boundary dam 1957
Earthmoving, Dam Structure, roads etc.
were the job of the General Contractor,
Poole Construction Company Ltd. Regina
Ernest E. Poole came to Western Canada as a Carpenter,
started business as E. E. Poole General Contractor, in Stoughton SK.
and joined with James Martin, a Saskatchewan contractor,
in the spring of 1906 to form Martin & Poole Construction.
Martin retired in 1907, and company continued as Poole Construction.
Ernest Edward Poole Bio
Sub Contractor from Estevan,
Dick Bond Ltd,
His company started in the autumn of 1956,
moving 1,250,000 cu. yds. of dirt.
Bond's equipment, Cat D8 and D7 tractors,
with # 463 scrapers, and Cat DW15 tractors
with # 428 Scrapers.
Suppliers of the heavy equipment,
Kramer Tractor Co. Ltd. Regina.
Instrumentation and Controls,
George Kent (Canada) Ltd.
Over 4,500 Gallons of paint applied by
Yarnton Decorating Co. Ltd. ,
2837 South Railway, Regina
Heating, Ventilating
- W. W. Hicks & Co., 567 Banning St.
Winnipeg MB
B&W Steam Generating Units
C.A. Parsons of Canada Ltd,
installed the 2- 66 kw turbo Generators,
Units, Condensers, and auxiliaries
Generators supplied by C.A. Parsons, Newcastle-on-Tyne
weighed 820 tons each.
The Dam cost itself cost $1,500,000.00
Max height of 80 ft above the valley floor,
1,000 ft long,
base width 800 ft.
Top angled down to 40 ft at the top.
Roadway and concrete bridge on top.
It took 600 tons of reinforcing steel.
The reservoir was estimated to hold 13,500,000,000 gallons
of water.
10,500 cubic yds of concrete was made at an onsite batch
68,000 bags of concrete were used.
Dominion Bridge,
fabricated and erected 3,200 tons
for the Principal building
300 tons for separate buildings,
100 tons for switching structures,
160 tons for steel gratings,
3,050 tons for reinforcing steel.
Manitoba Bridge and Engineering Works, Winnipeg, MB.
4 stainless steel clad coal bunkers,
each with twin coned outlets.
they also galvanized the steel structures in the switchyard.
An Architect drawing,
Mar 1957
from the ENE direction |

Aerial view of the area
1959 |
Between B & C is located the Saskatchewan
Power Corporation
Steam Generated Power Plant, called Boundary
Located only a few miles south of Estevan Saskatchewan
and few miles north of the North Dakota, USA
Saturday, May 14, 1960, at 1:00 PM, Plant was officially commissioned,
General A. G. L. McNaughton
Canadian Chairman of the International Joint Commission
operated a switch in front of the plant.
Hon. Tommy C. Douglas unveiled a bronze plaque to commemorate the event.
It supplies power to a huge part of Saskatchewan
and parts of the States
All the Lignite Coal used in this plant,
is mined nearby in the Estevan area
In 2003 the plant under went a major rebuild
when it was built it was a 130 ft high structure,
not counting the brick chimney
Coal was hauled in 50 ton Coal haulers, to a hopper at the Primary Crusher.
from here it drops toa conveyor to the secondary crusher.
Ready now for entry into the plant, or storage.
Carried on through the transfer house.
from the transfer house, a 200 ft+ conveyor takes the coal
to a hole in the top of the plant.
Pulverisers reduce the coal to a flour like powder,
ready to be burned.
coal bunkers 60ft tall high up in the building hold the coal.
base of the plant is brick, and sheet metal higher up.
water enters the intake chambers, travelling through revolving filters.
water enters the plant through tunnels, from the intake chamber,
through 12ft sq, 5 ton each, gates.
Between each pair of gates, water screens, cleaning the water.
the bottoms of the 3 wells in the pumphouse,
will be 60ft below the reservoir level.
2 pumps are in each well.
these drive the water through 6ft pipes, 300 yds away.
Pumphouse motors 30 tons each, 1250 hp each.
from the plant the water exits via a canal intake chamber.
James Stephenson was superintendent
Jack Haines, resident mechanical engineer.
consulting engineers Ewbank and Partners (Canada) Ltd.
PFRA, dam design and dam construction

Boundary Dam 1975
with Utility Coals Hauler
in front |
Oct 5, 1973 5th Generating Plant was
by Industry Minister, Thorson
minister in charge of the SPC
increasing capacity to 582,000 KW
from 432,000 KW.
Jack Haynes, Plant Manager at the time.
Long Creek Archaeology Site
Great Map of
the Souris River Water Basin
note- this is not my map, nor do I
control the link
it may or may not work in the future