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Bienfait Rural School No. 897
was located on
N.E. 1/4 of sec. 36-2-7 W2nd.
Later this school was moved to
S.E. 1/4 sec. 1-3-7 W2nd
as shown in the 1927 road map below.
Closed in the 1950's
Students were moved to the Bienfait School
Each small Square on this map is 1 mile Sq
You can see this school
was built 2 miles north of Bienfait

1931 Picture of Students in front of the School
click to enlarge
Thanks to Stan Graham, Calgary AB,
son of Georgina Graham,
the teacher in the above photo,
for sending this picture in for use here.
Note- the horses tied up left rear of the picture
and the old round top lunch boxes,
things from the past.
If you know the students names,
please contact me.
Ask and you shall receive.
Today July 16, 2009 Jim Fowler called
from Los Angeles CA, USA, and told me
he knew the names in the photo above.
His mother and 2 aunts are shown.
Here is his list:
Front Row (all left to right):
Leonard John Gadd- died may
5, 2001, age 78
Elsie Grace Ellis- died Apr
11, 1947, age 24
Jessie (Elchyson) Lutes
Mary (Elchyson) Fowler
Stella (Bachynski) Gimby
Second Row:
Phyllis Bachynski
Edith Mulligan
Anne (Elchyson) Bozak
Viola Mulligan
Third Row:
Paul Mallie
Earnest Goodrich
Any Errors in spelling, let me know
My Aunt, Klara Maria Lee (nee Gesell)
taught at this school
(Her first name was also spelled Clara)

she attended ECI 1927-1932
she would have taught here,
and other rural schools in the area, after that.
More history, click link below:
note- this is not my web site!
A Tale That is Told: Estevan 1890 - 1980
Rural School No. 897