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Hamlet of St. Boswells
Brief History
St. Boswells Saskatchewan is now a
ghost town
Nothing left but the Cement sidewalks.
The town was on the CNR tracks,
One history book says
St. Boswells' name
came from an early shop keeper, and first Postmaster
Alex Dow's home in Roxburghshire, Scotland.
But he was NOT the first postmaster.
So I think the version below is the right one.
The name was selected for a Post Office in 1910
by early settlers named Turnbull and Kennedy,
who came from near St. Boswells in Dumfrieshire,Scotland.
This date matches the Post Office Archives record.
The Village was located at:
Section 36- Township 12- Range 7- West of the 3rd Meridian
In the Glen Bain Rural Municipality #105.
Located only a dozen miles or so NW of Gravelbourg.
(on the same CNR line)
St. Boswells Post Office
Federal Electoral
Swift Current - Maple Creek
Office closed on July 24, 1967
Located Sec.15, Twp.12, R.7, W3 -
Name of Postmaster |
Date of
Birth |
Date of
Appointment |
Date of
Vacancy |
Cause of Vacancy |
First Postmaster
Richard Breckon
b- Mar 1864 in ON
English, Methodist, farmer
wife- Bertha Breckon,
b- Apr 1869 in ON |
1910-01-01 |
1914-06-05 |
Resignation |
Olaf Holmes |
1914-12-01 |
1915-06-29 |
Resignation |
H. B. Harder |
1916-01-26 |
1916-06-16 |
Joseph B. Embree |
1916-10-23 |
1918-08 |
Resignation |
Fred C. Bjerring |
1919-03-22 |
1920-10-20 |
Resignation |
Perry S. Lindsay
b- Nov 1888 |
1920-10-20 |
Acting |
Perry S. Lindsay |
1920-12-24 |
1960-02-15 |
Resignation |
Mrs. Ruth E. Hoffman |
1960-08-21 |
Acting |
Mrs. Ruth E. Hoffman |
1960-12-05 |
1967-07-24 |
Office permanently closed |
This reproduction is NOT represented as an official
version of the materials reproduced,
nor as having been made, in affiliation with,
or with the endorsement of the National Archives of Canada.
The source of this material is the National Archives
of Canada
St. Boswells Trinity
Lutheran Church

Photos taken 2004

The neatest little Church I have seen in years,
Inside and Out.
Unbelievably unlocked,
and very well maintained.
In the 1920's there was a parsonage house
on the right side, facing the front of the church,
to the south.
District RM of Glen Bain #105
St. Boswells,
Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery
Started in 1912
Located in the NW corner in
SW Section 21-Township 11-Range 7- West of the 3rd meridian
The Church is only a short distance south
of the small village of
Hodgeville SK.
which is located approximately 34 km south
of Highway #1 and/or 97 km southeast of Swift Current.
History Note- the Saskatchewan flag was designed by Anthony Drake
from Hodgeville Saskatchewan.
If you stop at the Town Office in Gravelbourg
a nice lady there in 2004
gave me copies of the Death Certificates
of my ancestors buried in St. Boswells Trinity Cemetery.
Note- not all graves were photographed.
I do not live near this area.

Family Headstones
Gesell Family Headstones

Rudolf Gessell was a 1st cousin to my
Gustav August Gesell.
Rudolph was the son of Gottlieb Gesell of Wolseley SK.
I believe the correct spelling of the name is Gesell
but with Polish and Russian Emigration translations, etc.
it was changed to this version of the name.
How is the Busch name related to me?
Rudolf and Emma's daughter Elsie Emma Gessell,
married Phillip Busch.
On Elsie's death certificate
her father and mother's name is spelled Gesell with one s!
Rudolph and Emma lived on a farm 14 miles west
of Gravelbourg.
lived only a few miles away from Rudolph and Emma
NW Section 27, Township 10, Range 7, W3
History of the area is printed in
"Whispering Winds of Yesterday", ca1988
published by the Glen Bain Historical Society.
Glen Bain R.M. #105, Glen Bain, Sask., ISBN 0919781721

Please note- I do NOT
own, or know of anyone
that owns this book.
A copy is at the Regina Central Library, History Section
and possibly? could be interlibrary loaned.
I received a letter from a
lady in Oregon, Mar 2010,
about a Lawrence Stoeser family here.
I tried to reply to this lady but it appears her email
address was wrong in the letter.
If someone has this book, and can scan the pages in
that apply to this family, please send to me,
and I will try and contact Oregon again.