Reunion 2017- Executive Committee Carol and Skip Coomber, Bonnie and Lorne Frank, Peter Ng,
Bud (William) and Deb
Haygarth, Ron and Trudy Hitchcock, Chairman- Ron Hitchcock- Regina Co-Chairperson- Bonnie Frank, nee Thompson- Calgary, California Treasurer- William Haygarth Assistant Treasurer- Skip Coomber Decorating Committee Chair Person- Bonnie Frank Venue / Catering Committee Chair Person- Colleen Slater-Smith Entertainment Committee Chair Persons- William Haygarth / Ron Hitchcock Registration Committee Chair Person-
William Haygarth Contact Committee All alumni Facebook, Social Media Chair Person- Colleen
Slater-Smith Reunion Web Page- The ECI Web Guy, Doug Gent,
Terrace BC We need Volunteers NOW! or- Ron, Bonnie and Colleen, will start
appointing Alumni ! Of course Regina, or near by, would be the
place to recruit Alumni from,
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