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© 2016
The standing joke around our house,
is we have enough animals to be classified a Zoo.
The last year or so, we have been in jeopardy
of loosing that title. (To my delight!)
Over the years, our family has had:
3 cats, Dilbert, Phantom and Maxi,
who all had to be adopted out,
due to cat hair allergies.
We had 2 Chinchillas, Petey and Max
(Max is still alive),
also 3 hedgehogs, Monte and Carlo,
and Matt, who was a white hedgehog.
2 Splendid Parakeets, Mr Magoo, and Molly Too,
A couple singing yellow canaries,
Numerous Budgies,
a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, named Charlie,
6 Guinea pigs, (started with 2 "free" ones),
4 rabbits,
and more....
We have had numerous dogs,
some large like Timber, Kelly, and Bailey,
some small like Tansy and Mac.
Some purebred, most mutts.
Our Dogs in the order we have owned them:
Schultz & Jasper, both Heinz 57's,
Asker, a purebred Springer Spaniel,
Rags, a Maltese Poodle Cross,
Kelly, a Newfie Lab cross,
Poppy, a Purebred Sheltie,
Bailey, a purebred Golden Retriever,
JJ, a German Shepherd Cross,
Timber, an Akita & Alaskan Malamute cross,
Tansy, a purebred Brindle Cairn Terrier,
Mac, a purebred Blonde Cairn Terrier,
all of the above are buried on the back 40.
as of May 2016 we have 3 dogs, and some fish.
Robbie, our Fluppy Dog! found on the highway towards Kitwanga,
Zoe a German Shepherd Cross, from a litter of pups from New Remo,
and then Riley, a Papillon, Tibetan Terrier Cross,
who we got from the Kitimat Animal Shelter.
Riley had his DNA checked, so we know for sure what he is.
we are not sure where the Papillon is, but we love him to bits.
He is too smart for his own good!
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Tansy, a purebred Cairn Terrier

Tansy and Mac
Mac the Purebred Cairn Terrier
All Dogs above are now gone
Robbie is the Old Man of the trio.
15 years old as of May 2016
Robbie is a certified St. John's Ambulance, Therapy Dog.

Zoe is 10 now, and the biggest sissy dog in the world.
she doesn't like birds though,
and we thought she was watching them out of the window!
She was picking out lunch!

We got Riley in 2011, born in 2010 we think?
He leads the life of Riley, thus his name.