Want to add a link to my
see my
Copyright Information
for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
some are Semi Invisible, and most now have Secret Watermark,
And some have all 3 !
All my pages are now Right Click, (copy and paste), disabled.
If this unauthorized use of pictures from this site continues,
I will remove the whole thing,
as there is no point in keeping it online.
I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me, or anyone,
and we all loose.
If you see one of my pictures on Facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it, if they don't in a reasonable time,
please email me the culprit,
and I will add them to my
Wall of Shame
Trust me,
I regret having to do this!
Main Index Page
Rural Municipality
of Coalfields No.4
423 Main
Ph- (306)-388-2723
Modem- (306)-388-2323
Shop (Hirsch)- (306)-388-2696
Rural Municipality
of Coalfields No4,
Comprises the Towns/Villages
Bienfait, Frobisher,
North Portal, and Roche
located in SE corner
of Saskatchewan
Adjacent to the United
States Boundary
Range 4,5, & 6 comprise
E/W boundary
Township 1,2, & 3
comprise the N/S boundary
an area 18 miles square.
The Souris River bisects
the Municipality almost in half.
Town/ Village Web Pages Below
These are Private Web Sites,
Content of which is NOT
controlled or maintained
by RM of Coalfields #4
Web Editors Note:
Some of these Web Pages are NOT
and I am not be responsible for
their content
Links placed here for Your viewing
assistance only
Note some Towns/Villages do not
have a Town Web Page Yet.
Will add when known.
