Birke Brookbank ca 1972
This picture shows the TeePee Trailer,
we used as our living quarters,
located up by the radio building.
You can see Birke Brookbank,
BBQ'ing one of his famous
special cut, plate size, Porterhouse Steaks,
on our little Hibachi grill.
Notice the classy stand for the grill!!
Tin foil on the windows to keep the
temperature at a cool 110 deg F
inside during the summer.
No air-conditioning in this baby!
You can maybe see them in this picture,
but we also had mosquitoes and Black flies,
big enough to carry you off to eat.
all the North has this bug problem.
If you drench yourself in diesel fuel,
you will find they don't bother you at all!
I heard from John Hardie in Aug 2004,
and he now has lived in Australia since 1973.
He was living in Downer, ACT, Australia at the time.
He heard from Birke about ca 2000-01.
He was working for Ericsson in Belgium.
He'd been with them for quite a while supervising
GSM projects in Indonesia and other fun places,
per the message from John.
I found an email address for him from the net,
But it was a dead one.
I hope one day he will contact me directly.
Before the Living Quarters building was built,
showing the Teepee trailer on the left.
On the extreme left, is the most necessary
piece of equipment we had, our Outhouse!
On the right is the Radio and Diesel Room.
Also shown by the radio room,
is the Thiokol Spryte Snow Machine.
Extreme right the diesel tanks can be seen.
At this time the Antenna structure,
was wooden poles, later a steel tower
was erected, next to the radio room.
Pictures below from Brian Wolfe, Ladysmith BC

View of Radio Room

Brian Wolfe; Ron Strumecki, Doug Gent, Ron Strumecki

Tree across road, Tucker snowcat with antenna Crew on board

Brown Bear antenna Structures, old wood one, new steel tower,
2 pictures on right Claude Bussieres, and Unknown

Rabbit at the site

These are all from slides and are very poor quality.
But they are better than nothing, for inside living quarters pictures.
l/r- End wall with water jug, heater, fridge and bunk beds;
Ron Strumecki between 2 sets of bunk beds;
Don Parr; Art Normandeau; Pete Normandeau; Doug Gent, all at the kitchen table