Want to add a link to my
see my
Copyright Information
for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
some are Semi Invisible, Some Secretly Watermarked,
And some have all 3 !
All my pages are now Right Click, copy and paste, disabled.
If this unauthorized use of pictures from this site continues,
I will remove the whole thing,
as there is no point in keeping it online.
I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me or anyone,
and we all loose.
If you see one of my pictures on facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it, if they don't in a reasonable time,
please email me the culprit,
and I will add them to my
Wall of Shame
Trust me,
I regret having to do this!
Some employees that have been Network Clerks
in Smithers:
Vivian Charchuk
Fern Presley (left to PG in Apr 1987)
(Roz) Townsend
Cathy Bosma
Joan Kent (quit in 1980)
Louise Parker (resigned in 1980)
Margaret Swartile (hired in 1980)
Helen Hamilton
Penny Harris
Penny Theriault
Joyce Hamilton,

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