Want to add a link to my
see my
Copyright Information
for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
some are Semi Invisible, Some Secretly Watermarked,
And some have all 3 !
All my pages are now Right Click, copy and paste, disabled.
If this unauthorized use of pictures from this site continues,
I will remove the whole thing,
as there is no point in keeping it online.
I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me or anyone,
and we all loose.
If you see one of my pictures on facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it, if they don't in a reasonable time,
please email me the culprit,
and I will add them to my
Wall of Shame
Trust me,
I regret having to do this!
Back in the early 1980's BC Tel came up with the idea of Phone Marts.
Where phones etc would be put on display for sale.
The old Commercial office in the front of 3236 Kalum St. was put to use,
and was operated until ca 2000, when Telus closed the doors,
and eventually sold the building to the Salvation Army Thrift Store.
The Phone Mart Open House was Mar 21, 1980.
Some names of the clerks that worked there are:
Betty Sterner ,
2 (Still in
Debbie Letawski*
, 2
Diane James
(forced to move to Vancouver with the office closure)
Lynn Chemko
Janis Jefferis
(see below)
Lynn Straw
and others as I remember, or find them
Debbie Letawski is now in charge of the George Little
which has been moved to be used for the Terrace Via Rail station,
and the Terrace Tourism Board.
Worth a visit to check that out and say Hi to Debbie.
also working with Debbie now is Donna Stach, ex Telus clerk.
With all the sales these ladies made,
every issue of Mackenzie Matters contained a picture
of one or more of them receiving a gift etc.
Received a nice email from
Janis Morrison, nee Jefferis
Started in 1978 as an Operator,
Switched to Serv. Rep. above Dasilva's restaurant,
Left Phone Mart in Aug 1981,
to become a Certified Dental Assistant.
Note- She corrected me on the spelling of her name.

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