Want to add a link to my
see my
Copyright Information
for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
some are Semi Invisible, Some Secretly Watermarked,
And some have all 3 !
All my pages are now Right Click, copy and paste, disabled.
If this unauthorized use of pictures from this site continues,
I will remove the whole thing,
as there is no point in keeping it online.
I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me or anyone,
and we all lose.
If you see one of my pictures on facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it, if they don't in a reasonable time,
please email me the culprit,
and I will add them to my
Wall of Shame
Trust me,
I regret having to do this!
The Central office in 1969 when I came to town,
was located on the north end of the 3236 Kalum St
old Phone Mart Building, now the Salvation Army thrift store.
Fraser Sutherland did the engineering on the move of this CO,
up to the new GTD5 Switch in the basement of the Primary Center,
or cement prison on the hill.
It is still there today (2006)
Originally the CO was located in the first BC Tel building
on Lakelse Ave, where Wilkinson Business machines,
old Cannon building is, down from the old Police Station.
Bill Reynolds will have to clarify that one,
as he worked there when he started at BC Tel.
It wasn't a SxS Co but an old Cord board I imagine.
Will add that story when I find it.
There were many CO Maintenance men over the years
Will add a few here as I remember them.
Rob Todd
Ted Buller
Mel Anderson,
Bob Janes*
Bob Nelms
Larry Olson (left in 1991 to Pr George)
Rick Hawke (deceased)
Eric Ekman
Maureen Olson (nee Palahicky)
Pat Duncan (became test desk man)
Woody Jones (came from CT&S in 1979)
Brent Babcock (came from CT&S in 1979)
Bob Forsyth (bid from I&R in 1980)
Stan Cook (ca 1969)
*Bob Janes father, Eric Janes,
was General Manager of Prince Rupert Telephone Company
the last remaining private Telephone Company in BC
Bob flew float planes out of Rupert, before joining BC Tel.
Duncan (Dunc) Campbell (ca 1969)
Ron Anderson (until he retired)
Gerry Bakker (until he retired) (deceased Sept 18, 2016)
Les Sinnott (ca 2005) (deceased)

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