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BC Tel Northern Division
Photo Collection
Snow Cats Used


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Pictures in first set from Brooke Hodson Collection

Snow Cats used by BC Tel/ Telus Radio Crew in Northern BC

1,  2,  3
Tucker, DMC1200, Thiokol?, BR200 Bombardier

4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9
BR200 Bombardier Snow-Cat

10,  11,  12,  13
DMC1200, DMC1200, Unknown, Tucker

14,  15
Interior BR200 Bombardier, rear Thiokol?

Pictures below from Ron Anderson Collection

"Model 1402 Thiokol Imp" snow machine, under BC Telephone Co. colours,
beside the old Aiyansh CO
We used this little machine in various places,
certain times of year, it was used from Aiyansh CO to Aiyansh radio site.
It was also hauled on our trailers to the old Kitsumkalum Radio site.
specs-  30hp, Gas, 4 cylinder, air cooled, Wisconsin motor, 635 kg payload,
15 cm ground clearance, planetary differential in oil bath,
rubber sprockets, 80% maximum slope in snow. Built in 1960's.

Tucker Snowcat ,with Murray Trudeau operating the saw
This was taken on Copper Mountain road, Feb 1990

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Copyright © 2015