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for the only Authorized Picture Link allowed.
All Pictures on all my web pages, are now Visibly Watermarked,
some are Semi Invisible, Some Secretly Watermarked,
And some have all 3 !
All my pages are now Right Click, copy and paste, disabled.
If this unauthorized use of pictures from this site continues,
I will remove the whole thing,
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I ask everyone that enjoys free history sites,
to start policing these violations.
If we don't stop this, no one will donate pictures to me or anyone,
and we all loose.
If you see one of my pictures on facebook, etc.
tell them to remove it, if they don't in a reasonable time,
please email me the culprit,
and I will add them to my
Wall of Shame
Trust me,
I regret having to do this!
The Bar Clerks were the elite group in the the
Clerk end of the business,
They were the Business Account Reps and dealt with all the business
accounts in the area. They I believe were the highest paid group.
They had their offices originally next to the Facility men
in the the old Service Center,
at 3236 Kalum, between the CO and the Radio Department Garage.
They as well as all the Service Center were moved to the 2nd floor,
(which at that time was the top floor, now it has 2 more above that)
of Manuel DaSilva's restaurant.
Now it houses Kitimat Stikine Regional district Offices.
After the lease ran out there,
Bar was moved to the basement of the Primary Center,
just across the street, in what was half of the Operators Lounge,
and then became a meeting room.
Here they literally squeezed the ladies into this cubby hole.
Another one of Rob Cumiskey's great plans.

Some Names from the Terrace
Service Center below:
Linda Stewart
Betty Sterner
(nee Guerreiro), 2
Anita Shelton (married Guy Rushton)
Rita Ames (nee Obzera)
(reporter for Mackenzie Matters)
Jo Smith
Debbie Scarborough (nee Rushton)
(reporter for Mackenzie Matters)
Sharon Knight (nee Basaraba)
Karen Lindenbach
Melba Colbourne (Truesdale)
(reporter for Mackenzie Matters)
Aggie Callfas
Lorraine Lund
Joanne McKeown
Linda Paterson
Cindy Watson (MacPherson)
Jeanette (Jan) White
(left in spring of 1991) 2, 3
Sue Nurmi
Cheryl Lee Enright (nee
2, 3
(b- Aug 17, 1954 in New Westminster BC, d- Oct 20, 2015, Terrace BC)
Lori Mitchell
Mike Tugwood (left in 1986)
Marguerite Colbourne
Sharon Packer, (nee Adams)
Maureen Elder (David)
(became Teller in fall
Jennifer Novikoff (came to Trrc in fall 1978)
Bonnie Potulicki
Linda Miller (1978)
Margaret Baxter (left in 1979 to Kamloops)
Rita Gillard (left in 1979)
Deanna Kohl (Svc Ctr Clerk 1979)
Lorraine Lorenzo (Serv Rep 1979)
Margerite Harper (teller 1979)
Glenna Dorrington (nee Trask) (resigned 1980)
Rose Cleve (1991)
Marilyn McRae (Tech Fred McRae's wife)
Marilyn Wolfe (nee Stubbins) (wife of tech Brian E. Wolfe)
Robyn Mitchell
Valerie Butterfield (Teletype Operator 1980)
Linda Hollands (ca 1980)
Barb DeKerf (ca 1980)
Ginette Daigle (ca 1980)
Bobbie Halvorsen (ca 1980)
Jan Hansen (ca 1980)
Debra Godfrey (ca 1980)
Jutta Chobotar (ca 1980- became const clerk)
Sandy Kroeker (ca 1980)
Peggy Paziuk (ca1980, became I&R clerk)
Joann Rogalsky (Teletype Opr 1981)
Barb Robinson (ca 1981)
Stephanie Drake (ca 1981)
Betsy Lomax (ca 1981)
Lorraine McDonagh (ca 1981)
Judy Austin (ca early 1970's)
Kay Parker (1975- Apr 1980)
Janis Jefferis
I remember Kay Parker for a couple things,
but the one I can relate here,
is the time of the 1977 strike,
and I was doing picket captain duty,
on the line in front of 3236 Kalum St.
Our Strike headquarters was in the old
Taxi stand building across the street on the corner.
I think at one time it was also the bus station in Terrace.
That strike lasted through Christmas, and it was a cold winter.
Across the street I seen this lady come towards the line,
who was dressed like a million dollars.
She had the makeup, the shoes, the jewellery,
and to top it all off, she had on a mink coat,
that didn't come out of the cracker jack box.
I took one look at her, and explained we were on the picket line,
asking for more money, more benefits etc.
If John Q public seen her, they would think,
what do they need more money for,
looks like they have enough, based on her outfit.
I then excused her, and told her to go sit in the warm headquarters,
and next picket duty, come in more appropriate garb.
Kay's husband operated the Esso Station and garage in Terrace,
which was located where the Bank of Montreal roughly sits today.
Another one I remember is Bobbie Halvorsen
I think she owns the record for quitting and hiring on again,
in the Terrace District.
As was custom, donations were collected,
for going away or quitting gifts.
I think I must have contributed enough to furnish her house!
Her husband was a long time firefighter in Terrace.
Bobbie is one of the nicest persons around,
still living and working in Terrace.
Mike Tugwood is the son of Maggie Tugwood,
who was a Terrace Operator for many years.
Mike was Secretary-Treasurer of Local 33,
for a few years.
Mike was part time for years, and when he was asked
his opinion of the situation, by a Vice-President,
that came on a "royal visit" he voiced his concern.
Shortly after the visit, he was let go.
Guess the big shot didn't like the answer.
Don't ask the question, if you aren't prepared
to get that type of an answer now and then.
He was a good worker, but that didn't matter.
Jan White was Convention Delegate for Local 33.
Below is my Personal Editorial on the Company
Incentive Plans
These Clerks, and others, worked hard for the Company,
received many rewards as the Company Magazine showed.
Their final reward was getting stabbed in the back on their closure.
I am sure they would trade all the trinkets, and gifts,
they were given over the years,
For doing a great job for the Company,
To having their jobs back in Terrace, or wherever.
I predict all those in 2005,
that crossed the picket lines,
thinking they will make a ton of money,
with some Company incentive plan,
will end up with the same fate.
If they think Telus has their best interest at heart,
ask one of the Phone Mart Reps from Terrace!
Time will tell, and the truth will come out in the end.
Your job will be in Mexico, or India next!
If you think it will not happen to you,
call anyone on this list, see what they say!
Never sell your future!

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